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Added Pearson Iceland Tectonics inputs
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jploveless committed Nov 4, 2021
1 parent 2200eb8 commit 6a004ec
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function [anglesbetween, misfit, results, rakes] = GPSCoordinates(faults, faultsHotspot, d, bc, azimuth, hotspotContribution, GPSData)
%GPScomparison evaluates model results in comparison with strain axes
%derived from GPS velocity data
% faults: meshed fault map faultsHotspot: meshed fault map and spherical mesh hotspot
% d: nelx3 array of boundary conditions & bc: NEL-by-3 array specifying type
% of boundary conditions, see tribemx for specifications
% azimuth: angle of uniaxial remote stress, defined clockwise from due east
% hotspot Contribution: amount of element-normal dislocation on the hotspot
% in mm/yr
% GPSData: comparison data, including: stationsTotal (UTM coordinates of GPS stations, column 1:
% Eastings, column 2: Northings), GPS (trends of axes of maximum and minimum extensional strain calculated
% directly from GPS velocities, 1:max, 2:min), and stationsList(UTM coordinates, broken down by region in order:
% NW, CW, SW, NC, CC, SC, NE, CE, SE)

%anglesbetween: angular misfits between axis of maximum extension for each
%comparison data point
%misfit: overall average misfit for model
%results: axes of maximum extension for each observation coordinate defined for
%the model
%rakes: overall rake calculated for each fault from the model

%set up grid of observation points at each GPS station location
obs.x=stationsTotal(:, 1); obs.y=stationsTotal(:, 2); obs.z=0*obs.x;
obs.rc=[xyutm(1,1), xyutm(1,2), 0]; %reference coordinates, close to the plate boundary

%run tribemx to calculate displacements at each station
d(sum(faults.nEl)+1:end, 3)=hotspotContribution;
[REMSrotate, ~]=calculateREMS(azimuth);
[slip, trac, out] = tribemx(faultsHotspot, d, bc, REMSrotate, obs);
disp2=[out.u(:,1), out.u(:,2)];
faultsHotspot=rake(faultsHotspot, slip);

start=0; type=1; plotpar=0;
array=zeros(9, 1); arrayAlt=zeros(9, 1); misfitAlt=zeros(9, 1);
misfit=zeros(9, 1); anglesbetween=zeros(9,1); results=zeros(9,1);
for k=1:9 %run for each of the 9 regions
%calculate strains based on displacement
stationsNew=stationsList{1, k};
par = [500e3, nStations, 250e3];
[~,~,~,pstrains,~] = GridStrain(stationsNew,disp2(start+1:start+length(stationsNew), :),type,par,plotpar);
e1mag = pstrains(1, 1, :); e1mag = e1mag(:);
e1tre = pstrains(1, 2, :); e1tre = e1tre(:);
e1plu = pstrains(1, 3, :); e1plu = e1plu(:);
e2mag = pstrains(2, 1, :); e2mag = e2mag(:);
e2tre = pstrains(2, 2, :); e2tre = e2tre(:);
e2plu = pstrains(2, 3, :); e2plu = e2plu(:);
e3mag = pstrains(3, 1, :); e3mag = e3mag(:);
e3tre = pstrains(3, 2, :); e3tre = e3tre(:);
e3plu = pstrains(3, 3, :); e3plu = e3plu(:);

e1horizmag = e1mag; % Default assumption is that e1 horizontal is e1
e1horiztre = e1tre;
e1horizplu = e1plu;
vert_e1 = e1plu == pi/2; % Logical index of any e1 plunges that are vertical
e1horizmag(vert_e1) = e2mag(vert_e1); % Reassign those values to be e2 values
e1horiztre(vert_e1) = e2tre(vert_e1);
e1horizplu(vert_e1) = e2plu(vert_e1);
e3horizmag = e3mag; % Default assumption is that e3 horizontal is e3
e3horiztre = e3tre;
e3horizplu = e3plu;
vert_e3 = e3plu == pi/2; % Logical index of any e3 plunges that are vertical
e3horizmag(vert_e3) = e2mag(vert_e3); % Reassign those values to be e2 values
e3horiztre(vert_e3) = e2tre(vert_e3);
e3horizplu(vert_e3) = e2plu(vert_e3);
array(k, 1)=rad2deg(e1horiztre);
arrayAlt(k, 1)=mod(rad2deg(e1horiztre)+180, 360);
misfit(k, 1)=mod(abs(array(k, 1)-GPS(k, 1)), 180);
misfitAlt(k, 1)=mod(abs(arrayAlt(k, 1)-GPS(k, 1)), 180);
anglesbetween(k, 1)=min(misfit(k,1), misfitAlt(k,1));

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function[REMS, remsinitial]=calculateREMS(alpha)
%calculate uniaxial remote stress tensor at a given azimuth, given as an
%angle counterclockwise from due East
rotation(1,1)=cosd(alpha); rotation(2,2)=cosd(alpha);
rotation(2,1)=sind(alpha); rotation(1,2)=-sind(alpha);
a=[6e6 0; 0 0];
REMS(1)=remsinitial(1,1); REMS(2)=remsinitial(2,2); REMS(4)=remsinitial(1,2);
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
function allstring = gmshfaults_Windows(topdir, botdir, sz, path)
% gmshfaults Meshes faults in 3D using Gmsh.
% gmshfaults(BOTDIR, ELSIZE) meshes all faults whose bottom coordinates
% are contained in text files within the folder BOTDIR, using the
% element size specified using ELSIZE. Geometry (.geo) and mesh (.msh)
% files are saved to the bottom coordinate directory.
% ALL = gmshfaults(...) returns a string to the command line that can be
% used to read all faults in using ReadPatches.m, i.e.
% >> p = ReadPatches(ALL);

% Hard code full path to top coordinates directory here
%topdir = ['~' filesep, 'Desktop', filesep,'chile', filesep,'Manual_Faultloc_All', filesep,'Manual_Faultloc_Originals', filesep,'Manual_Faultloc_16km'];

% List all bottom coordinate files
files = dir([botdir filesep '*.txt']);

for i = 1:size(files, 1)
% Read bottom coordinates
botcoords = load([botdir filesep files(i).name]);
% Get number of coordinates
nc = size(botcoords, 1);
% Read top coordinates
topcoords = load([topdir filesep files(i).name]);
% Write the Gmsh geometry file
geofile = [botdir filesep files(i).name(1:end-4) '.geo'];
fid = fopen(geofile, 'w');
fprintf(fid, 'charl = %g;\n', sz);
fprintf(fid, 'Point(%g) = {%g, %g, %g, charl};\n', [1:2*nc; [topcoords(:, 1); flipud(botcoords(:, 1))]'; [topcoords(:, 2); flipud(botcoords(:, 2))]'; [topcoords(:, 3); flipud(botcoords(:, 3))]']);
fprintf(fid, 'CatmullRom(%g) = {%g:%g};\n', [1:2; [1 nc+1; nc 2*nc]]);
fprintf(fid, 'CatmullRom(%g) = {%g,%g};\n', [3:4; [nc 2*nc; nc+1 1]]);
fprintf(fid, 'Line Loop(1) = {1, 3, 2, 4};\nRuled Surface(1) = {1};\n');
fid = fopen('infile.txt','rt') ;

% Mesh using Gmsh (default)
% system(sprintf('/Applications/Gmsh/ -2 %s -o %s.msh -v 0 > junk', geofile, geofile(1:end-4)));
% Mesh using Gmsh (Linux)
% system(sprintf('gmsh -2 %s -o %s.msh -v 0 > junk', geofile, geofile(1:end-4)));
% Mesh using Gmsh (Windows)
system(sprintf(strcat(path,' -2 %s -o %s.msh -v 0 > junk'), geofile, geofile(1:end-4)));


% Make a space-separated string of all .msh files
alldir = dir([botdir '/*.msh']);
allstring = sprintf('%s ',;
allstring = allstring(1:end-1); % Remove trailing space
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
function [] = makeStereonet(results, type)
%makeStereonet plots an equal area stereonet, plotting axes on top
hold on
for i=1:length(results)
%Plot sigma1/P axis/maximum extension (black, filled circle)
[xp,yp] = StCoordLine(results(i,1),results(i,2),1);
%Plot T axis (red circle)
if size(results, 2)==4
[xp,yp] = StCoordLine(results(i,3),results(i,4),1);
elseif size(results, 2)==6
[xp,yp] = StCoordLine(results(i,3),results(i,4),1);
[xp,yp] = StCoordLine(results(i,5),results(i,6),1);
if type==0 || type==2
legend([h2 h3],{'P', 'T'});
elseif type==1 || type==3
legend([h2 h3 h4],{'σ1','σ2', 'σ3'});
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function [faults, faultsHotspot] = meshFaults(filename, hotspot, dips, path)
%meshFaults takes in fault mesh and spherical hotspot mesh and outputs
%patch for running in tribemx
coords=utmconv(faults(:,[1 2]), 0);
faults=[coords, faults(:,3)];
save ('faultsutm.txt', 'faults', '-ascii')
maketopbotcoords('faultsutm.txt', 10e3);
rotatefaultcoords_dir('faultsutm_botcoords', dips);
addpath(strcat(erase(filename, '.txt'), 'utm_botcoords'), strcat(erase(filename, '.txt'), 'utm_botcoords_truedip'), strcat(erase(filename, '.txt'), 'utm_topcoords'));
faults=gmshfaults_Windows('faultsutm_topcoords', 'faultsutm_botcoords_truedip', 7500, path);
faults = ReadPatches(faults);
faults = PatchCoordsx(faults);
faultsHotspot=patchcat(faults, hotspot);

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