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Results overview

jploveless edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 2 revisions

With each model run, Blocks produces a new directory containing results files. The directories are named 0000000001/, 0000000002/, etc. and are created in the working directory from which Blocks is called.

The results files written to the directory are as follows:

Readable with ReadStation.m:

  • Obs.sta: Observed velocity field
  • Mod.sta: Modeled velocity field
  • Res.sta: Residual (observed - modeled) velocity field
  • Rot.sta: Modeled velocities due to block rotation only
  • Def.sta: Modeled velocities due to elastic deformation from block-bounding faults
  • Tri.sta: Modeled velocities due to elastic deformation from triangular dislocation elements
  • Strain.sta: Modeled velocities due to internal strain

Readable with ReadSegmentTri.m:

  • Mod.segment: Modeled fault segment parameters, including fields ssRate, dsRate, and tsRate, which are the strike-slip, dip-slip, and tensile-slip rates, respectively

Readable with ReadBlock.m:

  • Mod.block: Modeled block rotation parameters, including fields eulerLon, eulerLat, and rotationRate, which are the longitude, latitude, and rotation rate of the estimated Euler pole for each block

Readable with PatchData.m:

  • Mod.patch: Modeled triangular dislocation element results. Read as [c, v, s] = PatchData('Mod.patch');, where c and v define the triangle geometry and s contains model results in columns:
  1. Strike slip deficit rate
  2. Dip slip deficit rate
  3. Tensile slip deficit rate
  4. Strike slip deficit rate uncertainty
  5. Dip slip deficit rate uncertainty
  6. Tensile slip deficit rate uncertainty
  7. Element strike
  8. Strike slip rate from relative block motion
  9. Dip slip rate from relative block motion
  10. Tensile slip rate from relative block motion