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Smaily PHP SDK

This is Smaily PHP SDK to help you use Smaily API and integrate it into your system.

How to use it

First you need autoloader

spl_autoload_register(function ($class_name) {
    include $class_name . '.php';

Setup some variable for Smaily PHP SDK to use

$username = "your_username";
$password = "your_password";
$domain = "yours_smaily_domain";

Now make varibale for Smaily PHP SDK

$smaily = new Smaily($username, $password, $domain);

Now just call whatever function you need!

Available functions

  • $smaily->getSubscriberData($email) - get subscriber data
  • $smaily->getSubscribersList($list, $offset = 0, $limit = 25000) - get subscribers list
  • $smaily->getSubscribersHistory($email, $start_at, $end_at, $offset = 0, $limit = 25000) - get subscribers history
  • $smaily->saveSubscriber($email, $is_unsubscribed = 0, $extra_fields = array()) - add or update subscriber data
  • $smaily->saveSubscribers($array) - add or update multiple subscribers data at once
  • $smaily->getFilters() - get user-made filters
  • $smaily->buildFilterSegmentsData($field, $condition, $value) - build filter segmentation rules data
  • $smaily->getFilterSegementsData() - filter segmentation rules built by segmentation rules helper function
  • $smaily->saveFilter($name, $filter_type, $filter_data, $id = null) - add or update user-made filter
  • $smaily->getCampaigns($limit = 0, $page = 1, $status = null, $tags = null, $sort_by = "created_at", $sort_order = "ASC") - get campaigns list
  • $smaily->getCampaignStatistics($campaign_id, $detailed = 1, $offset = 0, $limit = 10000) - get campaign statistics
  • $smaily->saveCampaign($subject, $from, $from_name, $html, $text, $list, $due = null) - launch a campaign
  • $smaily->removeFromCampaign($campaign_id, $email) - unsubscribing subscriber from a specific campaign
  • $smaily->getAutoResponders($limit = 0, $page = 1, $status = null, $sort_by = "created_at", $sort_order = "ASC") - get list of autoresponders
  • $smaily->saveAutoResponder($autoresponder_id, $addresses, $from, $from_name) - save AutoResponder
  • $smaily->getSplitCampaignStatistics($campaign_id, $detailed = 1) - get Statistics of an A/B split test campaign
  • $smaily->saveSplitCampaign($splits, $list, $size, $win_at, $condition = "clicks") - launch an A/B split test campaign


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