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Getting Started

Jakub Šatoplet edited this page Jul 13, 2020 · 5 revisions

Anywhere in this guide, # indicates root shell and $ indicates user shell.


Loaded modules check

Before installation, we have to make sure you have the coretemp and applesmc kernel modules loaded. This can be done by running:

$ lsmod | grep -e coretemp -e applesmc

You should get two lines as an output of this command, one for each of the modules.

I see two lines

Please, continue to Installation.

I do not see two lines

Please, continue with this chapter.

Loading modules

Before loading kernel modules coretemp and applesmc, we have to make sure these modules are even loadable by your system. This can be done by running:

$ find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -type f -name '*.ko*' | grep -e applesmc -e coretemp

Again, you should get two lines as an output of this command, one for each of the modules.

I see two lines

Firstly, we have to make sure these modules will load next time you reboot your computer. If your system uses systemd, you should create two files named coretemp.conf and applesmc.conf (or only one of them for the missing module) in /etc/modules-load.d. Inside of these files should be only one line, with the name of the module you want to load at boot.

If you do not see folder /etc/modules-load.d, you can probably see file /etc/modules. Add two lines (or only one for the missing module) with name of each module to this file.

If you do not see folder /etc/modules-load.d and file /etc/modules, you will have to find out on your own based on your Linux distribution how to load kernel modules at boot.

Secondly, we have to load these modules now. This can be done by running:

# modprobe coretemp
# modprobe applesmc

Now, please, continue to Installation.

I do not see two lines

I am truly sorry, but for this part of the installation process you are now on this on your own. You have to find out how to install these two modules (or the one which is missing) based on your Linux distribution.

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