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JSON Transform Expression

Domain specific language for querying, processing, and transforming JSON data to JSON data

core concept

  • Superset of plain old json. jsonTEx parser can parse normal json even without input
  • Input json for json output
  • Mathematic and boolean operation
  • string manipulation
  • Query value from any json structure


  • primitive
    • null
    • boolean
      • false
      • true
    • number
    • string
  • collection
    • array
    • object

Specific Symbol

  • identifier
    • Any string match [_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]* is count as identifier
      • example of valid identifier
        • _Z
        • Name
        • long_name_snake_case
        • arg21
      • example of ivalid identifier
        • ~a
        • 0x23
    • Identifier will be used as property access and variable declaration
  • $
    • JSON value that was the input of current scope
      • null when no input
  • $identifier
    • Get value from environment variable or binded variable in the scope
  • @
    • JSON value that was the current evaluated value when iterate collection
  • @index
    • numeric value for the index when iterate collection
  • @key
    • string value for the index when iterate object
      • null when iterate array
  • @last
    • JSON value that was the last returned value when iterate collection
      • null for the first item
  • @count
    • numeric value for the length of current iterated collection


  • plus : +
    • number + number
      • Math add operation
    • string + primitive
      • String concatenate
    • collection + collection
      • collection concatenate by value. always return array
  • minus : -
    • -number
      • shorthand for number * -1
    • number - number
      • Math remove operation
    • object - array
      • remove key from object. only remove with string typed item in the array
    • object - _identifier_
      • shorthand for object - ["_identifier_"]
  • multiply : *
    • number * number
      • Math multiplication operation
    • collection * collection
      • return array of array of permutation by value
  • divide : /
    • number / number
      • Math division operation
    • collection / collection
      • return array of array of zip by value
  • modulo : %
    • number % number
  • AND : &&
    • left expression && right expression
      • Return right expression if left expression pass boolean test, else return left expression
  • OR : ||
    • left expression || right expression
      • Return left expression if pass boolean test, else return right expression
  • logical AND : ?&
    • left expression ?& right expression
      • Return true or false if both expression evaluate as boolean. Return null if any expression is not a boolean
  • logical OR : ?|
    • left expression ?| right expression
      • Return true or false if both expression evaluate as boolean. Return null if any expression is not a boolean
  • nullable : ??
    • expression ?? expression
      • Test for nullability. Evaluate left expression and return if not null, else evaulate right expression
  • negate : !
    • !boolean
      • Negate boolean
  • boolean : !!
    • !!expression
      • Force convert any value to bolean. These below return false value
        • null
        • ""
        • `0``
        • empty collection
  • equality : == / !=
    • expression (== | !=) expression
      • Test equality for the same json type
      • Array will be tested for deep equality with ordered member comparison
      • Object will be tested for deep equality with unordered member comparison
  • inequality : > / >= / < / <=
    • expression (== | !=) expression
      • Test inequality for the same json type
        • null < boolean < number < string < array < object
        • Array will be compare size, then deep compare each item
        • Object will be deep compare only on matched key, then compare size if equal
  • ternary : ? :
    • condition expression ? true expression : false expression
      • Test for boolean condition. Then evaluate matched expression. null if condition is not evaluated as boolean
  • map : .
    • expression.expression
      • Return value by evaluation
  • filter : [?]
    • expression[?condition]
      • Test for boolean condition. Filtering item out of array
  • wildcard : *
    • expression.*
  • power : ^
    • number ^ number
    • ^expression
  • sequence : (;)
    • ($_identifier_ = expresion;$_identifier_ = expresion;...expression)
      • bind value to variable in this scope, then evaluate next expression until last expression to return
  • pipe : |>
    • Declare that the left side will be evaluate as json to be used as an input of the right side


  • parentheses
  • binary * /
  • binary + -
  • pipe |>
sample input expression result
math operation 1 + 2 * 3 7
parentheses (1 + 2) / 6 0.5
array indexing ["a","b","c"] $[1] "b"
negative indexing ["a","b","c"] $[-1] "c"
slicing ["a","b","c","d"] $[1:2] ["b","c"]
string slicing "abcd" $[1:2] "bc"
map identifier { "foo" : "bar" } $.foo "bar"
object indexing { "foo bar" : 1 } $["foo bar"] + 1 2
object remove key { "foo" : 0,"bar" : 1 } $ - ["bar"] { "foo" : 0 }
chain pipe 1 $ + 1 |> $ * 2 |> $ * 3 12
indexed pair { "foo" : ["a","b","c"] } $.foo.[@index,@] [[0,"a"],[1,"b"],[2,"c"]]
permutation { "foo" : [0,1,2],"bar" : ["a","b","c"] } $.foo * $.bar [
zip { "foo" : [0,1,2],"bar" : ["a","b","c"] } $.foo / $.bar [
scan { "foo" : [1,2,3,4] } $.foo.((@last ?? 0) + @) [1,3,6,10]
sum { "foo" : [1,2,3,4] } $.foo.((@last ?? 0) + @)[-1] 10
all { "foo" : [1 < 2,2 + 2 == 4,3 / 3 != 3] }
|> $.foo.((@last ?? 0) ?& @)[-1]


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