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Update GFN-FF submodule (crest-lab#266)
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* Runtype for performing singlepoints for an entire ensemble
* Update gfnff git submodule


Signed-off-by: Philipp Pracht <>
  • Loading branch information
pprcht committed Feb 16, 2024
1 parent 72dcc2d commit a335e5e
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Showing 8 changed files with 141 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algos/ConfSolv.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ subroutine cs_shutdown(io)
write (stdout,'(/,a,i0)') 'Shutting down http://localhost/',cs_port
call kill(cs_pid,9,io)
deallocate (cs_pid)
call cs_shutdown2(io)
end if
call cs_shutdown2(io)

end subroutine cs_shutdown

Expand Down
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions src/algos/singlepoint.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,3 +230,96 @@ subroutine crest_xtbsp(env,xtblevel,molin)
call mol%deallocate()
end subroutine crest_xtbsp

subroutine crest_ensemble_singlepoints(env,tim)
!* subroutine crest_ensemble_singlepoints
!* This routine implements a standalone runtype
!* to perform singlepoint evaluations along an
!* ensemble or trajectory file.
use crest_parameters,only:wp,stdout,bohr,angstrom
use crest_data
use crest_calculator
use strucrd
use optimize_module
use utilities, only: dumpenergies
implicit none
type(systemdata),intent(inout) :: env
type(timer),intent(inout) :: tim
type(coord) :: mol,molnew
integer :: i,j,k,l,io,ich,c
logical :: pr,wr,ex
type(calcdata) :: calc

real(wp) :: energy,gnorm
real(wp),allocatable :: grad(:,:)

character(len=:),allocatable :: ensnam
integer :: nat,nall
real(wp),allocatable :: eread(:)
real(wp),allocatable :: xyz(:,:,:)
integer,allocatable :: at(:)
character(len=80) :: atmp
real(wp) :: percent
character(len=52) :: bar
write (*,*)
!>--- check for the ensemble file
inquire (file=env%ensemblename,exist=ex)
if (ex) then
ensnam = env%ensemblename
write (stdout,*) 'no ensemble file provided.'
end if

!>--- start the timer
call tim%start(14,'Ensemble singlepoints')

!>---- read the input ensemble
call rdensembleparam(ensnam,nat,nall)
if (nall .lt. 1) return
allocate (xyz(3,nat,nall),at(nat),eread(nall))
call rdensemble(ensnam,nat,nall,at,xyz,eread)
!>--- Important: crest_oloop requires coordinates in Bohrs
xyz = xyz / bohr

!>--- set OMP parallelization
if (env%autothreads) then
!>--- usually, one thread per xtb job
call ompautoset(env%threads,7,env%omp,env%MAXRUN,nall)
end if
!>--- printout header
write (stdout,*)
write (stdout,'(10x,"┍",49("━"),"┑")')
write (stdout,'(10x,"│",14x,a,14x,"│")') "ENSEMBLE SINGLEPOINTS"
write (stdout,'(10x,"┕",49("━"),"┙")')
write (stdout,*)
write (stdout,'(1x,a,i0,a,1x,a)') 'Evaluationg all ',nall,' structures of file',trim(ensnam)
!>--- call the loop
call crest_sploop(env,nat,nall,at,xyz,eread,.true.)

!>--- Important: ensemble file must be written in AA
xyz = xyz / angstrom
!>--- write output ensemble
call wrensemble(ensemblefile,nat,nall,at,xyz,eread)
write(stdout,'(/,a,a,a)') 'Ensemble with updated energies written to <',ensemblefile,'>'

call dumpenergies('crest.energies',eread)
write(stdout,'(/,a,a,a)') 'List of energies written to <','crest.energies','>'

deallocate (eread,at,xyz)
call tim%stop(14)
end subroutine crest_ensemble_singlepoints

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/classes.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ module crest_data
integer,parameter,public :: crest_scanning = 270
integer,parameter,public :: crest_rigcon = 271
integer,parameter,public :: crest_trialopt = 272
integer,parameter,public :: crest_ensemblesp = 273
!>> <<!
integer,parameter,public :: crest_test = 456

Expand Down
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion src/confparse.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -398,6 +398,20 @@ subroutine parseflags(env,arg,nra)
env%inputcoords = env%ensemblename !just for a printout

case ('-mdsp','-ensemblesp') !> Singlepoints along ensemble
env%crestver = crest_ensemblesp
atmp = ''
env%preopt = .false.
env%ensemblename = 'none selected'
if (nra .ge. (i+1)) atmp = adjustl(arg(i+1))
if ((atmp(1:1) /= '-').and.(len_trim(atmp) .ge. 1)) then
env%ensemblename = trim(atmp)
end if
call xyz2coord(env%ensemblename,'coord') !> write coord from lowest structure
env%inputcoords = env%ensemblename !> just for a printout

case ('-pka','-pKa') !> pKa calculation script
env%crestver = crest_pka
env%runver = 33
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1037,7 +1051,9 @@ subroutine parseflags(env,arg,nra)
env%mdstep = 1.5d0
env%hmass = 5.0d0
ctype = 5 !> bond constraint activated
bondconst = .true.
if (any((/crest_imtd,crest_imtd2/) == env%crestver)) then
bondconst = .true.
env%cts%cbonds_md = .true.
env%checkiso = .true.
case ('stereoisomers')
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/crest_main.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -286,7 +286,10 @@ program CREST
call crest_rigidconf(env,tim)

case (crest_trialopt) !> test optimization standalone
call trialOPT(env)
call trialOPT(env)

case (crest_ensemblesp) !> singlepoints along ensemble
call crest_ensemble_singlepoints(env,tim)

case (crest_test)
call crest_playground(env,tim)
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/parsing/parse_maindata.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ subroutine parse_main_c(env,key,val)
case ('screen_ensemble','screen')
env%preopt = .false.
env%crestver = crest_screen
case ('ensemble_singlepoints','ensemblesp','mdsp')
env%preopt = .false.
env%crestver = crest_ensemblesp

case ('md','mtd','metadynamics','dynamics')
env%preopt = .false.
env%crestver = crest_moldyn
Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions src/utilmod.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ module utilities
public :: revlin
public :: TRJappendto_skipfirst
public :: XYZappendto
public :: dumpenergies

!> functions
public :: lin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,6 +520,25 @@ subroutine XYZappendto(from,to)
close (tunit)
end subroutine XYZappendto


subroutine dumpenergies(filename,eread)
!* write energies to a file
implicit none
character(len=*),intent(in) :: filename
real(wp),intent(in) :: eread(:)
integer :: ich,io,l,i

open (newunit=ich,file=filename)
l = size(eread,1)
do i = 1,l
write (ich,'(f25.15)') eread(i)
end do
close (ich)
end subroutine dumpenergies

end module utilities
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion subprojects/gfnff
Submodule gfnff updated 1 files
+1 −1 src/gfnff_setup.f90

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