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whatsapp-api-client-cpp - library for integration with WhatsApp messenger using the API service You should get a registration token and an account ID in your personal cabinet. There is a free developer account tariff.


The documentation for the REST API can be found at the link. The library is a wrapper for the REST API, so the documentation at the link above also applies.


To send a message or perform other GREEN API methods, the WhatsApp account in the phone app must be authorized. To authorize the account, go to your cabinet and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app.


This library uses C++ 17, supports Linux (GCC) and Windows (Visual Studio 2019/2022) compilers.

Clone library repository

git clone


Installing dependencies using vcpkg package manager:

git clone
cd vcpkg
vcpkg install curl
vcpkg install nlohmann-json
# vcpkg install websocketpp (optional)
vcpkg integrate install

Windows x64

Most Windows machines now have x64 version, but vcpkg uses x86 packages by default.

vcpkg install nlohmann-json:x64-windows
vcpkg install curl:x64-windows

To execute commands in PowerShell it is required to change commands to .\vcpkg

After building bootstrap-vcpkg.bat it is required to add vcpkg.exe into the PATH variables of your system PATH\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin.

Building the library


To build the library you need:

Building the library using CMake and Visual Studio compiler

Building is done by using the build.bat scenario or manually by using CMake (compiling Debug version of the library):

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ../
cmake --build build

Most likely you will have to specify direct paths to the used libraries, uncomment the lines in CMakeList.txt

Importing the library

You can import the library in Visual Studio by adding the whatsapp-api-client-cpp.lib file in the project dependencies:

  1. Properties->Configuration properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories (PATH/whatsapp-api-client-cpp/include)
  2. Properties->Configuration properties->Linker->General->Additional Library Directories (PATH/build/)
  3. Properties->Configuration properties->Linker->Inpit->Additional Dependencies (whatsapp-api-client-cpp.lib)

Carefully choose your configuration type and install required library version (debug and release)


Installing dependencies with vcpkg package manager:

  • Dependencies
    • curl
    • nlohmann-json
    • websocketpp (optional)

You can install dependencies with ready-made scenario (sudo sh or manually:

git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg/vcpkg install curl
./vcpkg/vcpkg install nlohmann-json
# ./vcpkg install websocketpp (optional)
./vcpkg/vcpkg integrate install

You can build the library with ready-made scenario (sudo sh or manually:

mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
cmake --build build/

You can change vcpkg catalogue by specifying relative or absolute path.

You might need to install additional packages to build the library:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install pkg-config
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt install build-essential


How to initialize an object

To initialize an object it is required to use apiUrl and mediaUrl parameters specifically for your instance from your personal cabinet, that way you will get the most stable API work and minimal response time.

greenapi::GreenApi instance1101000001{

Sending a text message example

Link to the example: main.cpp.

nlohmann::json sendMessageJson{
		{ "chatId","" },
		{ "message","I use GREEN-API to send this message to you!" }
	greenapi::Response sendMessage = instance1101000001.sending.sendMessage(sendMessageJson);

	if (sendMessage.error) {
		std::cout << "sendMessage error: {status code: " << sendMessage.status_code << ", request time: " << sendMessage.total_time << ", body: " << sendMessage.bodyStr << "}" << "\n" << std::endl;
	else {
		std::cout << "\tidMessage: " << sendMessage.bodyJson["idMessage"] << "\n" << std::endl;

Working with library examples

All examples are put in the examples folder, every file has examples of all the methods with all the supported parameters To run a particular example it is required to copy a code section into your main.cpp file and use your values in the parameters.

Examples list

Description Module
Sending a text example main.cpp
Examples of account methods test_accaunt.cpp
Examples of sending methods test_sending.cpp
Examples of receiving methods test_receiving.cpp
Examples of journal methods test_journals.cpp
Examples of queue methods test_queues.cpp
Examples of group methods test_groups.cpp
Examples of status methods test_statuses.cpp
Examples of read mark methods test_readMark.cpp
Examples of service methods test_serviceMethods.cpp

Full list of all methods

API Method Description Documentation link
account.getSettings Method for getting current settings of the account GetSettings
account.getWaSettings Method for getting information of the WhatsApp account GetWaSettings
account.setSettings Method to set account SetSettings
account.getStateInstance Method for getting the account state GetStateInstance
account.getStatusInstance Method for getting socket connection state of the account with WhatsApp GetStatusInstance
account.reboot Method for restarting the account Reboot
account.logout Method for logging out Logout
account.qr Method for getting a QR code QR
account.setProfilePicture Method for setting a profile picture SetProfilePicture
account.getAuthorizationCode Method for authorizing by phone number GetAuthorizationCode
device.getDeviceInfo Method for getting information about the device (phone) on which the WhatsApp Business application is running GetDeviceInfo
groups.createGroup Method for creating a group chat CreateGroup
groups.updateGroupName Method for changing a group chat name UpdateGroupName
groups.getGroupData Method for getting a group chat data GetGroupData
groups.addGroupParticipant Method for adding a participant into a group chat AddGroupParticipant
groups.removeGroupParticipant Method for deleting a participant from a group chat RemoveGroupParticipant
groups.setGroupAdmin Method for setting a participant as a group administrator SetGroupAdmin
groups.removeAdmin Method for removing administrator rights from a participant RemoveAdmin
groups.setGroupPicture Method for setting a group picture SetGroupPicture
groups.leaveGroup Method for leaving from a group LeaveGroup
journals.getChatHistory Method for getting a chat history GetChatHistory
journals.getMessage Method for getting a message GetMessage
journals.lastIncomingMessages Method for getting last incoming messages LastIncomingMessages
journals.lastOutgoingMessages Method for getting last outgoing messages LastOutgoingMessages
queues.showMessagesQueue Method for getting messages that are in the outgoing messages queue ShowMessagesQueue
queues.clearMessagesQueue Method for clearing messages from the outgoing message queue ClearMessagesQueue
marking.readChat Method for marking a chat as read ReadChat
receiving.receiveNotification Method for receiving a notification from the incoming notification queue ReceiveNotification
receiving.deleteNotification Method for deleting a notification from the incoming notification queue DeleteNotification
receiving.downloadFile Method for downloading file from outgoing or incoming message DownloadFile
sending.sendMessage Method for sending a text message to a personal or group chat SendMessage
sending.sendButtons Method for sending buttons to a personal or group chat SendButtons
sending.sendTemplateButtons Method for sending a message with interactive buttons from the list of templates in a personal or group chat SendTemplateButtons
sending.sendListMessage Method for sending a message with a selection button from a list of values to a personal or group chat SendListMessage
sending.sendFileByUpload Method for sending a file through a form (form-data) SendFileByUpload
sending.sendFileByUrl Method for sending a file by URL SendFileByUrl
sending.uploadFile Method for uploading a file to the cloud storage, which can be sent using the sendFileByUrl method UploadFile
sending.sendLocation Method for sending a location SendLocation
sending.sendContact Method for sending a contact SendContact
sending.sendLink Method for sending a message with a link that will add an image preview, title and description SendLink
sending.forwardMessages Method for forwarding messages to a personal or group chat ForwardMessages
sending.sendPoll Method for sending messages with a poll to a private or group chat SendPoll
serviceMethods.checkWhatsapp Method for checking if there is a WhatsApp account on the phone number CheckWhatsapp
serviceMethods.getAvatar Method for getting the avatar of the correspondent or group chat GetAvatar
serviceMethods.getContacts Method for getting contacts of current account GetContacts
serviceMethods.getContactInfo Method for getting information of the contact GetContactInfo
serviceMethods.deleteMessage Method for deleting a messages from the chat DeleteMessage
serviceMethods.archiveChat Method for archiving a chat ArchiveChat
serviceMethods.unarchiveChat Method for unarchiving a chat UnarchiveChat
serviceMethods.setDisappearingChat Method for changing the settings of disappearing messages in chats SetDisappearingChat

Service methods documentation

Library dependencies


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