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Eclipse demo project with the orchestration engine Apache ODE and WS-BPEL.


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Eclipse demo project with the orchestration engine Apache ODE and WS-BPEL.


  • Windows 10 x64 Education
  • Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers
    • Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)
    • Addon: BPEL Designer 1.0.5
  • Java
    • jdk1.8.0
    • jre1.8.0
  • Apache Tomcat 9.0.13
  • Apache ODE 1.3.6


I have tried several times to install it and this is the only method that has worked for me.

Configure Java

  • Download Java 1.8
  • Add Java to environment variables
    • Windows > Search > Edit environmental variables for your account
    • System variables > New
      • JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_x
      • JAVA_JRE: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_x

Configure Eclipse and BPEL Designer

  • Download Eclipse Neon and perform a fresh installation.
  • In Eclipse, go to Help > Install new softwre > Add...
    • Name: BPEL Designer
    • Location:
  • OK > Accept licenses > Install and restart Eclipse

Configure Tomcat

  • Download Tomcat 9
  • Unzip on C:\ and rename to tomcat9 so you have C:\tomcat9
  • Install the service
    • Move to C:\tomcat9\bin
    • Execute .\service.bat install
  • Change the port to be 9090
    • Edit the file C:\tomcat9\conf\server.xmland change the line <Connector port="8080"... to be <Connector port="9090"...

Configure ODE

  • Download Apache ODE 1.3.6 from its website, unzip and get the ode.war file. You can remove the rest of the files.
  • Move the file to the webapps/ Tomcat directory, C:\tomcat9\webapps.
  • Launch Tomcat
    • Move to C:\tomcat9\bin
    • Execute .\startup.bat
  • A file called ode will be created on C:\tomcat9\webapps\ode
  • Close the tomcat console

Add ODE to Eclipse

  • On Eclipse, go to Window > Preferences > Server > Runtime environments > Add > and select Apache Ode 1.x Runtime
    • Configuration of the Runtime
      • JRE: jre1.8.0_x
      • ODE's home directory: C:\tomcat9\webapps\ode
      • Tomcat's home directory: C:\tomcat9\
      • Server address: localhost
      • Port: 9090
      • VM arguments: -Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
  • Add the tomcat-juli.jar library to the server classpath
    • Go to the Server tab and double click on Ode 1.x Server
    • Click on Open launch configuration > Classpath > User entries
    • Click on Add external JARs
    • Go to C:\tomcat9\bin and select tomcat-juli.jar
  • Change the port to be 9090
    • Go to the Server tab and double click on Ode 1.x Server
    • Click on Runtime environment and change the port to 9090

Project configuration

Create the project

  • Create a BPEL project on Eclipe menu > New > Other... > BPEL 2.0 > BPEL project.
    • Project name: ODE_Pruba
    • Tarjet runtime: Apache Ode 1.x Runtime
    • Configuration: Default configuration for Apache ODE 1.x
    • Finish

Create a BPEL process

  • Go to the project/bpelContent/, and right click, New > Other... > BPEL 2.0 > BPEL process file > Next and configure it
    • Creation mode: Create BPEL process from a template
    • Process name: HolaMundo
    • Namespace: http://holamundo
    • Abstract process unchecked
    • Next
    • Template: Synchronous BPEL Process
    • Service name: HolaMundoService
    • Service adress: http://localhost:8080/ode/processes/HolaMundo
    • Binding protocol: SOAP
    • Finish
  • Select the file that has been created (Holamundo.bpel), double click and select Design
  • Remove the Action FIX_ME-Add_Business_Logic_Here and drop-and-drag from Action > Assign
  • On Assign, right click Show on properties
  • Go to Details and click on New
    • On From, select Variable and input : HolaMundoRequestMessage > payload : HolaMundoRequestMessage > input : String
    • On To, select Variable and output : HolaMundoRequestMessage > payload : HolaMundoRequestMessage > result : String
  • Click ouside and a message will pop up asking to generate a variable, say Yes. Creating process
  • Save the file

Create a BPEL deployment descriptor

  • Go to the project/bpelContent/, and right click, New > Other... > BPEL 2.0 > BPEL deployment descriptor > Finish
  • Open it and go to Inbound interfaces (services) > Associated port> and select HolaMundoPort.
  • Just click on Related service and everything will autocomplete automatically. Creating process
  • Save the file

Deploy the process

  • Select the server, right click and Add or remove..., add the ODE_Pruba project and click on Finish Creating process
  • Go to http://localhost:9090/ode/deployment/services/ and make sure the HolaMundo process is deployed


  • Go to HolaMundoArtifact.wsdl, right click, Web Services > Test with Web Services explorer
  • Click in Operations > process
  • If nothing appears, press F5 to refresh the browser
  • Input a message on the input textbox and press Go
  • Can you even believe what you are gazing at?



Eclipse demo project with the orchestration engine Apache ODE and WS-BPEL.








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