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How to replace the banner description with a custom div

Francesco Mugnai edited this page Apr 1, 2022 · 1 revision

The banner text is divided into two parts: the description and a reference to the privacy policy. You can overwrite both of them.

To replace the description, make a div and use this id: jgc-banner-text

<div id="jgc-banner-text" class="hidden">
  This is custom text and I can also use <a href="">Links!</a> and
  other <strong>html</strong>. How cool is this'

To replace the part about the privacy policy, make another div with the id: jgc-banner-link

<div id="jgc-banner-link" class="hidden">
  Hey click <a href="yourlink">here</a> to read our privacy policy.

If you want to hide this second block just make an empty div.

<div id="jgc-banner-link" class="hidden"></div>

Remember to hide those blocks using the class hidden (or prefix-hidden if you use a custom prefix)