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5.1. Advanced Usage

Evren Coşkun edited this page Jan 20, 2020 · 1 revision
  • To recalculate the desired column. Sample app shows also its usage as well.
    remeasureColumnWidth(int column);
  • To ignore the column width calculation for better performance, the below line can be used.
  • To ignore setting selection colors that are displayed by user interaction, the below line can be used.
  • To show or hide separators of the TableView, you can simply use these helper methods.
    setShowHorizontalSeparators(boolean showSeparators)
    setShowVerticalSeparators(boolean showSeparators)
  • There are 2 new helper methods to scroll the desired column or row position programmatically.
    scrollToColumnPosition(int column)
    scrollToRowPosition(int row)
  • With 0.8.8 version, Column width values can be set programmatically using the below function.
    setColumnWidth(int columnPosition, int width)