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Christophe Gueret edited this page Jun 24, 2013 · 1 revision

Translation of ontology

In this scenario, ERS is used to collaboratively translate an ontology in different languages. Individual translators contribute their own labels in the language of their choice using a translating application running on their machine. The ontology writer can leverage the collaboratively created translation to pick up the bindings he trust the most and incorporate them in the ontology

The part indicated "under the hood" highlight the more technical part of the scenario.


This scenario uses three participants:

  • Christophe: user who wrote an ontology and described all the terms in French
  • Frank: user who can translate French into Dutch
  • Stefan: user who can translate French into German and knows a bit of Dutch too.


After a process that need to be defined, the two translators Frank and Stefan have a running translating application on their laptop (XO, MacBook, ...) and a list of terms to be translated from the ontology of Christophe.

Christophe do not know Frank and Stefan but has access to their contribution through a server that will expose their work.

Under the hood: Frank and Stefan run a translating application that uses ERS to store and retrieve data. They work in two different universities using closed network and will have varying up time. Two bridges are used to let the data flow between their machines. Christophe has an overview of the edits being made through a global server that get the content from the bridges.

Network architecture for the scenario

Note: We could do without the global server but in that case Christophe would have to either monitor the content of the bridges directly (hard without knowing them) or contact directly the translation application instances (even harder)

Stefan start translating in German

He starts the term "onto:Maison" which has the rdfs:label "Maison" in French. The German translation he adds is "Zuhause".

Under the hood: The translation application creates a resource "". It describes it with the ontology term it is giving a translation of and the language.

Frank does the same in Dutch

Stefan wants to give an hand on Dutch too

Get Dutch translations from Frank

Correct errors

Provide new translations