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Data Neuron is a powerful framework that enables you to build text-to-SQL applications with an easily maintainable semantic layer. Whether you're creating customer-facing chatbots, internal Slack bots for analytics, or other data-driven applications, Data Neuron provides the tools to make your data accessible through natural language


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Data Neuron

Data Neuron is a simple framework for you to chat with your data in natural language through python sdk, REST API or CLI directly and with an easy to maintain and continually improving semantic layer in the form yml files.

⭐ If you find DataNeuron useful, please consider giving us a star on GitHub! Your support helps us continue to innovate and deliver exciting features

Quick Start

  • Install the library using pip.
  • Choose your specific set of tables and label them with alias, description, business specific glossary/definitions, client/tenant tables(if it is for your end users).
  • Chat in cli using dnn --chat <contextname> to test and validate how LLM performs
  • Once your semantic layer is ready, start integrating within your existing python app through our sdk like from dataneuron import DataNeuron and build internal slack app or build customer facing chatbot or email reports. Or deploy your semantic layer + dataneuron as an API endpoint to AWS lambda or VPS machine.

Currently supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, CSV files(through duckdb), Clickhouse. Works with major LLMs like Claude (default), OpenAI, LLAMA etc(through groq, nvidia, ..), OLLAMA.

Quick Usage

  • Install pip install dataneuron[mssql, pdf]
  • Set he LLM key in an enviornment variable in your system, by default it uses claude CLAUDE_API_KEY
  • Initialize database config: dnn --db-init <database_type>
  • Generate context: dnn --init
  • Start chat mode: dnn --chat <contextname> and save it as metrics to dashboards locally as yaml files.
  • Get html pdf reports for your dashboard: dnn --report
  • Run the API server to access chat, reports, dashboards, metrics: dnn --server (See API section for more)
  • Deploy the server through AWS lambda or traditional VPS machine.
  • If you have an existing Django or Flask or python project you can use the DataNeuron class from the pacakge directly like shown below:
from dataneuron import DataNeuron

# Initialize DataNeuron
dn = DataNeuron(db_config='database.yaml', context='your_context_name')

dn.set_client_context("userid") # optional: if you want to make it scoped specific to your customer/tenant
# Ask a question
question = "How many users do we have?"
result = dn.query(question)

print(f"SQL Query: {result['sql']}")
print(f"Result: {result['result']}")

Base setup


Reports pdf





  • Support for multiple database types (SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, CSV files(through duckdb), Clickhouse)
  • Natural language to SQL query conversion
  • Interactive chat mode for continuous database querying
  • Multiple context management, you can create and manage multiple contexts for your customer_succes team, product team etc
  • Automatic context generation from database schema
  • Customizable context for improved query accuracy
  • Support for various LLM providers (Claude, OpenAI, Azure, Custom, Ollama)
  • Optimized for smaller database subsets (up to 10-15 tables)
  • API server that can be deployed to AWS lambda or traditional server that support python flask.
  • Through API you can list the /dashboards, metrics and also query individual metric and also chat with your context and generate feature rich HTML report


Data Neuron can be installed with different database support options:

  1. Base package (SQLite support only):

    pip install dataneuron
  2. With PostgreSQL support:

    pip install dataneuron[postgres]
  3. With MySQL support:

    pip install dataneuron[mysql]
  4. With MSSQL support:

    pip install dataneuron[mssql]
  5. With all database supports:

    pip install dataneuron[all]
  6. With CSV support:

    pip install dataneuron[csv]
  7. With Clickhouse support:

    pip install dataneuron[clickhouse]

Note: if you use zsh, you might have to use quotes around the package name like. For csv right now it doesn't support nested folder structure just a folder with csv files, each csv will be treated as a table.

pip install "dataneuron[mysql]"

If you wanted the report generation with pdf in your cli, you have to include pdf along with your db as extra dependencies.

  pip install "dataneuron[mssql,pdf]"

Quick Start

  1. Initialize database configuration:

    dnn --db-init <database_type>

    Replace <database_type> with sqlite, mysql, mssql, or postgres.

    This will create a database.yaml that will be used by the framework to later connect with your db.

  2. Generate context from your database:

    dnn --init

    This will prompt for a context name, you can give product_analytics or customer_success or any and it will then create YAML files in the context/<contextname> directory which will be your semantic layer for your data. You will be told to select couple of tables, so that it can be auto-labelled which you can edit later.

  3. Or start an interactive chat session:

    dnn --chat <context_name>


    dnn --chat product_analytics

    You can chat with the semantic layer that you have created. And you will also be able to save the metric to a dashboard, this will get created under dashboards/<dashname>.yml

  4. You can generate reports with image as input for your dashboards. You need to have wkhtmltopdf in your system. For mac

brew install wkhtmltopdf

And then you need to install the dataneuron package with that dependency

pip install dataneuron[postgres, pdf]

Assuming you wanted both postgres and pdf.

dnn --report


Data Neuron supports various LLM providers. Set the following environment variables based on your chosen provider:

Claude (Default)



OPENAI_MODEL=gpt-4  # Optional, defaults to gpt-4o

Azure OpenAI


Custom Provider


Ollama (for local LLM models)

Note: Doesn't generate good set of results.


Data Neuro package:

Basic Usage

Here's a simple example of how to use DataNeuron:

from dataneuron import DataNeuron

# Initialize DataNeuron
dn = DataNeuron(db_config='database.yaml', context='your_context_name')

# Ask a question
question = "How many users do we have?"
result = dn.query(question)

print(f"SQL Query: {result['sql']}")
print(f"Result: {result['result']}")

Key Features

1. Initialization

The DataNeuron class needs to be initialized with a database configuration and a context:

dn = DataNeuron(db_config='database.yaml', context='your_context_name', log=True)
  • db_config: Path to your database configuration file or a dictionary with configuration details.
  • context: Name of the context (semantic layer) you want to use or a dictionary with context details.
  • log: Boolean to enable or disable logging (default is False).

2. Querying

You can use the query method to ask questions in natural language:

result = dn.query("What are the top 5 products by sales?")

The result dictionary contains:

  • original_question: The question you asked.
  • refined_question: The question after refinement by the system.
  • sql: The generated SQL query.
  • result: The query results.
  • explanation: An explanation of the query and results.

3. Chat Functionality

DataNeuron supports a chat-like interaction:

sql, response ="Who are our top customers?")
print(f"SQL: {sql}")
print(f"Response: {response}")

The chat method maintains a conversation history, allowing for context-aware follow-up questions.

4. Direct SQL Execution

You can execute SQL queries directly:

result = dn.execute_query("SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 5")

5. Database Information

Retrieve information about your database:

tables = dn.get_table_list()
table_info = dn.get_table_info("users")

6. Client/Tenant scoped queries/chat

First mark the client column in tables (important step). This will create a client_info.yaml that will be used for lookup later for filtering the queries.

dnn --mc

Set the client context before querying or chatting

dn = DataNeuron(db_config='database.yaml', context='your_context')
result = dn.query("Your query here")

Every query that is generated will be filtered with client_id column based on the client column tables that you had given earlier using dnn --mc, you can manually edit that file as well.

Important Note on Limitations (WIP):

  • Currently this client specific filter works on tables with client_id. For eg, if there is a scenario where you ask "My order items" but order_items table doesn't have client_id but the orders table, this won't add "JOIN" automatically yet.
  • Similarly this won't work with Recursive CTE.

NOTE: All yaml files can be edited as long as the base structure is preserved, you can add any new columns to tables yaml or definitions yaml, the structure involving name alone shouldn't be removed.

Advanced Usage

Setting Context

You can change the context during runtime:


Setting Chat History

For applications maintaining their own chat history:

chat_history = [
    {"role": "user", "content": "How many orders do we have?"},
    {"role": "assistant", "content": "We have 1000 orders."}

Error Handling

Always wrap DataNeuron calls in try-except blocks to handle potential errors:

    result = dn.query("What is our revenue this month?")
except ValueError as e:
    print(f"Error: {str(e)}")

Integration Examples

Web Server with Chat History

Here's an example of how to use DataNeuron in a web server application, maintaining chat history:

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from dataneuron import DataNeuron

app = Flask(__name__)
dn = DataNeuron(db_config='database.yaml', context='default_context')

@app.route('/chat', methods=['POST'])
def chat():
    data = request.json
    messages = data.get('messages', [])
    context_name = data.get('context_name')

    if not messages or not isinstance(messages, list):
        return jsonify({"error": "messages must be a non-empty list"}), 400

        # Set chat history if there are previous messages
        if len(messages) > 1:

        # Get the last user message
        last_user_message = next((msg['content'] for msg in reversed(messages) if msg['role'] == 'user'), None)

        if last_user_message is None:
            return jsonify({"error": "No user message found"}), 400

        sql, response =
        return jsonify({
            "response": response['data'],
            "sql": sql,
            "column_names": response['column_names']
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500

if __name__ == '__main__':

Generating HTML Reports

This example demonstrates how to use DataNeuron with DashboardManager to generate HTML reports:

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, Response
from dataneuron import DataNeuron, DashboardManager

app = Flask(__name__)

def get_dataneuron(context=None):
    dataneuron = DataNeuron(db_config='database.yaml', context=context)
    return dataneuron

def get_dashboard_manager():
    return DashboardManager()

@app.route('/reports', methods=['POST'])
def generate_report():
    data = request.json
    dashboard_name = data.get('dashboard_name')
    instruction = data.get('instruction')
    image_path = data.get('image_path')

    if not dashboard_name or not instruction:
        return jsonify({"error": "dashboard_name and instruction are required"}), 400

        dm = get_dashboard_manager()
        html_content = dm.generate_report_html(dashboard_name, instruction, image_path)
        return Response(html_content, mimetype='text/html')
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({"error": str(e)}), 500

if __name__ == '__main__':

Data Neuron API

API Endpoints

The Data Neuron API provides the following endpoints:

  1. Chat

    • URL: /chat
    • Method: POST
    • Description: Process a chat message
    • Request Body:
        "messages": [{ "role": "user", "content": "Your message here" }],
        "context_name": "optional_context_name",
        "client_id": "optional_client_id"
  2. Generate Report

    • URL: /reports
    • Method: POST
    • Description: Generate an HTML report for a dashboard
    • Request Body:
        "dashboard_name": "your_dashboard_name",
        "instruction": "Instructions for report generation",
        "image_path": "optional/path/to/image.jpg"
  3. List Dashboards

    • URL: /dashboards
    • Method: GET
    • Description: Get a list of all available dashboards
  4. Get Dashboard Details

    • URL: /dashboards/<dashboard_id>
    • Method: GET
    • Description: Get details of a specific dashboard
  5. Execute Metric

    • URL: /execute-metric
    • Method: POST
    • Description: Execute a specific metric's SQL query
    • Request Body:
        "dashboard_id": "your_dashboard_id",
        "metric_name": "your_metric_name",
        "parameters": {
          "param1": "value1",
          "param2": "value2"

Deployment Instructions

Local Deployment

To run the Data Neuron API locally as a Flask server:

dnn --server [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--debug]

AWS Lambda Deployment

To deploy the Data Neuron API to AWS Lambda using Serverless Framework:

  1. Ensure you have the Serverless Framework installed:

    npm install -g serverless
  2. Install the required Serverless plugin:

    npm install --save-dev serverless-python-requirements
  3. Create a serverless.yml file in your project root with the following content:

    service: data-neuron-api
      name: aws
      runtime: python3.8
      stage: ${opt:stage, 'dev'}
      region: ${opt:region, 'us-east-1'}
        handler: dataneuron.lambda_handler
          - http:
              path: /{proxy+}
              method: ANY
          # Add any other environment variables your app needs
      - serverless-python-requirements
        dockerizePip: non-linux
  4. Deploy your application:

    serverless deploy

After deployment, Serverless will output the API Gateway endpoint URL. You can use this URL to access your API.

Remember to set up any necessary environment variables and ensure your Lambda function has the appropriate permissions to access any required AWS services.


  • Make sure to handle authentication and authorization for your API endpoints in a production environment.
  • When deploying to AWS Lambda, be aware of cold start times and the 15-minute execution limit for Lambda functions.
  • Ensure your database is accessible from the Lambda function if your API requires database access.
  • For large dependencies or if you exceed the Lambda package size limit, consider using Lambda Layers.

Deployment to VPS or other

/path/to/your/python/env/bin/dnn --server --prod --host --port 8080

You can mention the --prod so the flask server runs in a prod mode, you can mention other options as needed.


We welcome contributions to Data Neuron! Please see our Contributing Guide for more details on how to get started.


To set up Data Neuron for development:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd dataneuron
  2. Install dependencies using Poetry:

    poetry install --all-extras


    poetry install  --extras postgres
  3. Run tests:

    poetry run pytest

Note: Tests are still being added.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For questions, suggestions, or issues, please open an issue on the GitHub repository or contact the maintainers directly.

Happy querying with Data Neuron!



Data Neuron is a powerful framework that enables you to build text-to-SQL applications with an easily maintainable semantic layer. Whether you're creating customer-facing chatbots, internal Slack bots for analytics, or other data-driven applications, Data Neuron provides the tools to make your data accessible through natural language








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