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This project brings together the ideas behind three projects created in 2023 into a single common (easily extensible) framework that can be used with a range of CircuitPython boards (though primarily designed for Raspberry Pi Pico). The framework is designed to be used for single board projects used in Coding Clubs up to larger interactive display installations that consist of many boards each performing in isolation or coordinated over network connections.

The basic structure of this project is:

  • christmas contains the complete Christmas interactive displays that make use of this project. Each node will be represented.
  • circuitpython contains the exact builds of CircuitPython that have been tested with this project along with the libraries that are used extracted out into the circuitpython/lib directory.
  • coordinator contains the additional code that a coordinator node requires if used. The coordinator is based on the interactive framework but adds additional specialisation and can be viewed as an example of how to build a custom node type based on the interactive framework. Custom code can also be added to a coordinator node.
  • demo contains demonstration and test interactive displays that are used to test the functionality of this project on a range of boards.
  • docs contains the documentation for the interactive and coordinator directories.
  • halloween contains the complete Halloween interactive displays that make use of this project. Each node will be represented.
  • hardware contains information on the boards that have been designed for use with this framework and interactive displays.
  • interactive contains the base framework code which provides the basic functionality that operates on a supported board. This code is configurable and extensible, allowing the individual nodes in an interactive display to use whichever functionality they need, whilst also providing their own customisation code. All nodes will make use of the interactive framework.
  • originals contains the code for the original MicroPython and CircuitPython projects that form the inspiration for this project. See the section Origins below for some background on those projects.
  • tests contains the tests for the code contained in the interactive and coordinator directories.

All work in this project (including the supplied original code from the previous three projects that serve as inspiration) are provided under a permissive license to allow this code to be used in a range of educational and personal settings. See the end of this readme for more information about the license.

List of projects to convert to framework

  • Recreate originals/christmas in demo
  • Recreate originals/light_jars in demo
  • Recreate originals/halloween
    • Migrate code from path node
    • Implement spider node
    • Implement thunder node
    • Implement coordinator node that runs on the laptop
    • Implement node communications
    • Migrate Witch node
    • Implement Pixie node

List of outstanding tasks for the basic framework

  • Setup project outline.
  • Add generic task runner that handles both completion and exceptions and support restarts.
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Add support for logging in both Desktop and Pico environments.
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Add button support for single, double and long-presses.
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Add buzzer support for playing tones.
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Migrate from originals/christmas to as Melody
    • Write tests
  • Migrate from originals/christmas to as MelodySequence
    • Write tests
  • Add NeoPixel support
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Migrate Flicker from originals/christmas and originals/light_jars to
    • Add tests for Flicker
  • Add LED support
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Add Ultrasonic sensor support
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Add Audio support
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Add Servo support
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Add Motor support
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Add Wi-Fi support
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Add current time of day support via Wi-Fi
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Add support for network node information page: index, inspect, cpu-information
  • Add support for standard messages: alive, name, role, blink, led on/off, restart
  • Add support for network directory via coordinator node (PC/Raspberry Pi) (register/unregister, heartbeat etc.)
  • Add support for custom messages on nodes
  • Add UART support
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • Add OLED Display support, including cycling through screen pages
    • Works on CircuitPython
    • Works with Blinka
  • OLED display pages available for:
    • NeoPixels
    • LEDs
    • Ultrasonic
    • AudioBoard
    • UART
    • Wi-Fi
    • Messaging/discovery/coordination
  • Make a pico-interactive release ( see Creating and sharing a CircuitPython library):
    • Compile to.mpy files

Setting up the development environment

This project has been developed using the PyCharm IDE with a VENV for bythong as well as using Blnika (see Blinka) to easily test the interaction with a CircuitPython board. The other libraries that are used and need to be installed into the Virtual Environment are:

  • pytest (see pytest for more information)

Halloween 2024

The first interactive display to make use of this project will be Halloween 2024. For more information on that project, see here.


So how did this project come about? Maybe some background will help to explain. The originals/images directory contains a small number of images and videos that show some of the finished electronics. For the Halloween project, I uploaded a video to YouTube, so you can get a feel for what it was like. The video doesn't quite do it justice but its good enough to get an idea.

Halloween 2023

My daughter loves Halloween and after Halloween 2022 (she was 8 years old at the time) we discussed using some of the electronics that I use in my Coding Clubs to make our house more interactive with sounds and lights. I agreed to this because how hard could it possibly be?

In June of 2023 I started working on ideas and designs that we could put into the garden. I wanted to minimise wiring so Wi-Fi communications between the devices seemed the most sensible approach. I then built up a number of devices to perform the actual interactive parts of the display. What we had was a standardised box that had a speaker, could control NeoPixel strands and communicate to any other device (via a coordinator node) in the network. There were 5 such devices:

  • 1 x Pico box on each side of the path that had 6 glass skulls. The skulls had NeoPixels in them which I controlled to make them look like they were flickering. The devices turned on the skulls in pairs to coincide with church bells that were being played from another device.
  • 1 x Pico box that controlled a bubbling cauldron (NeoPixels in green). This had witches voices playing.
  • 2 x Pico boxes that had large LED buttons that when pressed made some actions happen.

Each of those 5 devices actually had two Picos in them. All the original code (in particular the networking code) was written in MicroPython. This worked beautifully. However, when it came to the sound processing (which I added last), I was short of time so just had to get something that worked. In the end I resigned to use CircuitPython because it had everything I needed already built in. Because time was limited, rather that get the CircuitPython code working on MicroPython I took the simpler approach of adding another Pico and physically connected the devices together allowing the MicroPython board (which was the primary device) to control the CircuitPython board, telling it which sound sample to play. Space in the box was cramped when there was one Pico.

In addition there was another Pico box that contained a IR sensor and ultrasonic sensor which kicked off the whole display when someone got close enough to the house (it played a sound, made the LED buttons light up and pulse).

There was also a Pico in the house that was coordinating all the other devices.

We also had an Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 Express board that I built into a MakeCode Arcade compatible device. I modified (and fixed lots of bugs) in some freely available code that generated an eye. The eye blinked and could be controlled to look left and right. I output the display signal to two LCD screens to make a pair and then we housed this in a box behind a mask which my daughter designed. The effect was a very creepy face that looked like it was watching you. We combined this with another Pico with larger storage (a Tiny 2040) from Pimoroni which played background music.

There was so much more that we started building (spiders with LED eyes that pulsed got mostly done) but sadly time was against us. I literally spent 100's of hours on this project (much of it with the electronics and building). The whole setup was very cool but I learned a lot. The key takeaways were:

  • Picos do not have a lot of RAM. The Pico device coordinating the other devices did not have enough RAM to concurrently talk to all devices. Therefore communications had to be batched up which complicated the coding a bit. The coordinator in future versions needs to be a proper computer like a Rasbperry Pi or a PC.
  • The wireless communications contains delays. This is not normally a problem except where you need two devices to sync very accurately. This was evidenced by the two devices that controlled the path. Occasionally, the delay was a few tenths of a second and this resulted in a visible difference in the timing of the skulls lighting up. The solution is to either have one device control both sides or have a more accurate way to sync the two devices.
  • The buttons mostly got missed. Even though they had lights and pulsed, most children didn't realise they could press them for something to happen. The sesnors worked much better because they were fully automated.
  • Using a coordinator allowed for a lot of control but also introduced complexity. It also required to be calibrated to a typical walking speed but the actual walking speed varied significantly based on the age of the groups and whether they stopped to look at some of the display. A better solution would be to add more sensors (i.e. each device has one) to allow the devices to be more autonomous in how thyey are triggered.
  • The devices need to be very robust. Because of time, I had a lot of prototype devices and these were on breadboards with push in components. This was problematic as they were not particularly robust and if knocked could be disconnected. Also, waterproofing was more problematic.
  • Stick to cables that use only 3 wires. A lot of the cabling I used needed 4 wires as I was connecting NeoPixels. Unfortunately, the cable is more expensive and weatherproof connectors are more expensive and harder to get hold of. Sticking to 3 wire cable means that cable is cheap, plentiful and connectors are easy to get with lots of options. All future devices will be designed with 3 wire cabling in mind.

Coding Club Christmas Project 2023

Each Christmas, I like to do a physical computing project with my Coding Club. In the past we've done projects like Santa Sleighs with BBC MicroBits, Musical pictures with Picos. This year, I wanted to do a Santa House that had NeoPixels, music and LEDs using a Pico. The Pico was a standard headered Pico and I made some simple circuits that contained 3 x LEDs, an 8 NeoPixel ring, a buzzer, a push button and a power connector. The circuit connected to the front half of the Pico. Because CircuitPython is easier to use on the Library computers as it is plug and play, I ported a bunch of the MicroPython code from the Halloween project to CircuitPython. This meant that I had the same basic project structure and control as for the Halloween project but could drive the entire project from a single CircuitPython device. The functionality was not quite as broad as the Halloween project (but more than adequate) and naturally did not include any networking code. However, it proved it would all work and was robust.

This project was developed using Blinka which made the whole development experience must simple, faster and less frustrating as I could simply connect the device to a PC and test the code out without having to keep deploying it. Blinka is slow but very effective.

The key learnings points were:

  • Even though CircuitPython only gives access to a single core, the asyncio library is very effective and the Pico is powerful enough to do everything I need with a single core.
  • Porting code from MicroPython to CircuitPython is reasonably straightforward.
  • Blinka is a super useful development and debugging aid, even if the performance of the Pico is much slower than running native code.

Christmas Light Jars

This was a project that I did for Amelia. We used a Pimoroni Plasma Stick and connected it to the two sets of strands of 6 jars that we used in the Halloween project. The jars were controlled to run a variety of different NeoPixel displays. The jars needed to be controlled so that they only ran in the evening at the desired time. This required implementing some networking code to get the current date and time but was a useful experience in getting networking code working on CircuitPython and with Blinka. The main difference between the light jars and the Halloween project is that the Halloween project was outside for a single day but the light jars were outside for a whole month. The waterproofing was not up to the job, neither was the exception handling.

The key learning point was:

  • If you are going to leave your device outside in Britain, have good waterproofing by designing for good waterproofing from the start.
  • If you need your display to work for days and days, make sure you have excellent error handling and recovery so your display does not randomly stop working and you have to go outside and power cycle it (turn it off and then back on again). Alternatively, fudge it a bit by putting an automated reboot of the device every few hours or so!


Use the Adafruit resources at CircuitPython Libraries on any Computer with Raspberry Pi Pico to setup Blinka. Once setup it'll make it much easier to test CircuitPython code and will be an invaluable tool when building your own CircuitPython software. Once Blinka is setup, it is trivial to then run CircuitPython programs directly from within PyCharm IDE.

Once Blinka is setup and you are running your CircuitPython code from PyCharm, you will need to add the appropriate libraries into your venv. In the project covered here it includes:


Beware that there are some limitations with Blinka that means it cannot be used to test everything. All of your application code will still need to be tested on the device that you want to run on to make sure it works in that environment. So far, the main issues that I have found with Blinka are:

  • It is significantly slower that running on the device itself. This is not because your computer is slow, it's because of the overhead of calculating and transferring data to and from the device. Running your application code on the device is always much faster.
  • More than one strand of Neopixels will not work properly. If you are running a single strand of Neopixels then Blinka works absolutely fine (although it is slower to update than running on the device). If however you run multiple strands from different pins then What seems to happen is they get combined and output on a single strand. Running your code on the device will work fine though (this was infuriating when building the skull path nodes).
  • Ultrasonic sensors do not give good results. This is possibly related to the speed issue but when testing Ultrasonic sensors, I did not get anything like sensible or consistent values. Running on the device worked fine though.
  • Audio support seems to be unavailable as I was unable to find the appropriate library to add to the virtual environment. I did not invest much time into solving this issue as the audio is largely handled by CircuitPython and the pico-interactive code is little more than a thin layer around it.


All materials provided in this project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

In summary, this means that you are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material.

Provided you follow these terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.


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