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Jared Smith edited this page Jan 22, 2015 · 1 revision


Prepare the team reflect report for next class and submit it has directed by your instructor. Part of the next class will be devoted to discussing the project so far with each team. Some items you may choose to discuss are:

To what extent did you abide by the assigned roles, and, in general, how are the roles working out?

  • Did anything fall between the cracks because a role was missing or not done properly?
  • How would you adjust roles to make things go more smoothly?

Was the workload divided appropriately?

  • Did everyone contribute to the product itself (e.g., did everyone participate in programming and construction)?
  • How would you adjust the assignments and responsibilities for the remainder of the project?

Were there any unintended consequences of your plan, your design, or your work?

  • Were any pitfalls encountered; did any of your identified risks come to pass?
  • How might you plan for and deal with the unexpected in the remainder of the project?

Are team meetings effective?

  • Why or why not?
  • Does the team believe it needs to restructure the way its meetings are run?
  • In particular, do you need help in making your meetings go better?

What is the most important change you can make to perform better (as a team) in the remainder of the course?

  • Can you improve your process?
  • Can you improve any of the technical artifacts you’ve created?

Other Notes

  • Be prepared to discuss with your instructor the status of your project, what is working and what is problematical, and any other issues related to the project's successful completion.
  • Each team member is to prepare a peer evaluation for all the members by the end of the day tomorrow. To do this follow the Peer2Peer link on the myCourses home page to find and complete the peer evaluation survey.
  • Sit down with your team and reflect on what went well and did not go so well for your project thus far.
  • Feel free to refer to other post mortem websites for more information. You can find a good one here.
  • I am looking for a few pages of good, thoughtful work.