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This repo contains the configuration to setup my machines.

This is using Chezmoi, the dotfile manager to setup the install.

This automated setup is currently only configured for Fedora machines.

How to use

Simply run the following command:

  • When prompted BECOME password: enter your "sudo" password.
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply d7omdev


Application Screenshot

What does it do?

Apps Installed
  • Homebrew
  • Brave Browser
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Docker
  • Flatpak packages:
    • com.obsproject.Studio
    • org.videolan.VLC
    • org.tenacityaudio.Tenacity
    • md.obsidian.Obsidian
    • org.gimp.GIMP
    • org.gnome.meld
    • org.sqlitebrowser.sqlitebrowser
    • us.zoom.Zoom
    • org.gnome.World.PikaBackup
    • com.mattjakeman.ExtensionManager
    • org.freedesktop.Platform
    • nl.hjdskes.gcolor3
Packages Installed
  • Homebrew packages:
    • lazygit
    • eza
    • trash-cli
    • tldr
    • thefuck
    • python
    • pipx
    • bat
    • zsh-syntax-highlighting
  • DNF packages:
    • git
    • btop
    • neovim
    • firefox
    • gh
    • gnome-tweaks
    • ripgrep
    • zsh
    • fzf
    • tmux
    • openssl-devel
    • gdbm-libs
    • libnsl2
    • luarocks
    • wl-clipboard
    • fd-find
    • "@Development Tools"
    • autoconf
  • Docker packages:
    • docker-ce
    • docker-ce-cli
    • docker-buildx-plugin
    • docker-compose-plugin
Modifications Made
  • Ensures Homebrew is installed
  • Updates Homebrew
  • Installs Homebrew packages
  • Upgrades Homebrew packages
  • Changes shell to zsh
  • Adds Brave Browser Repo
  • Imports Brave Browser GPG Key
  • Installs Brave Browser
  • Imports Microsoft GPG Key
  • Adds Visual Studio Code Repo
  • Installs VS Code
  • Adds Docker repo
  • Installs Docker
  • Adds Docker group
  • Adds user to docker group
  • Installs Flatpak packages
  • Ensures fonts directory
  • Checks if Jetbrains Mono exists
  • Downloads Jetbrains mono
  • zsh Configuration
  • tmux Configuration
  • neovim Configuration
  • rofi Configuration
  • kitty terminal Configuration
  • fastfetch Configuration
  • Bat configuration

Note: run cat ~/.aliasesrc to see the aliases that are configured

This script uses Ansible, a configuration management tool.

Ansible is used to automate the process of setting up a machine with the specified applications, packages, and configurations.