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bourdett edited this page Jul 22, 2015 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the transforms wiki! This wiki page will document the xml tags that can be used and provide some examples

General structure of an SFR

<f-component id="ABC_ABC_EXT.1" name="Component Name">
 <f-element id="ABC_ABC_EXT.1.1">
   <note role="application">

Types of SFR's

There are generally four types of requirements; mandatory, selection based, objective, optional

The type is set using; status="threshold" or status="sel-based" or status="objective" or status="optional"

  • Example: <f-element id="ABC_ABC_EXT.1.1" status="objective">

Assurance Activity

The assurance activity represents the work a NIAP Lab will perform to validate that a requirement has been met. Tests should be precise and repeatable. The general structure of an AA is as follows;

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