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Bobby edited this page Feb 12, 2018 · 33 revisions

Welcome to the Wiki of the Protection Profile for Application Software

A live rendering of the latest draft of the Protection Profile, hosted on OpenShift, is available in several forms:

It is updated every minute based on the most recent push to GitHub.

Schema for Evaluation Results

Evaluations against the PP, but outside the formal Common Criteria (e.g for non-IA products), need to capture evaluation results in a common format in order to support reciprocity. To support the Federal CIO Council's Mobile Technology Tiger Team, a schema is under development to support such reciprocity:

How Can I Develop and Contribute?

1. Install any development tools needed by your platform:
2. Install the pre-commit git hooks which will check that all commits have a column width of less then 100 chars. This will help keep the formatting looking good on the github web site. You need to run to install the hooks into the .git/hooks folder.
For Windows
Download the latest Git Client for Windows. Additionally it would be useful to have a decent XML Editor. Oxygen is one option. A free open source alternative is XML Notepad which works well but does require the .NET 2.0 Framework to be installed.
For Mac OS X
Install XCode, and possibly also the Command Line Tools package. XCode is available on the Mac App store. Instructions for installing the Command Line Tools package (dependent on version of Mac OS X) are provided inside XCode. This site also provides info on installing the open source tools, though these are not the Apple-supported versions.
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux
This should work out-of-the-box with most basic installations. If not, install git using yum.

2. Clone repo:

Create and/or change to a working directory where you would like to store a local clone of the repository.
git clone
The rest of these instructions assume that the directory hosting this clone is the current working directory.

3. Configure remote URL:

git remote set-url origin https://[your GitHub username] -- prompts for your GitHub password
TO DO: Add instructions for configuring remote SSH URL.
See Which remote URL should I use? for a summary of these alternatives.

4. Make changes, update repo, etc.:

You're on your own here. See Git Basics - Working with Remotes for a summary of basic commands.

5. Make Project:

Build the code from within the project directory using the make command. If everything built successfully there should be three html files within the output directory.

6. Commit changes:

git add [changed files]
git rm [files to delete] -- use with caution as this will delete local and remote copies
git commit -- updates local repository; prompts for change comments
git push origin master -- updates remote repository; prompts for password

Note: If Transforms need to be updated, cd into the Transforms folder of the application folder and do a git pull origin master from that location.

That's it. Go forth and do good things...