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CodeSupport Website Backend

Codacy Badge


This repository contains the code for the backend of the CodeSupport website. The project is written in Java using the Spring framework.

Documentation is powered by Swagger and can be reached at /swagger-ui.html when running the application locally.


Please see pom.xml for a list of dependencies.


  1. Navigate into the repository on your computer
  2. On Unix systems run ./mvnw clean package and on Windows run ./mvnw.cmd clean package
  3. Run java -jar target/api-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


We are using JUnit for our tests. All code should be tested.

Integration Tests

Integration tests are written with postman and can be excuted through the postman GUI or via the CLI utility, newman.

newman run -e postman/Local.postman_environment.json postman/CodesupportApi.postman_collection.json


  • To delete the target/ build folder use ./mvnw clean
  • To compile .class files, run tests and package into .jar use ./mvnw package
  • To compile, package and install to a local m2 repo use ./mvnw install
  • To run unit tests use ./mvnw test
  • To delete the target/ build folder and repackage use ./mvnw clean package (this is the prefered way to build)
  • To run the application use java -jar target/api-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Environment Variables

Name Default Description
API_HOSTNAME The hostname of the backend API (
COOKIE_NAME The name of the auth cookie
COOKIE_MAX_AGE The max age of the auth cookie in seconds
CORS_ORIGIN Origin used for CORS header
DATABASE_URL The URL to the database
DATABASE_USERNAME The username for the database
DATABASE_PASSWORD The password for the database
DATABASE_DRIVER com.mysql.jdbc.Driver The driver for the database
DATABASE_DIALECT org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect The dialect for the database
DATABASE_POOL_SIZE 4 The maximum number of database connections
DATABASE_POOL_IDLE 2 The minimum number of database connections to keep open
DISCORD_APP_ID The Discord app's ID
DISCORD_APP_HOST Discord API host url
DISCORD_APP_SECRET The Discord app's secret
DISCORD_APP_REDIRECT The Discord app's redirect for OAuth
DISCORD_LOG_WEBHOOK_URL Webhook url for posting logs to discord
DISCORD_LOG_USERNAME ApiBackend The username used in the discord log embed messages
HC_PING_DELAY 5000 Delay between healthchecks (ms)
HC_PING_URL Url of the external healthcheck api to hit
LOG_ROOT_LEVEL INFO Root logging level for spring logs
MAX_IMAGE_SIZE 512000 Max image upload size (in bytes)
SERVICE_PORT 8080 The port to run the application on
SSL_KEY_ALIAS tomcat Alias for certificate, used with openssl step
SSL_KEY_STORE Path to the keystore (/etc/.../keystore.p12)
SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD Password to access keystore
SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE PKCS12 Format for keystore (Spring likes PKCS12)

Any Questions? Feel free to mention @LamboCreeper#6510 in the CodeSupport Discord.