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An object oriented approach to Express in an attempt to simplify the process

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This module will allow for using a simple object for creating an express based application along with integrating in validators. Also supports a quick easy method to create a REST API, for getting the entire path structure for the API sorted into categories and labels if used.

Likely there are some features missing. If I'm let known about it I will gladly add them as needed.

When installed you only need to use one class:

  • new NExpress(NExpressOptions)

For how to enter an NExpressOptions object it is as follows:

  ports: {
      port: number,
      protocol: 'http' | 'https', // defaults to http
      files: {
        key: string,
        cert: string,
      }, // only needed for an https port
  ], // or just pass a number for a single port
  middleware: [ middlewareFunction1, middlewareFunction2, ... ],
  engines: {
    [engineName]: engineFunction,
  }, // optional
  options: {
    json: {
      Express json options
    }, // see express.json() options, optional to be set
    urlencoded: {
      Express urlencoded options
    }, // see express.urlencoded() options, optional to be set
    static: {
      Express static options
    }, // see express.static() options, optional to be set
  }, // optional
  routes: {
      methods: {
        [method]: {
          title: 'title', // optional, for if retrieving list of routes
          description: 'description', // optional, for if retrieving list of routes
          category: 'category', // optional, for if retrieving list of routes
          action: function, // function to run
        } // key name can be 'get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'patch', or 'all'
        // the function for the action is:
        // (Utils, Data, exp): null.
        // Info includes various functions sendJson, sendError, params, queries, bodyJsonEntries
      path: '/path', // can include variables
      middleware: [ middlewareFunction1, middlewareFunction2, ... ],
      route: function or [ route1, route2, ...] for more routes off path
      options: {}, // router options
    { more routes... },
  }, // optional

Ease of creating the object

There are commands for easily creating the options such as:

NX.Server = (Ports, Routes?, middlewareFunctions[]?, staticRoot?, options?) => NExpress

  • Ports and Routes can be created via other commands
  • For Port, use NX.Port() command and place each in an array. Or it can be a number if you want all default settings used and just one port
  • middlewareFunctions is an array of functions with the (Response, Request, NextFunction) parameters.
  • staticRoot is for the root directory for the static files
  • options allows for a dictionary of options to pass to express as needed:
  json: json options
  urlencoded: urlencoded options
  static: static files options
  • Only Ports is required
  • if not using one in between one that you are using you can pass undefined

NX.Port = (port: number, host?: string, useHttps?: boolean, keyFile?: string, certFile?: string) => NExpressPort

  • port is the port to use, of course. The only one that is required.
  • host would be a hostname to remember. Optional.
  • useHttps if turned on will use https / ssl. Optional, defaults to false.
  • keyFile will reference the key file for SSL / https. Required if using https, ignored if not.
  • certFile works similar to key file but is for the key file instead.
  • if not using one in between one that you are using you can pass undefined

NX.Router = (path?: string, middlewareFunctions[]?, methods?, router?, params?, verify?, options?) => NExpressRouteOptions

  • path would be the referenced path and is required depending on what options you pass. If you use any methods it is definitely needed even if it is just a /.
  • middlewareFunctions is an array of functions with the (Response, Request, NextFunction) parameters.
  • NX.Methods can be passed using another methods command
  • NX.Router can be used to crate new routes under router similarly handled as on NX.Server. To combine them you can use an object similar to:
  [label]: NX.Router(...),
  and more
  • Params is just handled by passing an object with the param name as the key and the function set to it as its value. The params would be: (Request, Response, NextFunction, id).
  • Verify is another object specifically for an ease of verification. The functions have the format of (value, options: {paramName, type: VerificationType, req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction}): boolean. How it should be laid out is as an object as follows:
  [query type of 'body', 'query', or 'param']: {
    [name of item]: Function
  • Router would be the router options for in express

NX.Methods = ([RouterMethod, MethodOptions]...) => NExpressRouteActionOptions

  • can add as many of the arrays for any number of methods
  • RouterMethod would be the method used such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH, ALL
  • MethodOptions can be created with NX.Method

NX.Method = (action, title?, description?, category?, params?) => NExpressRouteActionSubOptions

  • action would be the function used for the method in the format of (Utils: Record<string, unknown>, Data: Record<string, unknown>, exp: routerFunctionInputs) => void. Utils is a list of available commands, Data, would be a list of variables, and exp would be all of express' available options including the response and request objects.
  • title is optional and for storing a title for the method
  • description is optional and for storing the description for the method
  • category is optional and for storing the category name
  • params is an object list with the key of the parameter name for the method path along with descriptions for each

To do

  • Fully test, though it works so far

Maybe future?

  • See about adding easy integration of gRPC and Graph QL
  • Add web sockets support
  • Easier integration into databases like SQL or MongoDB?
  • Easier handling of user authentication
  • add quick and easy way of getting files so it isn't difficult to implement
  • allow for disabling of of the getting files feature


An object oriented approach to Express in an attempt to simplify the process






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