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Ajit Chavhan

cluster Program

File Structure:

Development Environment:
My script was developed RStudio Version 1.3.1056

Install RStudio. Open file in RStudio and change the code according to you dataset for various situations and run it.

File Description 
airline_crim- Script file in R language covering two scenario 
50_startups prediction - Report file which demonstrate my approach towards result for 50 start up dataset 
Airline_Crime_inference - Report file which demonstrate my approach towards result for airline and crime dataset 
analysis- This file contains the different outcome of r function to observe the output and act accordingly on airline/crime dataset

1) airline dataset -> Perform clustering (Both hierarchical and K means clustering) for the airlines data to obtain optimum number of clusters. 
Draw the inferences from the clusters obtained.
2) crime dataset -> Perform Clustering for the crime data and identify the number of clusters formed and draw inferences.

Note :- I have added some png files which are the different graphs on both the datasets for EDA and result observation purpose. Also added the snapshot of both the datasets.