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Brendan Meade edited this page Mar 3, 2023 · 1 revision

Preparing an initial moment accumulation rate distribution

For a model run, we need some amount of moment accumulation on a fault surface. Currently, for the single mesh case these initial values are stored in an .npy file the path to which is specified in the initial_slip_deficit_rate_file variable of the main skies run file (e.g., skies_parameters.json)


  • Generating an initial slip deficit distribution. Using celeri is one way to do this. Currently, celeri does not automatically write out individual .npy files for the estimate strike- and dip-slip rates on individual meshes. An example notebook with a few cells at the bottom that are relatively easy to modify for this purpose of a specific example can be found at: celeri/notebooks/celeri_dense_new.ipynb. This can be used to produce a .npy file directly for use in skies.

  • Interpolating to higher resolution meshes. Initial slip distributions from celeri or other sources may be realized on meshes that are at lower resolution than desired for a particular skies experiment. We can interpolate from a lower resolution mesh to a higher resolution mesh using a notebook similar to the one found at: skies/nankai_interpolate.ipynb. This notebook needs three files to run: 1) a low-resolution .msh file (used for celeri run), 2) a .npy file with slip deficit rates at the centroid of each mesh element in the low-resolution .msh file, and 3) a higher-resolution .msh file that we want to interpolate the slip-deficit rates from the low resolution file onto. This notebook (e.g., skies/nankai_interpolate.ipynb) and will write an output .npy file at higher resolution.


  • Location of specified .npy file for initial slip deficit should be moved to mesh_parameters.json so that it can be specified on a mesh-by-mesh basis.
  • Modify celeri so that it outputs .npy files for strike- and dip-slip slip deficit rates for each mesh individually. This means that a single celeri run should produce 2 * len(meshes) files with these estimates. The purpose of this is to automatically produce outputs that can be used in skies.
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