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- Add API docstrings etc.
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micha committed Dec 28, 2015
1 parent 9db35c8 commit 61b8df1
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Showing 10 changed files with 4,093 additions and 52 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
# Changes

## 2.5.3

#### Improved

- Added docstrings to all previously undocumented vars in API namespaces.

## 2.5.2

#### Fixed
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258 changes: 237 additions & 21 deletions boot/pod/src/boot/pod.clj

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

172 changes: 142 additions & 30 deletions boot/pod/src/boot/util.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(declare print-ex)

(defn colorize?-system-default
"return whether we should colorize output on this system. This is
"Return whether we should colorize output on this system. This is
true, unless we're on Windows, where this is false. The default
console on Windows does not interprete ansi escape codes. The
default can be overriden by setting the environment variable
Expand All @@ -28,8 +28,24 @@
(or (#{"1" "yes"} (boot.App/config "BOOT_COLOR")) (not (boot.App/isWindows))))

(def ^:dynamic *verbosity* (atom 1))
(def ^:dynamic *colorize?* (atom false))
(def ^:dynamic *verbosity*
"Atom containing the verbosity level, 1 is lowest, 3 highest. Level 2
corresponds to the -v boot option, level 3 to -vv, etc.
1. Print INFO level messages or higher, colorize and prune stack traces
for maximum readability.
2. Print DEBUG level messages or higher, don't colorize stack traces and
prune some trace elements for improved readablility.
3. Print DEBUG level messages or higher, don't colorize stack traces and
include full traces with no pruning."
(atom 1))

(def ^:dynamic *colorize?*
"Atom containing the value that determines whether ANSI colors escape codes
will be printed with boot output."
(atom false))

(defn- print*
[verbosity color args]
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(print ((or color identity) (apply format args)))

(defn dbug [& more] (print* 2 ansi/bold-cyan more))
(defn info [& more] (print* 1 ansi/bold more))
(defn warn [& more] (print* 1 ansi/bold-yellow more))
(defn fail [& more] (print* 1 ansi/bold-red more))
(defn dbug
"Print DEBUG level message. Arguments of the form fmt & args suitable for
passing to clojure.core/format."
[& more]
(print* 2 ansi/bold-cyan more))

(defn info
"Print INFO level message. Arguments of the form fmt & args suitable for
passing to clojure.core/format."
[& more]
(print* 1 ansi/bold more))

(defn warn
"Print WARNING level message. Arguments of the form fmt & args suitable for
passing to clojure.core/format."
[& more]
(print* 1 ansi/bold-yellow more))

(defn fail
"Print ERROR level message. Arguments of the form fmt & args suitable for
passing to clojure.core/format."
[& more]
(print* 1 ansi/bold-red more))

(defn warn-deprecated
"Print WARNING level message. Arguments of the form fmt & args suitable for
passing to clojure.core/format. Respects the BOOT_WARN_DEPRECATED environment
variable, which if set to no suppresses these messages."
[& args]
(when-not (= "no" (boot.App/config "BOOT_WARN_DEPRECATED"))
(apply warn args)))

(defmacro with-semaphore
"Acquires a permit from the Semaphore sem, blocking if necessary, and then
evaluates the body expressions, returning the result. In all cases the permit
will be released before returning."
[sem & body]
`(let [sem# ~sem]
(.acquire sem#)
Expand All @@ -58,6 +99,9 @@
(dbug "Released %s...\n" sem#)))))

(defmacro with-semaphore-noblock
"Attempts to acquire a permit from the Semaphore sem. If successful the body
expressions are evaluated and the result returned. In all cases the permit
will be released before returning."
[sem & body]
`(let [sem# ~sem]
(when (.tryAcquire sem#)
Expand All @@ -67,14 +111,14 @@
(dbug "Released %s...\n" sem#))))))

(defmacro with-let
"Binds resource to binding and evaluates body. Then, returns
resource. It's a cross between doto and with-open."
"Binds resource to binding and evaluates body. Then, returns resource. It's
a cross between doto and with-open."
[[binding resource] & body]
`(let [ret# ~resource ~binding ret#] ~@body ret#))

(defmacro while-let
"Repeatedly executes body while test expression is true. Test
expression is bound to binding."
"Repeatedly executes body while test expression is true. Test expression is
bound to binding."
[[binding test] & body]
`(loop [~binding ~test]
(when ~binding ~@body (recur ~test))))
Expand All @@ -87,10 +131,18 @@
(when ~binding (recur ~test))))

(defmacro dotoseq
"A cross between doto and doseq. For example:
(-> (System/-err)
(dotoseq [i (range 0 100)]
(.printf \"i = %d\\n\" i))
[obj seq-exprs & body]
`(let [o# ~obj] (doseq ~seq-exprs (doto o# ~@body)) o#))

(defmacro with-resolve
"Given a set of binding pairs bindings, resolves the righthand sides requiring
namespaces as necessary, binds them, and evaluates the body."
[bindings & body]
(let [res (fn [[x y]] [x `(do (require ~(symbol (namespace y))) (resolve '~y))])]
`(let [~@(->> bindings (partition 2) (mapcat res))] ~@body)))
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(let [{:keys ~ks} ~m] ~@body))))

(defmacro guard
"Returns nil instead of throwing exceptions."
"Evaluates expr within a try/catch and returns default (or nil if default is
not given) if an exception is thrown, otherwise returns the result."
[expr & [default]]
`(try ~expr (catch Throwable _# ~default)))

(defmacro with-rethrow
"Evaluates expr and rethrows any thrown exceptions with the given message."
"Evaluates expr. If an exception is thrown it is wrapped in an exception with
the given message and the original exception as the cause, and the wrapped
exception is rethrown."
[expr message]
`(try ~expr (catch Throwable e# (throw (Exception. ~message e#)))))

(defmacro exit-error
"Binds *out* to *err*, evaluates the body, and exits with non-zero status.
Note: This macro does not call System.exit(), because this instance of boot
may be nested in another boot instance. Instead a special method on boot.App
is called which handles the exit behavior (calling shutdown hooks etc.)."
[& body]
`(binding [*out* *err*]
(throw (boot.App$Exit. (str 1)))))

(defmacro exit-ok
"Evaluates the body, and exits with non-zero status.
Note: This macro does not call System.exit(), because this instance of boot
may be nested in another boot instance. Instead a special method on boot.App
is called which handles the exit behavior (calling shutdown hooks etc.)."
[& body]
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(exit-error (print-ex e#))))))

(defmacro with-err-str
"Evaluates exprs in a context in which *err* is bound to a fresh
StringWriter. Returns the string created by any nested printing
"Evaluates exprs in a context in which *err* is bound to a fresh StringWriter.
Returns the string created by any nested printing calls.
[& body]
`(let [s# (new]
(binding [*err* s#]
(str s#))))
(binding [*err* s#] ~@body (str s#))))

(defn print-ex
"Print exception to *err* as appropriate for the current *verbosity* level."
(case @*verbosity*
0 nil
Expand All @@ -152,6 +216,21 @@
(binding [*out* *err*] (.printStackTrace ex))))

(defn print-tree
"Pretty prints tree, with the optional prefixes prepended to each line. The
output is similar to the tree(1) unix program.
A tree consists of a graph of nodes of the format [<name> <nodes>], where
<name> is a string and <nodes> is a set of nodes (the children of this node).
(util/print-tree [[\"foo\" #{[\"bar\" #{[\"baz\"]}]}]] [\"--\" \"XX\"])
--XX└── foo
--XX └── bar
--XX └── baz"
[tree & [prefixes]]
(loop [[[node branch] & more] (seq tree)]
(when node
Expand All @@ -164,11 +243,15 @@
(recur more))))

(defn path->ns
"Returns the namespace symbol corresponding to the source file path."
(-> path file/split-path (#(string/join "." %))
(.replace \_ \-) (.replaceAll "\\.clj$" "") symbol))

(defn auto-flush
"Returns a PrintWriter suitable for binding to *out* or *err*. This writer
will call .flush() on every write, ensuring that all output is flushed before
boot exits, even if output was written from a background thread."
(let [strip? #(and (not @*colorize?*) (string? %))
strip #(fn [s] (if (strip? s) (ansi/strip-ansi s) s))]
Expand All @@ -182,44 +265,73 @@
(.flush writer))))))

(defn extract-ids
"Extracts the group-id and artifact-id from sym, using the convention that
non-namespaced symbols have group-id the same as artifact-id."
(let [[group artifact] ((juxt namespace name) sym)]
[(or group artifact) artifact]))

(defn dep-as-map
"Returns the given dependency vector as a map with :project and :version
keys plus any modifiers (eg. :scope, :exclusions, etc)."
[[project version & kvs]]
(let [d {:project project :version version}]
(merge {:scope "compile"}
(if-not (seq kvs) d (apply assoc d kvs)))))

(defn jarname
"Generates a friendly name for the jar file associated with the given project
symbol and version."
[project version]
(str (second (extract-ids project)) "-" version ".jar"))

(defn index-of
"Find the index of val in the sequential collection v, or nil if not found."
[v val]
(ffirst (filter (comp #{val} second) (map vector (range) v))))

(defn bind-syms
"Returns the names bound in the given destructuring form."
(let [sym? #(and (symbol? %) (not= '& %))]
(->> form (tree-seq coll? seq) (filter sym?) distinct)))

(defn pp* [expr] (pprint/write expr :dispatch pprint/code-dispatch))
(defn pp-str [expr] (with-out-str (pp* expr)))
(defn read-string-all [s] (read-string (str "(" s "\n)")))

(def ^:dynamic *sh-dir* nil)

(defn sh [& args]
(defn pp*
"Pretty-print expr using the code dispatch."
(pprint/write expr :dispatch pprint/code-dispatch))

(defn pp-str
"Pretty-print expr to a string using the code dispatch."
(with-out-str (pp* expr)))

(defn read-string-all
"Reads all forms from the string s, by wrapping in parens before reading."
(read-string (str "(" s "\n)")))

(def ^:dynamic *sh-dir*
"The directory to use as CWD for shell commands."

(defn sh
"Evaluate args as a shell command, asynchronously, and return a thunk which
may be called to block on the exit status. Output from the shell is streamed
to stdout and stderr as it is produced."
[& args]
(let [args (remove nil? args)]
(assert (every? string? args))
(let [opts (into [:redirect-err true] (when *sh-dir* [:dir *sh-dir*]))
proc (apply conch/proc (concat args opts))]
(future (conch/stream-to-out proc :out))
#(.waitFor (:process proc)))))

(defn dosh [& args]
(defn dosh
"Evaluates args as a shell command, blocking on completion and throwing an
exception on non-zero exit status. Output from the shell is streamed to
stdout and stderr as it is produced."
[& args]
(let [args (remove nil? args)]
(assert (every? string? args))
(let [status ((apply sh args))]
Expand All @@ -228,8 +340,8 @@
(format (first args) status))))))))

(defmacro without-exiting
"Evaluates body in a context where System/exit doesn't work.
Returns result of evaluating body, or nil if code in body attempted to exit."
"Evaluates body in a context where System/exit doesn't work. Returns result
of evaluating body, or nil if code in body attempted to exit."
[& body]
`(let [old-sm# (System/getSecurityManager)
new-sm# (proxy [SecurityManager] []
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