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Contextualized Logging with Zap

This library implements contextualized logger with zap.

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logger := zapctxd.New(zapctxd.Config{
    Level:     zap.WarnLevel,
    DevMode:   true,
    StripTime: true,

ctx := ctxd.AddFields(context.Background(),
    "foo", "bar",

logger.Info(ctx, "not logged due to WARN level config")

logger.Error(ctx, "something failed",
    "baz", 1,
    "quux", 2.2,

logger.Important(ctx, "logged because is important")
logger.Info(ctxd.WithDebug(ctx), "logged because of forced DEBUG mode")

logger.Info(ctx, "logged because logger level was changed to DEBUG")

// Output:
// <stripped>	ERROR	zapctxd/example_test.go:26	something failed	{"baz": 1, "quux": 2.2, "foo": "bar"}
// <stripped>	INFO	zapctxd/example_test.go:31	logged because is important	{"foo": "bar"}
// <stripped>	INFO	zapctxd/example_test.go:32	logged because of forced DEBUG mode	{"foo": "bar"}
// <stripped>	INFO	zapctxd/example_test.go:35	logged because logger level was changed to DEBUG	{"foo": "bar"}

See Also