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Product Selection

I have chosen to implement this project using microservices architecture. While the assignment itself is quite simple, the project does have some boilerplate code to depict my understanding of the architecture and the patterns that are important to be applied when implementing such architecture.

Basic skeleton of the project includes:

  • eurekasvr: a service discovery server using Spring Cloud/Netflix Eureka
  • confsvr: a centralised configuration server using Spring Cloud Config that is using GitHub as a distributed, version controlled and auditable place for all configuration.
  • zuulsvr: an API gateway server using Spring Cloud/Netflix Zuul. This offers a highly scalable single entry point to the system allowing for the implementation of cross-cutting concerns in one place e.g. correlating logs.

For more detailed understanding of above technologies and the microservices architectural patterns they try to address, please read my article Microservices - More Than Writing Code.

Rest of the services in the project are the assignment requirements:

Software needed to build and run

  1. Docker.
  2. Maven

Building the Docker Images

To build the project as a docker images, open a command-line window change to the root directory where you have downloaded the project source code.

Run the following maven command. This command will execute the Spotify docker plugin defined in the pom.xml file.

mvn clean package docker:build

If everything builds successfully you should see a message indicating that the build was successful.

Running the service

I have created a docker-compose file that we can use to start the actual images. To start the docker images we created above, issue the following docker-compose command from the root of the project:

docker-compose -f docker/common/docker-compose.yml up

If everything starts up correctly you should see a bunch of Spring Boot information fly by on standard out. At this point the service will be up and running.

Postman collection

There is no web application that consumes the customer-location-service and catalogue-service (via Zuul Server - the API Gateway Service) but please find a simple Postman collection under /Postman in the root of the project that you can import into your Postman and give the services a go.


Product Selection assignment






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