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Bespot iOS SDK - Release

Bespot iOS SDK for proximity events and analytics reporting

VERSION Swift Version

Bespot iOS SDK offers proximity events and analytics reporting to 3rd party apps using BLE technology and Machine Learning methods.


  • Indoor location (InOut)
  • Indoor area detection
  • Outdoor location
  • Analytics


  • iOS 12.0+
  • Xcode 15



You can use CocoaPods to install BespotSDK. See steps below:

  1. Add BespotSDK dependency to your Podfile - using https git link|version. See sample code hereby:
# Minimum supported iOS platform for BespotSDK
platform :ios, '12.0'

target '[Your app]' do
  # Needed for the project to use frameworks

  # BespotSDK Framework
  pod 'BespotSDK', :git => '', :tag => '0.5.1'

  # Other CocoaPods libraries/frameworks you may use...

  1. Run pod update for the CocoaPods to download the BespotSDK dependency. When you are prompted, insert the provided credentials (username & password) to authenticate with GitHub.
  2. Run pod install


For manually installing BespotSDK into your app, follow the steps below:

  1. Download and drop BespotSDK.xcframework folder in your project (select "copy items if needed" in the popup menu).
  2. Select "Embed & Sign" at the BespotSDK.xcframework listing in your application's Target General settings menu (Xcode 15)

Usage example


BespotSDK uses CoreBluetooth. Put the NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription key in your Info.plist file along with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses the Bluetooth data. Otherwise, the app will crash with the following console error:

This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description.  The app's Info.plist must contain an NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.


Do the import :

import BespotSDK

In your application's AppDelegate application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method add this line to init/configure the BTSDK singleton object:

BTSDK.shared.configure(applicationId: "your_app_id", applicationSecret: "your_app_secret")

Use the BTConfigurationDelegate optional delegate for the Configuration of a user

In your view controller's viewDidLoad method add this:

BTSDK.shared.configurationDelegate = self

Extend your view controller to implement delegate methods:

extension YourViewController: BTConfigurationDelegate {
   func didCompleteConfiguration() {
     // TODO: When the user has completed the configuration process

   func didFailUpdateConfiguration(error: BTError) {
     // TODO: Inspect possible errors

Use the BTInOutDelegate delegate to receive InOut updates

In your view controller's viewDidLoad() method add this:

BTSDK.shared.inOutDelegate = self

Extend your view controller to implement delegate methods:

extension YourViewController: BTInOutDelegate {
    func didUpdateInOut(status: BTInOutStatus) {
        // TODO: Use In-Out status

    func didFailUpdateInOut(error: BTError) {
        // TODO: Inspect possible errors

Use the BTScannerDelegate delegate to receive iBeacon readings

In your view controller's viewDidLoad() method add this:

BTSDK.shared.scannerDelegate = self

Extend your view controller to implement delegate methods:

extension YourViewController: BTScannerDelegate {
  func didUpdateReadings(readings: [BTReading]) {
    // TODO: Use iBeacon readings

  func didFailReadings(error: BTError) {
    // TODO: Inspect possible errors

Find more details regarding the errors list here.

Get all available stores

BTSDK.shared.getStores { (stores: [BTStore]?, error: BTError?) in
    // Check for error
    guard error == nil else {
        // TODO: Handle error

    // Check for stores
    guard let stores = stores else { return }

    // TODO: Use stores

Subscribe for InOut status updates

In order for the solution to geolocate the nearby store (physical building), there are two ways to subscribe for InOut updates:

  • by using Bluetooth to read nearby beacons OR
  • by providing a location object

Use Bluetooth (default implementation):



Use user's location (latitude and longitude in the form of coordinates object - CLLocationCoordinate2D - from CoreLocation iOS framework) are needed:

import CoreLocation

BTSDK.shared.subscribeForInOutUpdates(coordinates: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: USER_LOCATION_LATITUDE, longitude: USER_LOCATION_LONGITUDE))

Unsubscribe from updates

To unsubscribe from updates just use this:


Get last InOut status

Helper method to provide the last known InOut status.

// Get the InOut result tuple
let resultTuple = BTSDK.shared.getLastInOutStatus()

// Check for error        
if let error: BTError = resultTuple.1 {
    // TODO: Handle error

// Check for the InOut status
guard let inOutStatus: BTInOutStatus = resultTuple.0 else { return }

// TODO: Use In-Out status

Application lifecycle

It is highly recommended to unsubscribe from InOut updates when application enters background and subscribe again when applcation enters foreground.

In your view controller's viewDidLoad() method add this:

let notificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default
notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(appMovedToBackground), name: UIApplication.willResignActiveNotification, object: nil)
notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(appMovedToForeground), name: UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification, object: nil)

And then, implement these selector methods accordingly:

Application moves to background

@objc func appMovedToBackground() {
    // Unsubscribe from updates

Application moves to foreground

@objc func appMovedToForeground() {
    // Subscribe to InOut updates again

Set user identifier

After initialization/configuration is complete, user identifier can be provided at any time using the following code:


Set alternative user identifier

After initialization/configuration is complete, alternative user identifier can be provided at any time using the following code:


App Store Connect distribution

Xcode 13 has added an option "Manage Version and Build Number" during the process of app distribution. Please be sure to have this option disabled in order for SDK versions to be correctly reported. For Xcode 15, after creating the archive file and select Distribute App button, in the next screen you should select the Custom option. Finally you should deselect the option "Manage Version and Build Number" in order for SDK versions to be correctly reported.

Migration guide

0.4.X to 0.5.X

  • Wherever the BespotSDK class is used, it should be renamed to BTSDK.
  • [CocoaPods only] Add config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES' at post_install phase in Podfile


If you find a bug please fill out an issue report or contact us at


(C) Copyright 2020-2024 Bespot P.C. All rights reserved. See LICENSE for more information. Bespot Location tracking to drive growth, profitability and customer engagement