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Indoor Location tracking and analytics for Android platform

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Bespot Android SDK


Bespot Android SDK offers indoor location tracking and analytics reporting to 3rd party apps using BLE technology and Machine Learning.


  • Indoor location (in/out)
  • Indoor area detection
  • Outdoor location
  • Analytics


Add the Bespot Artifactory repository to your root build.gradle.

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {url ''}

And then add the dependency in your project's build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation "com.bespot:library:${latest_version}"


First initialise Bespot SDK with the provided App Id and App Secret

Bespot.init(this, "your_app_id", "your_secret", null)

or via sample project's build.gradle file

buildConfigField("String", "BESPOT_APP_ID", "\"$BESPOT_APP_ID\"")
buildConfigField("String", "BESPOT_APP_SECRET", "\"$BESPOT_APP_SECRET\"")

The Bespot SDK requires three permissions. It needs permission for Fine Location, for Bluetooth and for Bluetooth Admin.

Subscribe for indoor location events

In order to receive indoor location changes you need to subscribe to Bespot.subscribe. This will return a 'StatusResult' object with the status of the device.

Bespot.subscribe(object: StatusObserver {
    override fun onStatusUpdate(status: StatusResult) {
        // Handle new status

    override fun onError(error: Failure) {
        // Handle error
}, null, null)

For the unsubscribe procedure use the Bespot.unsubscribe

 override fun onPause() {

Request for last status

When the last status of the device is needed, you can retrieve it by calling the Bespot.lastStatus. This will return a StatusResult object.

Bespot.lastStatus(object: StatusObserver {
    override fun onStatusUpdate(status: StatusResult) {
        // Handle status

    override fun onError(error: Failure) {
        // Handle error


Request for stores

To receive the available stores, call the Bespot.getStores.

Bespot.getStores(object: StoresCallback {
    override fun onStoreReceived(stores: List<Store>) {
        // Handle available stores

    override fun onError(error: Failure) {
        // Handle error

Request for store information

You can request for information about a store by using the Bespot.getStore method and passing the store_id.

Bespot.getStore("store_id", object: StoreCallback {
    override fun onStoreReceived(store: Store) {
        // Handle store details

    override fun onError(error: Failure) {
        // Handle error

Add User Identifier

You can add a user unique Identifier to keep track the user's session.


Add Alternative User Identifier

You can also add an alternative user unique Identifier to keep track of the user's session



Every Observer or Callback class has an onError(error: Failure) callback method that retrieves an Failure object. Find the a description list for each error in Bespot SDK official documentations. Also check all the available errors in Failure sealed class. Those errors can by resolved with a when() operator as is shown below

when (error) {
    is StatusFailure.NoStoreReadings -> // No store readings
    is StatusFailure.NoStatusCached -> // Νο cached status
    is StatusFailure.IndoorDataModelNotFound -> // Indoor data model Not found
    is StoreFailure.StoreUnderMaintenance -> // Store is under maintenance. In/Out status is unavailable
    is Failure.BluetoothPermissionDenied ->  // Bluetooth Permission Denied
    is Failure.BluetoothDisabled ->  // Bluetooth Disabled
    is Failure.LocationPermissionDenied ->  // Location Permission Denied
    is Failure.NetworkConnection -> // Connection error
    is Failure.NotInitialized ->  // SDK isn't initialized
    is Failure.ServerError -> // Remote server error
    is Failure.FeaturePermissionDenied ->  // Feature is not available
    is Failure.NoLocationOrReadingsData ->  // No location or readings data provided to resolve to a store
    is Failure.DeviceNotSupported -> // Device is not supported
    is ServiceUnavailableError.OutsideBusinessHours -> // Outside business hours
    else -> // Unhandleable error 

Migration from v0.4.x to v0.5.x

Since v.0.5.0, there is no need to call the Bespot.unsubscribe method when an error is thrown, and then call the subscribe function to get again In/Out status. Also when you receive an error from the 'Callback' you should add a when() operator to check which error it is and map it accordingly.


If you find a bug please fill out an issue report or contact us at


(C) Copyright 2020-2024 Bespot P.C. All rights reserved. See LICENSE for more information. Bespot Location tracking to drive growth, profitability and customer engagement