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asche1 edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 3 revisions


Ligands.PointChargeModel(self, symequiv=None, LigandCharge=-2, IonCharge=3, 
            printB = True, suppressminusm = False, ionL=None)

Create a point-charge model CFLevels object from the defined ligand locations and charges.


  • symequiv: list/None, a list defining which ligands are symmetry equivalent. For example, if there are six ligands (listed in Ligands.bonds) and the first two are symmetry-related and the last two are symmetry-related, one would set symequiv=[0,0,1,1,1,1]. Default: None (all ligands have the same charge).
  • LigandCharge: float/list, charge of ligands (in units of an electron charge). If symequiv=None, a single number must be provided. Otherwise, it must be a list that has the length of the number of symmetry-inequivalent ligands. Default: -2
  • IonCharge: float, charge of the central ion, in units of e. Default: 3
  • printB: boolean, whether or not to print the CEF parameters as the point-charge model is calculated. Default: True
  • suppressminusm: boolean, whether to include the -m terms (necessary if the y axis is not along a mirror plane). Default: False. *ionL: float, total angular momentum of the central ion (depreciated---uses the ion J state from the defined ion).


  • newobj: a CFLevels object where the CEF operators have been calculated from the point charge model.
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