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This repo contains all the files associated with the project 'Understanding the Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Bengaluru 2020'.

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Understanding the Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Bengaluru 2020

This repo contains all the files associated with 'Understanding the Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Bengaluru 2020' website. The website can be found at

Data was manually georeferenced by the authors/ contributors. While efforts have been taken to be as accurate and precise as possible, these locations may be imprecise or even inaccurate.


The table below provides information on the development of the project:

Version Date Description
0.1 20210203 Add list of non-geo-referenced projects plus count. Project database updated.
0.1 20210112 Linked to github repo. Draft SAAP analysis uploaded. Minor changes made to about and website appearance.
0.1 20210109 Github repo made public after organization of files and folders. Raw data not made public yet.
0.1 20210107 Website published with 100 geo-referenced proposals.
0.1 20210515 Refactor code across website + some geo-referencing
0.1 20211125 Revive Project + some geo-referencing!

Data Sources

The table below describes data used in this project:

Type Source Description Citation
Report Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Bengaluru 2020 All proposals were sourced from this document and subsequently geo-referenced and analysed by the author and contributors Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL), Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT), Infrastructure Development Corporation (Karnataka) Limited, 2020, Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Bengaluru 2020
Collaborative Mapping Site OpenStreetMap Geodata to aid in analysis, representation and visualisation Map data copyrighted OpenStreetMap contributors and available from"

Software and Packages

R is the primary language used in all data management, geo-referencing and spatial analysis. A number of packages were used including the following:

Package Purpose Citation
distill Website creation JJ Allaire, Rich Iannone, Alison Presmanes Hill and Yihui Xie (2020). distill: 'R Markdown' Format for Scientific and Technical Writing. R package version 1.1.
here Accessing files Kirill Müller (2020). here: A Simpler Way to Find Your Files. R package version 1.0.0.
mapboxapi Walkability analysis and drawing isochrones Kyle Walker (2020). mapboxapi: R Interface to 'Mapbox' Web Services. R package version 0.2.
osmdata Downloading data from OpenStreetMaps Mark Padgham, Bob Rudis, Robin Lovelace, Maëlle Salmon (2017). osmdata Journal of Open Source Software, 2(14). URL
sf Dealing with spatial data and performing geometric operations Pebesma, E., 2018. Simple Features for R: Standardized Support for Spatial Vector Data. The R Journal 10 (1), 439-446,
Tidyverse Data wrangling Wickham et al., (2019). Welcome to the tidyverse. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(43), 1686,
tmap Creation of static and interactive maps Tennekes M (2018). “tmap: Thematic Maps in R.” Journal of Statistical Software, 84(6), 1-39. doi:10.18637/jss.v084.i06 (URL:


This repo contains all the files associated with the project 'Understanding the Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Bengaluru 2020'.






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