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Brainfuck Commands

Kay Anar edited this page May 3, 2021 · 7 revisions

The Brainfuck language consists of only eight simple commands, each consisting of a single character:

Command Description
> Moves the pointer to the right
< Moves the pointer to the left
+ Increases the byte at the data pointer
- Decreases the byte at the data pointer
. Outputs the byte at the data pointer
, Inputs a byte into memory cell at the data pointer
[ Jumps past the matching ] if the byte at the data pointer is 0
] Jumps back to the matching [ if the byte at the data pointer is not 0
# Outputs the all bytes in the memory. (when -debug parameter is used)

All characters other than ><+-.,[] should be considered comments and ignored, except only when you run the Brainfuck Interpreter with -debug parameter, command # (hash / number sign) dumps the whole memory for you to debug it; check out the Memory Dump Example for more information.