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ap4gh edited this page Apr 10, 2019 · 2 revisions

This pages have information on setting up and running bot locally on your system. To run bot you will need a bot token. Check the procedure to get token and adding bot to a server here.


  1. Clone the repo git clone
  2. Move into the directory cd discord-bot
  3. Install npm/node dependencies npm install
  4. Rename /configuration/config.example.json to /configuration/config.json
  5. Fill the botToken field in /configuration/config.json with your own token.
  6. Optional. Change botPrefix to a desirable symbol like % or ^.


  1. If you are developing, you should run npm run watch. This will watch for changes and restart the bot.
  2. Or. Run the bot with npm start



You can host this bot on any provider of your choice. Here is a short tutorial on how to host on google's Compute Engine.

NOTE: Google's App engine is much better than CE for managing the bot but AE often goes inactive even on persistent connection because of no bot activity, hence choose CE if bot is not intended to serve heavy traffic.

  • GCP Compute Engine
    1. Create a CE VM instance
    2. SSH into your instance
    3. Install nvm, know more
    4. Install nodejs: nvm install v10.15.3
    5. Install pm2: npm install -g pm2
    6. Install the bot.
    7. Deploy the bot with pm2 pm2 start start.js

Your bot is now online and now can be invited via 0Auth to any number of servers. Read the entire procedure to deploy an app on GCP Compute Engine here

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