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This Project is the backend of Doctors's Portal where a user can register as a patients or doctor.Patient can book an appointment for a service by making a successful payment for the service. A doctor can publish individual slots for service. Doctors can view patients who has booked the appointment along with the payment status.There is an admin role who can delete any doctor or patient profile.Also can change the doctor's profile to verify the doctor credentials.

Project Features

  • User Account can created using Firebase Authentication.
  • Public (non-authenticated) users can access all services along with number of available spaces.
  • Doctor profile can be created.
  • Booking appointments (with-authentication).
  • Update slots for publishing to the public access.
  • Make payment for confirming the booking.
  • Delete doctor and patient profile.
  • Update doctor's profile.


  • Run npm start:dev to start the application.
  • Connect to the API using Postman on port 5009.

API Endpoints

HTTP Verbs Endpoints Action
GET api/v1/appointmentOptions To retrieve all appointment data
GET api/v1/users?userType={Patient or Doctor} To retrieve all users based on query (with JWT-authentication)
GET api/v1/slot/{Doctor's email} To retrieve all slots of the specific doctor (with JWT-authentication)
GET api/v1/bookings?email={User's email} To retrieve all bookings of the specific user (with JWT-authentication)
GET api/v1/user?email={User's email} To retrieve all data of the specific user (with JWT-authentication)
GET api/v1/appointmentSpecialty To retrieve all services
GET api/v1/jwt?email={User's email} To create JWT token
GET api/v1/booking/:id To retrieve information of a specific booking (with JWT-authentication)
GET api/v1/booking-doctor?email={Doctor's Email} To retrieve all patient of a specific doctor (with JWT-authentication)
POST api/v1/users To create a new user account
POST api/v1/bookings To create a booking (with JWT-authentication)
POST api/v1/slots To create a appointment with slot data (with JWT-authentication)
POST api/v1/create-payment-intent To create a new payment intent (with JWT-authentication)
POST api/v1/payment To create a payment with payment data (with JWT-authentication)
PATCH api/v1/slot To Update Slot data (with JWT-authentication)
PATCH api/v1/users?id={user id} To Update user role (with JWT-authentication)
PATCH api/v1/slots To Update Slot data (with JWT-authentication)
DELETE api/v1/users/:id To delete a single user (with JWT-authentication)

Technologies Used

  • NodeJS This is a cross-platform runtime environment built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine used in running JavaScript codes on the server. It allows for installation and managing of dependencies and communication with databases.
  • ExpressJS This is a NodeJS web application framework.
  • MongoDB This is a free open source NOSQL document database with scalability and flexibility. Data are stored in flexible JSON-like documents.
  • JSON Web Token JSON Web Token is a proposed Internet standard for creating data with optional signature and/or optional encryption whose payload holds JSON that asserts some number of claims. The tokens are signed either using a private secret or a public/private key.
  • Mongoose ODM This makes it easy to write MongoDB validation by providing a straight-forward, schema-based solution to model to application data.

### Sample Data: (User)
     "name": "Müller",
     "email": "mü",
     "role": "Patient",
     "image": ""

Create a new User

Route: api/v1/users (POST) Request body:

 "name": "Müller",
 "email": "mü",
 "role": "Patient",
 "image": ""// Image for upload

Response: The newly created user object. Response Sample Pattern:

      "success": true, 
      "message": "Users created successfully",
      "data": {
               "name": "Müller",
               "email": "mü",
               "role": "Patient",
               "image": ""

Get All Users

Route: api/v1/users?userType={Patient or Doctor} (GET)

Response: The user's array of objects.

Response Sample Pattern:

      "success": true, 
      "message": "Users retrieved successfully",
      "data": [{},{}], 

Get a Single User

Route: /api/v1/users/:id (GET)

Request Param: :id

Response: The specified user object.

Response Sample Pattern:

      "success": true, 
      "message": "User retrieved successfully",
      "data": {}, 

Delete a User

Route: /api/v1/users/:id ( DELETE)

Request Param: :id

Response: The deleted user object.

Response Sample Pattern:

      "success": true, 
      "message": "Uers deleted successfully",
      "data": {}, 

Create new appointment data

Route: api/v1/slots (POST)

Request body:

    "docEmail": "",
    "docSlot": [
            "date": "Saturday, May 27, 2023",
            "slot": [
                "12.00 AM-02.00 PM",
                "03.00 Pm-04.00 PM"
            "date": "Friday, May 23, 2023",
            "slot": [
                "12.00 AM-02.00 PM",
                "03.00 Pm-04.00 PM"

Response: The newly created appointment data.

Response Sample Pattern:

      "success": true, 
      "message": "Appointment data created successfully",
      "data":  {
                 "docEmail": "",
                 "docSlot": [
                                  "date": "Saturday, May 27, 2023",
                                  "slot": [
                                            "12.00 AM-02.00 PM",
                                            "03.00 Pm-04.00 PM"
                                "date": "Friday, May 23, 2023",
                                "slot": [
                                          "12.00 AM-02.00 PM",
                                          "03.00 Pm-04.00 PM"

Get all appointment option

Route: api/v1/appointmentOptions (GET)

Response: The array of objects.

Response Sample Pattern:

    "status": "Success",
    "message": "All Service Type Found",
    "data": [
            "_id": "6385cfeef6afce75f83b4fc6",
            "name": "Teeth Orthodontics"
            "_id": "6385cfeef6afce75f83b4fc7",
            "name": "Cosmetic Dentistry"
            "_id": "6385cfeef6afce75f83b4fc8",
            "name": "Teeth Cleaning"
            "_id": "6385cfeef6afce75f83b4fc9",
            "name": "Cavity Protection"
            "_id": "6385cfeef6afce75f83b4fca",
            "name": "Pediatric Dental"
            "_id": "6385cfeef6afce75f83b4fcb",
            "name": "Oral Surgery"

Route: /api/v1/users? Query parameters: (Case Insensitive)

  • page: The page number for pagination (e.g., ?page=1).
  • limit: The number of cow listings per page (e.g., ?limit=10).
  • searchTerm: The search query string for searching users (e.g., ?query=Dhaka). (Search Fields should be name, email, and userType) Response: An array of cow listing objects that match the provided filters, limited to the specified page and limit. Response Sample Pattern:
      "success": true, 
      "message": "Users retrieved successfully",
      "meta": {
        "page": 3,
        "limit": 10,
      "data": [
               "name": "Müller",
               "email": "mü",
               "role": "Patient",
               "image": ""

Get a Single Booking

Route: /api/v1/booking/:id (GET)

Request Param: :id

Response: The specified booking object.

Response Sample Pattern:

    "status": "Success",
    "message": "Bookings Found.",
    "data": {
        "_id": "648f6975c2ad6f6721a559d0",
        "patient_name": "habisdsbiiiöäüü",
        "patient_id": "63a029b84ccc9fde32696387",
        "patient_email": "",
        "patient_Phone": 12345,
        "appointmentData": [
                "doctor_email": "kori@gmail.comn",
                "treatment": "Tooth ",
                "price": 34,
                "AppointmentDate": "Monday, January 12,2023",
                "slot": "10-12",
                "_id": "648f6975c2ad6f6721a559d1"

Post a Booking

Route: api/v1/bookings (POST)

Request body:

 "name": "Müller",
 "email": "mü",
 "role": "Patient",
 "image": ""// Image for upload

Response Sample Pattern:

      "success":  "Success", 
      "message": "Booking Confirmed.Please Check your email", 

Post a Payment Intent

Route: api/v1/create-payment-intent (POST) Request body:

 "price": 100,

Response:Payment intent created

Response Sample Pattern:

    "status": "Success",
    "message": "Payment Intent Created",
    "clientSecret": Client Secret

Post a Payment Information

Route: api/v1/payment (POST) Request body:

       "transactionid": Trasaction ID,
       "bookingID": 23784546756625,

Response:Payment intent created

Response Sample Pattern:

    "status": "Success",
    "message": "Payment Data Posted",

Error Handling:

Error Response Object include the following properties:

  • success → false
  • message → Error Type → Validation Error, Cast Error, Duplicate Entry
  • errorMessages
  • stack

Sample Error Response

    "success": false,
    "message": "E11000 duplicate key error collection: univerity-management.students index: email_1 dup key: { email: \"\" }",
    "errorMessages": [
            "path": "",
            "message": "E11000 duplicate key error collection: univerity-management.students index: email_1 dup key: { email: \"\" }"
    "stack": "MongoServerError: E11000 duplicate key error collection: univerity-management.students index: email_1 dup key: { email: \"\" }\n    at H:\\next-level-development\\university-management-auth-service\\node_modules\\mongodb\\src\\operations\\insert.ts:85:25\n    at H:\\next-level-development\\university-management-auth-service\\node_modules\\mongodb\\src\\cmap\\connection_pool.ts:574:11\n    at H:\\next-level-development\\university-writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:391:12)"