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RTG-Sync: Virtual Gang based Scheduling of Parallel Real-Time Tasks

RTG-Sync is a scheduling framework which enables static grouping of real-time tasks into singular schedulable entities, called virtual gangs, which are executed one-at-a-time on all cores of a multicore platform. The goal of RTG-Sync is to enable completely deterministic scheduling of real-time tasks on COTS multicore platforms while preserving high system utilization in the presence of shared hardware resource interference.

This repository contains the code and instructions for deploying RTG-Sync in a Linux based system.


RTG-Sync was developed and tested on the following platform and software:

  • Hardware: NVIDIA Jetson TX-2
  • Software: Linux for Tegra r28.2.1 (Kernel v4.4.38)

To use RTG-Sync on a different Linux based platform, moderate porting effort should be expected to change the patch for the respective kernel.


Following are the instructions for deploying RTG-Sync on L4T of Jetson TX-2. For any other platform, please use the steps as appropriate for that platform.

Kernel Setup

  1. Flash the TX-2 board with OS image and drivers from Jetpack-3.1

  2. Once the board has rebooted, clone this repository into the board

sudo bash
apt install git
git clone
  1. Goto the kernel folder in this repository. Enter the tx2 folder and execute the script which will fetch the kernel source code of L4T from NVIDIA's repositories, patch it with changes required for deploying RTG-Sync, build the kernel on the board and replace the kernel image on the board with the updated kernel image

If you are doing this step manually, please note that the following configuration options must be enabled before building the patched kernel: CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUG, CONFIG_SCHED_RTGANG. Moreover, enable CONFIG_SCHED_THROTTLE to use best-effort task throttling feature and CONFIG_SCHED_PALLOC to enable page-coloring.

cd RTG-Synch/kernel/tx2
  1. Reboot the board if everything went correctly in the previous step. Make sure that you see NO_RT_GANG_LOCK in the sched_features file:
sudo bash
cat /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features

User-Level Middleware

Once the kernel has been successfully patched with RTG-Sync, the programmer can use the RTG-Sync middleware daemon and user-library calls to use the services provided by our framework.


To compile the user-level framework of RTG-Sync, do the following:

sudo bash
cd RTG-Synch/src/framework

This should create a build folder containing three executables: rtg_client, rtg_daemon,

API Calls

RTG-Sync framework provides two APIs which can be used by linking with our shared library (

API Description
rtg_member_setup Register as a member tasks of an established virtual gang
rtg_member_sync Synchronize with other member tasks of my virtual gang

Example Usecase

To illustrate how RTG-Sync framework can be used, we consider the following use-case: We need to create a virtual gang out of two periodic real-time tasks (tau_1 and tau_2). The virtual gang can tolerate 100-MB/s interfering memory traffic from best-effort tasks (i.e., throttling budget). We also want to statically partition the LLC between real-time and best-effort tasks with a ratio 3 (real-time) : 1 (best-effort). Finally, we want to partition the real-time LLC partition equally between tau_1 and tau_2. For this purpose, we assume that the target platform has 8 page-colors available for LLC partitioning. Hence, colors 0-5 should be assigned to real-time tasks and colors 6, 7 should be given to best-effort tasks. Among tau_1 and tau_2, tau_1 should get colors 0, 1, 2 and tau_2 should get colors 3, 4, 5.

Assume that the real-time tasks have the following template source-code:

#include <...>

int main (void)
    int var1, var2, ...;
    setup_resources (...);
    /* Periodic execution starts here */
    while (1) {
         do_something ();
	 wait_till_next_period ();

The application is compiled using the following command:

gcc tau_1.c -o tau_1

In order to achieve our desired goal in this use-case, we do the following:

  1. Create a virtual gang with two member tasks
sudo bash
cd src/framework/build
./rtg_daemon &
./rtg_client -c 2

The last command should print the ID value of the virtual gang if it was created successfully. Let us assume that the ID is 1001.

  1. Modify the source code of tau_1 and tau_2 to register as member tasks of the virtual gang just created and to synchronize with each other before their periodic execution starts:
#include <...>

/* Include RTG-Sync library header to use the APIs */
#include "rtg_sync_framework/rtg_lib.h"

int main (void)
    int var1, var2, ...;
     * This variable is used to transform raw page-colors to a color-mask
     * value appropriate for the target platform.
    unsigned long color_mask;
    /* Declare pthread barrier variable */
    pthread_barrier_t *barrier;
    setup_resources (...);
    /* Create color-mask for using page-colors 0,1,2 (3,4,5 for tau_2) */
    color_mask = parse_color_string ("0-2");
     * Register as virtual gang member with the desired parameters:
     *   pthread_barrier_t* rtg_member_setup (int id,
     *                                        unsigned long color_mask,
     *                                        unsigned int mem_read_budget,
     *                                        unsigned int mem_write_budget);
    barrier = rtg_member_setup (1001, color_mask, 100, 100);
    /* Synchronize on the barrier before periodic execution begins */
    rtg_member_sync (barrier);
    /* Periodic execution starts here */
    while (1) {
         do_something ();
	 wait_till_next_period ();

To compile the application now, we must specify the include path for RTG-Sync header and we must link with RTG-Sync shared library.

CFLAGS += -I<RTG-Sync-Repo-Path>/src/framework/include
LDFLAGS += -lrt
LIBS += -lrtg -lpthread

gcc $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) tau_1.c -o tau_1 $(LIBS)
  1. Enable kernel level gang-scheduling:
echo RT_GANG_LOCK > /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features
  1. Setup page-coloring via PALLOC:
# Specify color-mask for the target platform
echo 0x0001c000 > /sys/kernel/debug/palloc/color_mask

# Enable PALLOC
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/palloc/use_palloc

# Create static LLC partitions for real-time and best-effort tasks
mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/palloc/part_rt
mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/palloc/part_be

echo "0-5" > /sys/fs/cgroup/palloc/part_rt/palloc.bins
echo "6,7" > /sys/fs/cgroup/palloc/part_be/palloc.bins
  1. Enable best-effort task throttling:
echo "start 1" > /sys/kernel/debug/throttle/control
  1. When tau_1 and tau_2 are now executed on different CPU cores in the real-time PALLOC CGROUP, they will run simultaneously and their periodic execution will be aligned.
echo $$ > /sys/fs/cgroup/palloc/part_rt/tasks
taskset -c 0 chrt -f 5 ./tau_1 ... &
taskset -c 1 chrt -f 5 ./tau_2 ...
  1. Once both tau_1 and tau_2 have exited, do the following to destroy the virtual gang (1001):
./rtg_client -f 1001
  1. To properly kill the rtg_daemon, do the following:
./rtg_client -t
  1. To stop best-effort task throttling:
echo "start 0" > /sys/kernel/debug/throttle/control
  1. To disable page-coloring and gang-scheduling:
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/palloc/use_palloc
echo NO_RT_GANG_LOCK > /sys/kernel/debug/sched_features

Sanity Tests

Follow the instructions here to perform simple sanity tests to verify your installation of RTG-Sync components. Before proceeding with the tests, please install the following tools which will be used to record / visualize test results: trace-cmd, kernelshark

sudo apt install trace-cmd kernelshark

Gang Scheduling via RT-Gang

The goal of RT-Gang is to enforce one-gang-at-a-time scheduling policy on real-time tasks. Under this policy, only one (highest priority) real-time task (unser SCHED_FIFO)---single threaded or parallel---is allowed to execute across all cores of a multicore platform.


The test to verify RT-Gang comprises the following steps:

  • Create two real-time tasks with the following parameters:
Task WCET (ms) Period (ms) Threads
tau_1 40 100 1
tau_2 20 50 1
  • Run the tasks on two disjoint CPU cores of the target platform
  • Record a 10-second execution trace
  • Repeat the experiment but this time, enable RT-Gang


The test-case is automated via this script. To run the script, do the following:

sudo bash
cd <RTG-Sync-Repo-Path>/kernel/sanity_tests/rtgang

Expected Outcome

When executed without RT-Gang, the real-time tasks can run simultaneously across different cores. Following is the trace snapshot of this case on Jetson TX-2:

Execution Trace without RT-Gang

With RT-Gang, only the highest-priority real-time task executes at any given time. In this test-case, tau_2 is higher priority (due to shorter period and RMS priority assignment).

Execution Trace with RT-Gang

Virtual Gangs

Virtual gang abstraction allows synchronous co-execution of pre-determined groups of real-time tasks under RT-Gang.


The test to verify virtual gang scheduling consists of the following steps:

  • Create two real-time tasks with the following parameters:
Task WCET (ms) Period (ms) Threads
tau_1 20 50 1
tau_2 10 50 1
  • Enable RT-Gang
  • Run the tasks on two disjoint CPU cores of the target platform
  • Record a 10-second execution trace
  • Repeat the experiment but this time, use RTG-Sync library to create a virtual gang out of the two tasks


The test-case is automated via this script. To run the script, do the following:

sudo bash
cd <RTG-Sync-Repo-Path>/kernel/sanity_tests/virtual_gang

Expected Outcome

When executed without creating virtual gang first, the real-time tasks execute one-at-a-time due to RT-Gang. Following is the trace snapshot of this case on Jetson TX-2:

Execution Trace without Virtual Gang

When virtual gang is created, both tau_1 and tau_2 can execute simultaneously. Moreover, their periodic execution is perfectly aligned.

Execution Trace with Virtual Gang

Page-Coloring via PALLOC

The goal of PALLOC is to allow partitioning of LLC between best-effort tasks and real-time tasks and between member real-time tasks of a virtual gang.


We use bandwidth benchmark from IsolBench suite as our real-time task. The benchmark accesses a linear chunk of memory of specific size and prints the page-colors associated with that memory chunk once the execution is complete. The test to verify page-coloring under RTG-Sync framework proceeds as follows:

  • Setup PALLOC to enforce 1/4th (best-effort) and 3/4th (real-time) static partitioning of LLC via CGROUPS
  • Register bandwidth as a virtual gang and make it use 1/2 of the real-time LLC partition
  • Execute bandwidth for 10-seconds and examine the page-colors printed by it after the execution completes


The test-case is automated via this script. To run the script, do the following:

sudo bash
cd <RTG-Sync-Repo-Path>/kernel/sanity_tests/palloc

Expected Outcome

If the target platform has N page-colors available for LLC partitioning, bandwidth benchmark should use 3*N / 8 of those page-colors. On Jetson TX-2, there are 8 page-colors in total, so bandwidth is allowed to use 3 of those colors as per the setup of this experiment (output.txt):

	 Color Number 	 : 	      Pages 	 Size (MB)
	    ### 	 : 	       4453       17
	 Color[00] 	 : 	       1439        5
	 Color[01] 	 : 	       1418        5
	 Color[02] 	 : 	       1379        5
	 Color[03] 	 : 	         49        0
	 Color[04] 	 : 	         60        0
	 Color[05] 	 : 	         48        0
	 Color[06] 	 : 	         23        0
	 Color[07] 	 : 	         37        0

Throttling of Best-Effort Tasks

Throttling framework can be used to limit the memory usage budgets of co-executing best-effort tasks while a virtual gang is running.


To verify throttling of best-effort tasks under RTG-Sync, we do the following:

  • Create a single real-time task with the following parameters:
Task WCET (ms) Period (ms) Threads
tau_1 30 50 1
  • Run the task as a virtual gang with a best-effort throttling budget of 100-MB/s (reads)
  • Spawn a memory intensive best-effort task on a different CPU core
  • Collect execution trace for 10-seconds


The test-case is automated via this script. To run the script, do the following:

sudo bash
cd <RTG-Sync-Repo-Path>/kernel/sanity_tests/throttling

Expected Outcome

The best-effort task should get throttled whenever its execution overlaps with the execution of tau_1. On Jetson TX-2, the resulting execution timeline looks like this:

Execution Trace with Throttling of BE Tasks