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Library: Polymer 1.x

keywords: card, color

Demo: adom-card-color


This component shows a box with information about a component inside.

The information about this component is:

  • name
  • description
  • color
  • image of component
  • label
  • Webcomponent to show in ribbon

Basic Example

<adom-card-color heading="component-title" label='["card", "color"]' img="" description="lorem ipsum" color="#00897b" webcomponent="polymer"></adom-card-color>

Example without footer

<adom-card-color heading="component-title" label='["card", "color"]' img="" description="lorem ipsum" color="#00897b" webcomponent="polymer" no-footer></adom-card-color>

Example collapsed

<adom-card-color heading="component-title" label='["card", "color"]' img="" description="lorem ipsum" color="#00897b" webcomponent="polymer" collapsed></adom-card-color>


This component has three slot for add a customizable content:

Slot zone
card-header header
card-body body
card-footer footer

Example with slot

<style is="custom-style">
  .card-footer {
    padding: 1em;
<adom-card-color color="#33691e">
  <div slot="card-header">
    <h1>Title of card</h1>
  <div slot="card-body">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tempus, libero eu condimentum congue, eros nisi dictum nibh, et lobortis felis justo nec quam.
  <div slot="card-footer">
    <div class="card-footer">
      Reserved for a custom footer


this component hasn't got public methods.


The following custom CSS properties are available for styling:

Custom property Description Default
--adom-card-color empty mixin {}
--adom-card-color-bg-color background color for :host #00897b
--adom-card-color-body empty mixin for body {}
--adom-card-color-body-description empty mixin for body description {}
--adom-card-color-color color for :host #fff
--adom-card-color-footer empty mixin for footer {}
--adom-card-color-footer-buttons empty mixin footer buttons {}
--adom-card-color-footer-buttons-btn empty mixin for footer buttons .btn {}
--adom-card-color-footer-buttons-btn-color color for footer buttons .btn #fff
--adom-card-color-footer-buttons-span empty mixin for buttons span {}
--adom-card-color-footer-buttons-svg empty mixin for buttons svg {}
--adom-card-color-footer-buttons-svg-size size for buttons svg 30px
--adom-card-color-header empty mixin for header {}
--adom-card-color-header-container empty mixin for header container {}
--adom-card-color-header-heading empty mixin for header heading {}
--adom-card-color-header-img empty mixin for header img {}
--adom-card-color-header-label empty mixin for header label {}
--adom-card-color-header-size size for header 150px
--adom-card-color-ribbon empty mixin for ribbon {}
--adom-card-color-ribbon-after empty mixin ribbon after {}
--adom-card-color-ribbon-after-bg-color background color for ribbon after #A48505
--adom-card-color-ribbon-bg-color color for ribbon #f1c40f


Install the component using Bower:

$ bower install --save adominguez/adom-card-color


Import Web Components polyfill:

<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>

Import Custom Element:

<link rel="import" href="bower_components/adom-card-color/adom-card-color.html"> 

Install in your local machine

Clone the component in your local machine

$ git clone
$ cd adom-card-color

Install the component using npm:

$ npm install

Install the component using Bower:

$ bower install

Serve the component using:

$ gulp serve