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sample-web-scraper Build Status

Sample web scraper is a Spring Boot web application, aimed at parsing dynamic web pages from Amazon App Store. It derives the following information regarding a particular app from Amazon App Store :

  • App name
  • App version
  • Changelog for the current version (the "Latest updates" section)
  • Release date

Getting Started


  • Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.XX)
  • Apache Maven 3.X or greater
  1. Clone git repository
git clone
  1. Build the project
mvn clean install
  1. Importing project in Eclipse (optional)
Import => Maven => Exisiting maven projects

Running the application

  1. Running directly from command line.
mvn spring-boot:run
  1. Running in eclipse. (Optional)
  • Search for --> Right Click --> Run as Java Application
  1. Open up any web browser (Chrome, Safari etc.) and access the below URL for user interface
  1. Enter valid Amazon App Store's app URL eg:

  2. Details will be listed in the subsequent response. If there was a problem, an error page will be displayed instead.


Running the curl directly from terminal. Eg.

curl -d "url=" -X POST http://localhost:8080/amazon/appstore/details -v

Running tests

Even though mvn clean install will run all the tests, if tests need to be run explicitly, below command will run all tests for the application

mvn test

Built With

  • Spring Boot - The web framework
  • Maven - Dependency Management
  • JBrowserDriver - A programmable, embeddable web browser driver
  • Jsoup - Java HTML Parser
  • Thymeleaf - Server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments
  • Bootstrap - Front-end component library