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TzKT is the most widely used tool in Tezos that provides you with convenient and flexible access to the Tezos blockchain data, processed and indexed by its own indexer. You can fetch all historical data via REST API, or subscribe for real-time data via WebSocket API. TzKT was built by the joint efforts of the entire Tezos community to help developers build more services and dapps on top of Tezos.

TzKT Indexer and API are open-source, so don't be afraid to depend on the third-party service, because you can always clone, build and run it yourself to have full control over all the components.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or feature requests. Your feedback is much appreciated!

And don't forget to star TzKT on GitHub if you like it 😊

Get Started

There are two API services provided for public use:

  • Free TzKT API with free anonymous access;
  • TzKT Pro with paid subscriptions with increased rate limits, off-chain data, extended support and business-level SLA.

You can find more details about differences between available tiers here.


Free-tier TzKT API is the best way to get started and explore available Tezos data and API functionality. It doesn't require authorization and is free for everyone and for both commercial and non-commercial use.

Note: attribution required

If you use free-tier TzKT API, you must mention it on your website or application by placing the label "Powered by TzKT API", or "Built with TzKT API", or "Data provided by TzKT API" with a direct link to

It's available for the following Tezos networks with the following base URLs:

  • Mainnet: or (view docs)
  • Ghostnet: (view docs)
  • Parisnet: (view docs)

Sending Requests

To send a request to Free TzKT API you need literally nothing. Just take the base URL of the particular network (for example, Tezos mainnet: and append the path of the particular endpoint (for example, chain's head: /v1/head), that's pretty much it:


Read through this documentation to explore available endpoints, query parameters (note, if you click on a query parameter, you will see available modes, such as .eq, .in, etc.) and response models. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask for support, Tezos community has always been very friendly! 😉

Rate Limits

Please, refer to to check relevant rate limits.

If you exceed the limit, the API will respond with HTTP 429 status code.

TzKT Pro

TzKT Pro is intended for professional use, for those who seek for extended capabilities, performance, reliability and business-level SLA. TzKT Pro service is provided via paid subscriptions. Please, refer to Pricing Plans to check available tiers.

It's available for the following Tezos networks with the following base URLs:

  • Mainnet: (view docs)
  • Testnets: let us know if you need TzKT Pro for testnets


To access TzKT Pro you will need to authorize requests with your personal API key, that you will receive on your email after purchasing a subscription. This can be done by adding the query string parameter ?apikey={your_key} or by adding the HTTP header apikey: {your_key}.

Note that you can have multiple API keys within a single subscription.

Keep your API keys private, do not publish it anywhere and do not hardcode it, especially in public repositories. If your key was compromised, just let us know and we will issue a new one.

Also note that passing the API key via HTTP headers is more secure, because in HTTPS headers are encrypted, but query string is not, so the key can be unintentionally exposed to third parties.

Sending Requests

Sending a request with the API key passed as a query string parameter:


Sending a request with the API key passed via an HTTP header:

curl \\
    -H 'apikey: {your_key}'

Rate Limits

Please, refer to to check relevant rate limits for different pricing plans.

Also, TzKT Pro provides you with the additional HTTP headers to show the allowed limits, number of available requests and the time remaining (in seconds) until the quota is reset. Here's an example:

RateLimit-Limit: 50
RateLimit-Remaining: 49
RateLimit-Reset: 1

It also sends general information about your rate limits per second and per day:

X-RateLimit-Limit-Second: 50
X-RateLimit-Remaining-Second: 49
X-RateLimit-Limit-Day: 3000000
X-RateLimit-Remaining-Day: 2994953

If you exceed the limit, the API will respond with HTTP 429 status code.

For more information, please visit

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$apiInstance = new Bzzhh\Tzkt\Api\AccountsApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$id = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetIdParameter(); // AccountsGetIdParameter | Filters by internal id.
$address = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetAddressParameter(); // AccountsGetAddressParameter | Filters by address.
$type = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetTypeParameter(); // AccountsGetTypeParameter | Filters accounts by type (`user`, `delegate`, `contract`, `rollup`, `smart_rollup`, `ghost`).
$kind = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetKindParameter(); // AccountsGetKindParameter | Filters accounts by contract kind (`delegator_contract` or `smart_contract`)
$delegate = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetDelegateParameter(); // AccountsGetDelegateParameter | Filters accounts by delegate. Allowed fields for `.eqx` mode: none.
$staked_pseudotokens = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetStakedPseudotokensParameter(); // AccountsGetStakedPseudotokensParameter | Filters accounts by amount of staked pseudotokens.
$balance = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetBalanceParameter(); // AccountsGetBalanceParameter | Filters accounts by balance
$staked = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetStakedParameter(); // AccountsGetStakedParameter | Filters accounts by participation in staking
$last_activity = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetIdParameter(); // AccountsGetIdParameter | Filters accounts by last activity level (where the account was updated)
$select = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetSelectParameter(); // AccountsGetSelectParameter | Specify comma-separated list of fields to include into response or leave it undefined to return full object. If you select single field, response will be an array of values in both `.fields` and `.values` modes.
$sort = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetSortParameter(); // AccountsGetSortParameter | Sorts delegators by specified field. Supported fields: `id` (default), `balance`, `rollupBonds`, `firstActivity`, `lastActivity`, `numTransactions`, `numContracts`.
$offset = new \Bzzhh\Tzkt\Model\AccountsGetOffsetParameter(); // AccountsGetOffsetParameter | Specifies which or how many items should be skipped
$limit = 100; // int | Maximum number of items to return

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->accountsGet($id, $address, $type, $kind, $delegate, $staked_pseudotokens, $balance, $staked, $last_activity, $select, $sort, $offset, $limit);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountsApi->accountsGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountsApi accountsGet GET /v1/accounts Get accounts
AccountsApi accountsGetBalance GET /v1/accounts/{address}/balance Get balance
AccountsApi accountsGetBalanceAtDate GET /v1/accounts/{address}/balance_history/{datetime} Get balance at date
AccountsApi accountsGetBalanceAtLevel GET /v1/accounts/{address}/balance_history/{level} Get balance at level
AccountsApi accountsGetBalanceHistory GET /v1/accounts/{address}/balance_history Get balance history
AccountsApi accountsGetBalanceReport GET /v1/accounts/{address}/report Get account report
AccountsApi accountsGetByAddress GET /v1/accounts/{address} Get account by address
AccountsApi accountsGetContracts GET /v1/accounts/{address}/contracts Get account contracts
AccountsApi accountsGetCount GET /v1/accounts/count Get accounts count
AccountsApi accountsGetCounter GET /v1/accounts/{address}/counter Get counter
AccountsApi accountsGetDelegators GET /v1/accounts/{address}/delegators Get account delegators
AccountsApi accountsGetOperations GET /v1/accounts/{address}/operations Get account operations
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetBigMapById GET /v1/bigmaps/{id} Get bigmap by Id
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetBigMapKeys GET /v1/bigmaps/keys Get bigmap keys
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetBigMapType GET /v1/bigmaps/{id}/type Get bigmap type
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetBigMapUpdates GET /v1/bigmaps/updates/count Get bigmap updates count
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetBigMapUpdates2 GET /v1/bigmaps/updates Get bigmap updates
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetBigMaps GET /v1/bigmaps Get bigmaps
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetBigMapsCount GET /v1/bigmaps/count Get bigmaps count
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetHistoricalKeys GET /v1/bigmaps/{id}/historical_keys/{level} Get historical keys
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetKey GET /v1/bigmaps/{id}/keys/{key} Get bigmap key
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetKey2 GET /v1/bigmaps/{id}/historical_keys/{level}/{key} Get historical key
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetKeyUpdates GET /v1/bigmaps/{id}/keys/{key}/updates Get bigmap key updates
BigMapsApi bigMapsGetKeys GET /v1/bigmaps/{id}/keys Get bigmap keys
BlocksApi blocksGet GET /v1/blocks Get blocks
BlocksApi blocksGetByDate GET /v1/blocks/{timestamp} Get block by timestamp
BlocksApi blocksGetByDate2 GET /v1/blocks/{timestamp}/level Get level by timestamp
BlocksApi blocksGetByHash GET /v1/blocks/{hash} Get block by hash
BlocksApi blocksGetByLevel GET /v1/blocks/{level} Get block by level
BlocksApi blocksGetByLevel2 GET /v1/blocks/{level}/timestamp Get timestamp by level
BlocksApi blocksGetCount GET /v1/blocks/count Get blocks count
CommitmentsApi commitmentsGet GET /v1/commitments/{address} Get commitment by blinded address
CommitmentsApi commitmentsGetAll GET /v1/commitments Get commitments
CommitmentsApi commitmentsGetCount GET /v1/commitments/count Get commitments count
ConstantsApi constantsGet GET /v1/constants Get global constants
ConstantsApi constantsGetByAddress GET /v1/constants/{address} Get global constant by address
ConstantsApi constantsGetCount GET /v1/constants/count Get global constants count
ContractsApi contractsBuildEntrypointParametersGET GET /v1/contracts/{address}/entrypoints/{name}/build Build entrypoint parameters
ContractsApi contractsBuildEntrypointParametersPOST POST /v1/contracts/{address}/entrypoints/{name}/build Build entrypoint parameters
ContractsApi contractsGet GET /v1/contracts Get contracts
ContractsApi contractsGetBigMapByName GET /v1/contracts/{address}/bigmaps/{name} Get bigmap by name
ContractsApi contractsGetBigMapByNameKeys GET /v1/contracts/{address}/bigmaps/{name}/keys Get bigmap keys
ContractsApi contractsGetBigMaps GET /v1/contracts/{address}/bigmaps Get contract bigmaps
ContractsApi contractsGetByAddress GET /v1/contracts/{address} Get contract by address
ContractsApi contractsGetCode GET /v1/contracts/{address}/code Get contract code
ContractsApi contractsGetContractViewByName GET /v1/contracts/{address}/views/{name} Get view by name
ContractsApi contractsGetContractViews GET /v1/contracts/{address}/views Get contract views
ContractsApi contractsGetCount GET /v1/contracts/count Get contracts count
ContractsApi contractsGetEntrypointByName GET /v1/contracts/{address}/entrypoints/{name} Get entrypoint by name
ContractsApi contractsGetEntrypoints GET /v1/contracts/{address}/entrypoints Get contract entrypoints
ContractsApi contractsGetHistoricalKeys GET /v1/contracts/{address}/bigmaps/{name}/historical_keys/{level} Get historical keys
ContractsApi contractsGetInterface GET /v1/contracts/{address}/interface Get JSON Schema [2020-12] interface for the contract
ContractsApi contractsGetKey GET /v1/contracts/{address}/bigmaps/{name}/keys/{key} Get bigmap key
ContractsApi contractsGetKey2 GET /v1/contracts/{address}/bigmaps/{name}/historical_keys/{level}/{key} Get historical key
ContractsApi contractsGetKeyUpdates GET /v1/contracts/{address}/bigmaps/{name}/keys/{key}/updates Get bigmap key updates
ContractsApi contractsGetRawStorage GET /v1/contracts/{address}/storage/raw Get raw contract storage
ContractsApi contractsGetRawStorageHistory GET /v1/contracts/{address}/storage/raw/history Get raw contract storage history
ContractsApi contractsGetRawStorageSchema GET /v1/contracts/{address}/storage/raw/schema Get raw contract storage schema
ContractsApi contractsGetSame GET /v1/contracts/{address}/same Get same contracts
ContractsApi contractsGetSimilar GET /v1/contracts/{address}/similar Get similar contracts
ContractsApi contractsGetStorage GET /v1/contracts/{address}/storage Get contract storage
ContractsApi contractsGetStorageHistory GET /v1/contracts/{address}/storage/history Get contract storage history
ContractsApi contractsGetStorageSchema GET /v1/contracts/{address}/storage/schema Get contract storage schema
CyclesApi cyclesGet GET /v1/cycles Get cycles
CyclesApi cyclesGetByIndex GET /v1/cycles/{index} Get cycle by index
CyclesApi cyclesGetCount GET /v1/cycles/count Get cycles count
DelegatesApi delegatesGet GET /v1/delegates Get delegates
DelegatesApi delegatesGetByAddress GET /v1/delegates/{address} Get delegate by address
DelegatesApi delegatesGetCount GET /v1/delegates/count Get delegates count
DomainsApi domainsGet GET /v1/domains Get domains
DomainsApi domainsGetByName GET /v1/domains/{name} Get domain by name
DomainsApi domainsGetCount GET /v1/domains/count Get domains count
EventsApi eventsGetContractEvents GET /v1/contracts/events Get contract events
EventsApi eventsGetContractEventsCount GET /v1/contracts/events/count Get contract events count
HeadApi headGet GET /v1/head Get indexer head
HelpersApi helpersPostInject POST /v1/helpers/inject Inject operation
HelpersApi helpersPostRunScriptView POST /v1/helpers/view/{contract}/{name} Run script view
OperationsApi operationsGetActivationByHash GET /v1/operations/activations/{hash} Get activation by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetActivations GET /v1/operations/activations Get activations
OperationsApi operationsGetActivationsCount GET /v1/operations/activations/count Get activations count
OperationsApi operationsGetAutostakingOps GET /v1/operations/autostaking Get autostaking ops
OperationsApi operationsGetAutostakingOpsCount GET /v1/operations/autostaking/count Get autostaking ops count
OperationsApi operationsGetBaking GET /v1/operations/baking Get baking
OperationsApi operationsGetBakingById GET /v1/operations/baking/{id} Get baking by id
OperationsApi operationsGetBakingCount GET /v1/operations/baking/count Get baking count
OperationsApi operationsGetBallotByHash GET /v1/operations/ballots/{hash} Get ballot by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetBallots GET /v1/operations/ballots Get ballots
OperationsApi operationsGetBallotsCount GET /v1/operations/ballots/count Get ballots count
OperationsApi operationsGetByHash GET /v1/operations/{hash} Get operations by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetByHashCounter GET /v1/operations/{hash}/{counter} Get operations by hash and counter
OperationsApi operationsGetByHashCounterNonce GET /v1/operations/{hash}/{counter}/{nonce} Get operations by hash, counter and nonce
OperationsApi operationsGetDalPublishCommitmentOps GET /v1/operations/dal_publish_commitment Get dal_publish_commitment ops
OperationsApi operationsGetDalPublishCommitmentOpsCount GET /v1/operations/dal_publish_commitment/count Get dal_publish_commitment ops count
OperationsApi operationsGetDelegationByHash GET /v1/operations/delegations/{hash} Get delegation by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetDelegationStatus GET /v1/operations/delegations/{hash}/status Get delegation status
OperationsApi operationsGetDelegations GET /v1/operations/delegations Get delegations
OperationsApi operationsGetDelegationsCount GET /v1/operations/delegations/count Get delegations count
OperationsApi operationsGetDoubleBaking GET /v1/operations/double_baking Get double baking
OperationsApi operationsGetDoubleBakingByHash GET /v1/operations/double_baking/{hash} Get double baking by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetDoubleBakingCount GET /v1/operations/double_baking/count Get double baking count
OperationsApi operationsGetDoubleEndorsing GET /v1/operations/double_endorsing Get double endorsing
OperationsApi operationsGetDoubleEndorsingByHash GET /v1/operations/double_endorsing/{hash} Get double endorsing by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetDoubleEndorsingCount GET /v1/operations/double_endorsing/count Get double endorsing count
OperationsApi operationsGetDoublePreendorsing GET /v1/operations/double_preendorsing Get double preendorsing
OperationsApi operationsGetDoublePreendorsingByHash GET /v1/operations/double_preendorsing/{hash} Get double preendorsing by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetDoublePreendorsingCount GET /v1/operations/double_preendorsing/count Get double preendorsing count
OperationsApi operationsGetDrainDelegateByHash GET /v1/operations/drain_delegate/{hash} Get drain delegate by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetDrainDelegateOps GET /v1/operations/drain_delegate Get drain delegate
OperationsApi operationsGetDrainDelegateOpsCount GET /v1/operations/drain_delegate/count Get drain delegate count
OperationsApi operationsGetEndorsementByHash GET /v1/operations/endorsements/{hash} Get endorsement by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetEndorsements GET /v1/operations/endorsements Get endorsements
OperationsApi operationsGetEndorsementsCount GET /v1/operations/endorsements/count Get endorsements count
OperationsApi operationsGetEndorsingRewardById GET /v1/operations/endorsing_rewards/{id} Get endorsing reward by id
OperationsApi operationsGetEndorsingRewards GET /v1/operations/endorsing_rewards Get endorsing rewards
OperationsApi operationsGetEndorsingRewardsCount GET /v1/operations/endorsing_rewards/count Get endorsing rewards count
OperationsApi operationsGetIncreasePaidStorageByHash GET /v1/operations/increase_paid_storage/{hash} Get increase paid storage by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetIncreasePaidStorageCount GET /v1/operations/increase_paid_storage/count Get increase paid storage count
OperationsApi operationsGetIncreasePaidStorageOps GET /v1/operations/increase_paid_storage Get increase paid storage
OperationsApi operationsGetMigrationById GET /v1/operations/migrations/{id} Get migration by id
OperationsApi operationsGetMigrations GET /v1/operations/migrations Get migrations
OperationsApi operationsGetMigrationsCount GET /v1/operations/migrations/count Get migrations count
OperationsApi operationsGetNonceRevelationByHash GET /v1/operations/nonce_revelations/{hash} Get nonce revelation by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetNonceRevelations GET /v1/operations/nonce_revelations Get nonce revelations
OperationsApi operationsGetNonceRevelationsCount GET /v1/operations/nonce_revelations/count Get nonce revelations count
OperationsApi operationsGetOriginationByHash GET /v1/operations/originations/{hash} Get origination by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetOriginationStatus GET /v1/operations/originations/{hash}/status Get origination status
OperationsApi operationsGetOriginations GET /v1/operations/originations Get originations
OperationsApi operationsGetOriginationsCount GET /v1/operations/originations/count Get originations count
OperationsApi operationsGetPreendorsementByHash GET /v1/operations/preendorsements/{hash} Get preendorsement by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetPreendorsements GET /v1/operations/preendorsements Get preendorsements
OperationsApi operationsGetPreendorsementsCount GET /v1/operations/preendorsements/count Get preendorsements count
OperationsApi operationsGetProposalByHash GET /v1/operations/proposals/{hash} Get proposal by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetProposals GET /v1/operations/proposals Get proposals
OperationsApi operationsGetProposalsCount GET /v1/operations/proposals/count Get proposals count
OperationsApi operationsGetRegisterConstantByHash GET /v1/operations/register_constants/{hash} Get register constant by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetRegisterConstantStatus GET /v1/operations/register_constants/{hash}/status Get register constant status
OperationsApi operationsGetRegisterConstants GET /v1/operations/register_constants Get register constants
OperationsApi operationsGetRegisterConstantsCount GET /v1/operations/register_constants/count Get register constants count
OperationsApi operationsGetRevealByHash GET /v1/operations/reveals/{hash} Get reveal by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetRevealStatus GET /v1/operations/reveals/{hash}/status Get reveal status
OperationsApi operationsGetReveals GET /v1/operations/reveals Get reveals
OperationsApi operationsGetRevealsCount GET /v1/operations/reveals/count Get reveals count
OperationsApi operationsGetRevelationPenalties GET /v1/operations/revelation_penalties Get revelation penalties
OperationsApi operationsGetRevelationPenaltiesCount GET /v1/operations/revelation_penalties/count Get revelation penalties count
OperationsApi operationsGetRevelationPenaltyById GET /v1/operations/revelation_penalties/{id} Get revelation penalty by id
OperationsApi operationsGetSetDelegateParametersOps GET /v1/operations/set_delegate_parameters Get set_delegate_parameters ops
OperationsApi operationsGetSetDelegateParametersOpsCount GET /v1/operations/set_delegate_parameters/count Get set_delegate_parameters ops count
OperationsApi operationsGetSetDepositsLimitByHash GET /v1/operations/set_deposits_limits/{hash} Get set deposits limit by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetSetDepositsLimitStatus GET /v1/operations/set_deposits_limits/{hash}/status Get set deposits limit status
OperationsApi operationsGetSetDepositsLimits GET /v1/operations/set_deposits_limits Get set deposits limits
OperationsApi operationsGetSetDepositsLimitsCount GET /v1/operations/set_deposits_limits/count Get set deposits limits count
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupAddMessagesOps GET /v1/operations/sr_add_messages Get smart rollup add messages
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupAddMessagesOpsCount GET /v1/operations/sr_add_messages/count Get smart rollup add messages count
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupCementOps GET /v1/operations/sr_cement Get smart rollup cement
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupCementOpsCount GET /v1/operations/sr_cement/count Get smart rollup cement count
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupExecuteOps GET /v1/operations/sr_execute Get smart rollup execute
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupExecuteOpsCount GET /v1/operations/sr_execute/count Get smart rollup execute count
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupOriginateOps GET /v1/operations/sr_originate Get smart rollup originate
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupOriginateOpsCount GET /v1/operations/sr_originate/count Get smart rollup originate count
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupPublishOps GET /v1/operations/sr_publish Get smart rollup publish
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupPublishOpsCount GET /v1/operations/sr_publish/count Get smart rollup publish count
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupRecoverBondOps GET /v1/operations/sr_recover_bond Get smart rollup recover bond
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupRecoverBondOpsCount GET /v1/operations/sr_recover_bond/count Get smart rollup recover bond count
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupRefuteOps GET /v1/operations/sr_refute Get smart rollup refute
OperationsApi operationsGetSmartRollupRefuteOpsCount GET /v1/operations/sr_refute/count Get smart rollup refute count
OperationsApi operationsGetStakingOps GET /v1/operations/staking Get staking ops
OperationsApi operationsGetStakingOpsCount GET /v1/operations/staking/count Get staking ops count
OperationsApi operationsGetStatus GET /v1/operations/{hash}/status Get operation status
OperationsApi operationsGetTransactionByHash GET /v1/operations/transactions/{hash} Get transaction by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetTransactionByHashCounter GET /v1/operations/transactions/{hash}/{counter} Get transaction by hash and counter
OperationsApi operationsGetTransactionByHashCounterNonce GET /v1/operations/transactions/{hash}/{counter}/{nonce} Get transaction by hash, counter and nonce
OperationsApi operationsGetTransactionStatus GET /v1/operations/transactions/{hash}/status Get transaction status
OperationsApi operationsGetTransactions GET /v1/operations/transactions Get transactions
OperationsApi operationsGetTransactionsCount GET /v1/operations/transactions/count Get transactions count
OperationsApi operationsGetTransferTicketOps GET /v1/operations/transfer_ticket Get transfer ticket
OperationsApi operationsGetTransferTicketOpsByHash GET /v1/operations/transfer_ticket/{hash} Get transfer ticket by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetTransferTicketOpsCount GET /v1/operations/transfer_ticket/count Get transfer ticket count
OperationsApi operationsGetTransferTicketStatus GET /v1/operations/transfer_ticket/{hash}/status Get transfer ticket status
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupCommitOps GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_commit Get tx rollup commit
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupCommitOpsByHash GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_commit/{hash} Get tx rollup commit by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupCommitOpsCount GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_commit/count Get tx rollup commit count
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupCommitStatus GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_commit/{hash}/status Get tx rollup commit status
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupDispatchTicketsOps GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_dispatch_tickets Get tx rollup dispatch tickets
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupDispatchTicketsOpsByHash GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_dispatch_tickets/{hash} Get tx rollup dispatch tickets by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupDispatchTicketsOpsCount GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_dispatch_tickets/count Get tx rollup dispatch tickets count
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupDispatchTicketsStatus GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_dispatch_tickets/{hash}/status Get tx rollup dispatch tickets status
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupFinalizeCommitmentOps GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_finalize_commitment Get tx rollup finalize commitment
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupFinalizeCommitmentOpsByHash GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_finalize_commitment/{hash} Get tx rollup finalize commitment by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupFinalizeCommitmentOpsCount GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_finalize_commitment/count Get tx rollup finalize commitment count
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupFinalizeCommitmentStatus GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_finalize_commitment/{hash}/status Get tx rollup finalize commitment status
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupOriginationOps GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_origination Get tx rollup origination
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupOriginationOpsByHash GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_origination/{hash} Get tx rollup origination by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupOriginationOpsCount GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_origination/count Get tx rollup origination count
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupOriginationStatus GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_origination/{hash}/status Get tx rollup origination status
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupRejectionOps GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_rejection Get tx rollup rejection
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupRejectionOpsByHash GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_rejection/{hash} Get tx rollup rejection by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupRejectionOpsCount GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_rejection/count Get tx rollup rejection count
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupRejectionStatus GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_rejection/{hash}/status Get tx rollup rejection status
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupRemoveCommitmentOps GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_remove_commitment Get tx rollup remove commitment
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupRemoveCommitmentOpsByHash GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_remove_commitment/{hash} Get tx rollup remove commitment by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupRemoveCommitmentOpsCount GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_remove_commitment/count Get tx rollup remove commitment count
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupRemoveCommitmentStatus GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_remove_commitment/{hash}/status Get tx rollup remove commitment status
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupReturnBondOps GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_return_bond Get tx rollup return bond
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupReturnBondOpsByHash GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_return_bond/{hash} Get tx rollup return bond by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupReturnBondOpsCount GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_return_bond/count Get tx rollup return bond count
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupReturnBondStatus GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_return_bond/{hash}/status Get tx rollup return bond status
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupSubmitBatchOps GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_submit_batch Get tx rollup submit batch
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupSubmitBatchOpsByHash GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_submit_batch/{hash} Get tx rollup submit batch by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupSubmitBatchOpsCount GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_submit_batch/count Get tx rollup submit batch count
OperationsApi operationsGetTxRollupSubmitBatchStatus GET /v1/operations/tx_rollup_submit_batch/{hash}/status Get tx rollup submit batch status
OperationsApi operationsGetUpdateConsensusKeyByHash GET /v1/operations/update_consensus_key/{hash} Get update consensus key by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetUpdateConsensusKeyOps GET /v1/operations/update_consensus_key Get update consensus key
OperationsApi operationsGetUpdateConsensusKeyOpsCount GET /v1/operations/update_consensus_key/count Get update consensus key count
OperationsApi operationsGetVdfRevelationByHash GET /v1/operations/vdf_revelations/{hash} Get vdf revelation by hash
OperationsApi operationsGetVdfRevelations GET /v1/operations/vdf_revelations Get vdf revelations
OperationsApi operationsGetVdfRevelationsCount GET /v1/operations/vdf_revelations/count Get vdf revelations count
ProtocolsApi protocolsGet GET /v1/protocols Get protocols
ProtocolsApi protocolsGetByCode GET /v1/protocols/{code} Get protocol by code
ProtocolsApi protocolsGetByCycle GET /v1/protocols/cycles/{cycle} Get protocol by cycle
ProtocolsApi protocolsGetByHash GET /v1/protocols/{hash} Get protocol by hash
ProtocolsApi protocolsGetCount GET /v1/protocols/count Get protocols count
ProtocolsApi protocolsGetCurrent GET /v1/protocols/current Get current protocol
QuotesApi quotesGet GET /v1/quotes Get quotes
QuotesApi quotesGetCount GET /v1/quotes/count Get quotes count
QuotesApi quotesGetLast GET /v1/quotes/last Get last quote
RewardsApi rewardsGetBakerRewards GET /v1/rewards/bakers/{address} Get baker cycle rewards
RewardsApi rewardsGetBakerRewardsCount GET /v1/rewards/bakers/{address}/count Get baker cycle rewards count
RewardsApi rewardsGetDelegatorRewards GET /v1/rewards/delegators/{address} Get delegator cycle rewards
RewardsApi rewardsGetDelegatorRewardsCount GET /v1/rewards/delegators/{address}/count Get delegator cycle rewards count
RewardsApi rewardsGetRewardSplit GET /v1/rewards/split/{baker}/{cycle} Get reward split
RewardsApi rewardsGetRewardSplitDelegator GET /v1/rewards/split/{baker}/{cycle}/{delegator} Get reward split delegator
RightsApi rightsGet GET /v1/rights Get rights
RightsApi rightsGetCount GET /v1/rights/count Get rights count
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetEntrypoints GET /v1/smart_rollups/{address}/entrypoints Get smart rollup entrypoints
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetInboxMessages GET /v1/smart_rollups/inbox Get inbox messages
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetInboxMessagesCount GET /v1/smart_rollups/inbox/count Get inbox messages count
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetInterface GET /v1/smart_rollups/{address}/interface Get JSON Schema [2020-12] interface for the smart rollup
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetSmartRollup GET /v1/smart_rollups/{address} Get smart rollup by address
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetSmartRollupCommitments GET /v1/smart_rollups/commitments Get smart rollup commitments
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetSmartRollupCommitmentsCount GET /v1/smart_rollups/commitments/count Get smart rollup commitments count
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetSmartRollupGames GET /v1/smart_rollups/games Get smart rollup games
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetSmartRollupGamesCount GET /v1/smart_rollups/games/count Get smart rollup games count
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetSmartRollupStakers GET /v1/smart_rollups/{address}/stakers Get smart rollup stakers
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetSmartRollups GET /v1/smart_rollups Get smart rollups
SmartRollupsApi smartRollupsGetSmartRollupsCount GET /v1/smart_rollups/count Get smart rollups count
SoftwareApi softwareGet GET /v1/software Get baker software
SoftwareApi softwareGetCount GET /v1/software/count Get software count
StakingApi stakingGetStakingUpdates GET /v1/staking/updates Get staking updates
StakingApi stakingGetStakingUpdatesCount GET /v1/staking/updates/count Get staking updates count
StakingApi stakingGetUnstakeRequests GET /v1/staking/unstake_requests Get unstake requests
StakingApi stakingGetUnstakeRequestsCount GET /v1/staking/unstake_requests/count Get unstake requests count
StatisticsApi statisticsGet GET /v1/statistics Get statistics
StatisticsApi statisticsGetCycles GET /v1/statistics/current Get current statistics
StatisticsApi statisticsGetCyclesAll GET /v1/statistics/cyclic Get cyclic statistics
StatisticsApi statisticsGetDaily GET /v1/statistics/daily Get daily statistics
TicketsApi ticketsGetHistoricalTicketBalances GET /v1/tickets/historical_balances/{level} Get historical ticket balances
TicketsApi ticketsGetTicketBalances GET /v1/tickets/balances Get ticket balances
TicketsApi ticketsGetTicketBalancesCount GET /v1/tickets/balances/count Get ticket balances count
TicketsApi ticketsGetTicketTransfers GET /v1/tickets/transfers Get ticket transfers
TicketsApi ticketsGetTicketTransfersCount GET /v1/tickets/transfers/count Get ticket transfers count
TicketsApi ticketsGetTickets GET /v1/tickets Get tickets
TicketsApi ticketsGetTicketsCount GET /v1/tickets/count Get tickets count
TokensApi tokensGetTokenBalances GET /v1/tokens/balances Get token balances
TokensApi tokensGetTokenBalances2 GET /v1/tokens/historical_balances/{level} Get historical token balances
TokensApi tokensGetTokenBalancesCount GET /v1/tokens/balances/count Get token balances count
TokensApi tokensGetTokenTransfers GET /v1/tokens/transfers Get token transfers
TokensApi tokensGetTokenTransfersCount GET /v1/tokens/transfers/count Get token transfers count
TokensApi tokensGetTokens GET /v1/tokens Get tokens
TokensApi tokensGetTokensCount GET /v1/tokens/count Get tokens count
VotingApi votingGetCurrentEpoch GET /v1/voting/epochs/current Get current voting epoch
VotingApi votingGetCurrentPeriod GET /v1/voting/periods/current Get current voting period
VotingApi votingGetEpoch GET /v1/voting/epochs/{index} Get voting epoch by index
VotingApi votingGetEpochs GET /v1/voting/epochs Get voting epochs
VotingApi votingGetLatestVoting GET /v1/voting/epochs/latest_voting Get latest voting
VotingApi votingGetPeriod GET /v1/voting/periods/{index} Get voting period by index
VotingApi votingGetPeriodVoter GET /v1/voting/periods/{index}/voters/{address} Get period voter
VotingApi votingGetPeriodVoter2 GET /v1/voting/periods/current/voters/{address} Get current period voter
VotingApi votingGetPeriodVoters GET /v1/voting/periods/{index}/voters Get period voters
VotingApi votingGetPeriodVoters2 GET /v1/voting/periods/current/voters Get current period voters
VotingApi votingGetPeriods GET /v1/voting/periods Get voting periods
VotingApi votingGetProposalByHash GET /v1/voting/proposals/{hash} Get proposal by hash
VotingApi votingGetProposals GET /v1/voting/proposals Get proposals
VotingApi votingGetProposalsCount GET /v1/voting/proposals/count Get proposals count



All endpoints do not require authorization.


To run the tests, use:

composer install


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.14.4
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen