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React EZ Resize

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defaultWidth: number; Default width applied to state on mount.

defaultHeight: number; Default height applied to state on mount.

width?: string | number; Overrides width from state of internal component. You can manage your own state with onResize event.

height?: string | number; Overrides height from state of internal component.

minWidth?: number; Minimum width of Resizer when resizing. Maximum width is applied to width of parent element.

minHeight?: number; Minimum height of Resizer when resizing. Maximum height is applied to width of parent element.

className?: string; className of Resizer div.

style?: React.CSSProperties; style of Resizer div. You cannot override width and height of Resizer div with style.

handleContent?: {
  top?: React.ReactNode;
  topRight?: React.ReactNode;
  right?: React.ReactNode;
  bottomRight?: React.ReactNode;
  bottom?: React.ReactNode;
  bottomLeft?: React.ReactNode;
  left?: React.ReactNode;
  topleft?: React.ReactNode;

Content of specific handles.

handleClassName?: {
  top?: string;
  topRight?: string;
  right?: string;
  bottomRight?: string;
  bottom?: string;
  bottomLeft?: string;
  left?: string;
  topleft?: string;

classname of specific handle.

handleStyle?: {
  top?: React.CSSProperties;
  topRight?: React.CSSProperties;
  right?: React.CSSProperties;
  bottomRight?: React.CSSProperties;
  bottom?: React.CSSProperties;
  bottomLeft?: React.CSSProperties;
  left?: React.CSSProperties;
  topleft?: React.CSSProperties;

style of specific handle.

handleEnabled?: {
  top?: boolean;
  topRight?: boolean;
  right?: boolean;
  bottomRight?: boolean;
  bottom?: boolean;
  bottomLeft?: boolean;
  left?: boolean;
  topleft?: boolean;

Enable specific handle. By default all handles are disabled.

onStartResize?: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement> | React.TouchEvent<HTMLDivElement>, direction: ResizerDirection ) => void; Fired onMouseDown of any handle.

onResize?: (e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void; Fired if onStartResize was fired before this, onMouseMove.

onStopResize?: () => void; Fired onMouseUp after onStartResize.


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