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Google Analytics Module For VirtoCommerce Frontend

This module is designed for use with the VirtoCommerce frontend app. It provides a simple interface to initialize and use Google Analytics, allowing you to track user interactions and events on your website.


Install the latest version

yarn add @virto-commerce/front-modules-google-ecommerce-analytics

or install a specific version

yarn add @virto-commerce/front-modules-google-ecommerce-analytics@1.0.0


Import the Module

Import the useGoogleAnalyticsModule composable in your Vue component:

import { useGoogleAnalyticsModule } from "@virto-commerce/front-modules-google-ecommerce-analytics";

But preferably use async import

const { useGoogleAnalyticsModule } = await import("@virto-commerce/front-modules-google-ecommerce-analytics");

Initialize Google Analytics

To initialize Google Analytics, call the initModule method with the appropriate properties, the full example:

// useGoogleAnalytics.ts

import { useScriptTag } from "@vueuse/core";
import { useCurrency } from "@/core/composables/useCurrency";
import { useModuleSettings } from "@/core/composables/useModuleSettings";
import { IS_DEVELOPMENT } from "@/core/constants";
import { Logger } from "@/core/utilities";
import { globals } from "../globals";

const MODULE_ID = "VirtoCommerce.GoogleEcommerceAnalytics";
const IS_ENABLED_KEY = "GoogleAnalytics4.EnableTracking";

const { getModuleSettings, hasModuleSettings, isEnabled } = useModuleSettings(MODULE_ID);

const { currentCurrency } = useCurrency();
const { currencyCode } = globals;

type GoogleAnalyticsMethodsType = ReturnType<typeof import("@virto-commerce/front-modules-google-ecommerce-analytics").useGoogleAnalyticsModule>;
let googleAnalyticsMethods: Omit<GoogleAnalyticsMethodsType, "initModule">;

export function useGoogleAnalytics() {
  async function init(): Promise<void> {
    if (hasModuleSettings && isEnabled(IS_ENABLED_KEY)) {
      try {
        const { useGoogleAnalyticsModule } = await import("@virto-commerce/front-modules-google-ecommerce-analytics");
        const { initModule, ...methods } = useGoogleAnalyticsModule();

          isDevelopment: IS_DEVELOPMENT,
          logger: Logger,
        googleAnalyticsMethods = methods;
      } catch (e) {
        Logger.error(, e);

  return {
// app-runner.ts

import { useGoogleAnalytics } from '@/core/composables/useGoogleAnalytics';


const { init: initializeGoogleAnalytics } = useGoogleAnalytics();


void initializeGoogleAnalytics();

Track Events

You can find all provided methods in the source code

Publishing the Package

To publish the package, draft a new release. Ensure that that the version in package.json was changed accordingly in advance. After release package will be published automatically. On any concerns please see workflows in the Actions tab.



Copyright (c) Virto Solutions LTD. All rights reserved.

This software is licensed under the Virto Commerce Open Software License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at