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TheOnlyTails edited this page Dec 9, 2021 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the LootGoblin wiki!

LootGoblin is a Kotlin wrapper and DSL for the loot table creation system in Minecraft, using the Minecraft Forge mod loader.

Setting up

It's simple! LootGoblin is uploaded to the Maven Central Repository, and you can access it in your projects using the mavenCentral() method, like so:

Don't forget to replace the VERSION parameter with this version: Maven metadata URL

For Gradle/Groovy (build.gradle)

repositories {

dependencies {
	implementation fg.deobf("com.theonlytails:lootgoblin:VERSION")

Gradle/Kotlin (build.gradle.kts)

repositories {

dependencies {
	implementation(fg.deobf(group = "com.theonlytails", name = "lootgoblin", version = "VERSION"))

Contributing to LootGoblin

Before contributing, please read the contribution guidelines carefully and follow the steps in them one-by-one.