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This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.6.7.

This is my first Angular project. I am using it to try and familiarize myself with the workings of Angular.

I intend to make this into a palette editor for old-school games, particularly FPSes like Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, etc.

Setting up Paledit

You need node.js and Angular CLI installed in order to run Paledit.

Open a terminal/command prompt, go to the Paledit directory, and type npm install to install the node modules you need in order to run Paledit.

Running Paledit

If you have Paledit set up, open a terminal/command prompt, go to the Paledit directory, and type ng serve in order to start the server for Paledit.

Open Paledit in your browser by going to http://localhost:4200. This will only work if the Paledit server is running.

Press Ctrl-C on the terminal to stop the server for Paledit.