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Pig Latin Translator

This application translates a passage of text inputted by the user into pig latin.

By Tofunmi Kusimo

Technologies Used

  • GIT
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • BOOTSTRAP 4.5.3
  • Javascript and jQuery


The application translates a passage of text inputted into pig latin by adding 'ay', to words beginning with vowels and adding the first letter together with 'way' to words beginning with consonants.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone this repository to your desktop
  • Navigate to the top level of the directory
  • Open the index.html file in your browser.

Test Driven Development

  • Describe: pigLatin()

1 Test: "It will add 'way' to the end of words that begin with a vowel."

  • Code: pigLatin("a");
  • Expected Output: "away"

2 Test: "It will remove the first consecutive letters of words and add the letters and 'ay' to the end of words that begin with a consonant."

  • Code: pigLatin("string");
  • Expected Output: "ingstray"

3 Test: "It will remove the first two letter of words and add the letters and 'ay' to the end of words that begin with a 'qu'."

  • Code: pigLatin("quick");
  • Expected Output: "ickquay"

4 Test: "It will remove the first letter of words and add the letter and 'ay' to the end of words that begin with a consonant and 'qu'."

  • Code: pigLatin("squeal");
  • Expected Output: "quealsay"

Known Bugs

  • None Known



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