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Advanced CSS Portfolio Challenge

Project Background:

To demonstrate a portfolio of work that showcases skills and talents to employers. This portfolio aims to highlight my strongest work as well as the thought processes behind it. For this project, future success will be measured on the core skills recently learned which includes; flexbox, media queries, and css variables.

User Story

AS AN employer I WANT to view a potential employee's deployed portfolio of work samples SO THAT I can review samples of their work and assess whether they're a good candidate for an open position

Acceptance Criteria

  • created sections for "about me"; "my work"; and "contact info" to style in CSS
  • added "hero section" and gave section class "hero" for styling
  • for design, included block quotation and used pseudo elements ::before and ::after for styling block quote
  • added navigation to all links and corresponds to respective section when clicked
  • project images responsive and takes user to application when clicked on
  • view port adjusted to screen-sizes
  • use of media-queries for "hero," "about me," project grid and footers
  • -- CSS --

  • use of media queries
  • justify and align content
  • psuedo elements
  • flexbox
  • variables
  • Portfolio Overview


    Screen Resizing


    Deployment of Portfolio Application
