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Releases: StewAlexander-com/Linux-Tools

29 Jan 23:58
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This program installs the following software (if it does not yet exist) on a debian-like OS like Ubuntu / Kali Linux / Linux Mint etc

>> chkservice - TUI systemd unit manager
>> htop - TUI top clone on steroids
>> nnn  - TUI file explorer
>> ncdu - TUI du clone, easily find what is taking up space
>> network-manager - Installs nmtui, a way to manage wireless network connections
>> ne - Nano clone, with some nice options 
>> hping3 - Ping on steroids, useful on solving network issues
>> nmap - Network mapping tool, insanely powerful
>> lynis - Linux security and configuration audit tool
>> apt-show-versions - Show the versions of software installed and what needs updating
>> vim - Vi Improved, editor par exelance for Linux
>> fish - Friendly Interactive Shell - many improvements over bash
>> tig - TUI Git tool
>> bmon - Bandwith monitor 
>> dnsutils - Installs dig, the DNS linux wonder-tool
>> most - pager like "less" and "more" with more options
>> eget (Github software installer)
>> lsd - ls clone that show nice icons if a nerdfont is installed
>> sd - sed clone with easier syntax
>> Lazygit - TUI git tool, works well in conjunction with tig


  • Got rid of large switch statement, now checks if code is available via apt before installing it (for expansion capabilities)
  • 01/27/2023 - Added descriptions to files that this installs

Linux Software Installer

27 Jan 19:50
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This program installs the following software (if it does not yet exist) on a debian-like OS like Ubuntu / Kali Linux / Linux Mint etc

>> chkservice
>> htop
>> nnn
>> ncdu
>> network-manager
>> ne
>> hping3
>> nmap
>> lynis
>> apt-show-versions
>> vim
>> fish
>> tig
>> bmon
>> dnsutils
>> most
>> eget (Github software installer)
>> lsd
>> sd
>> Lazygit


  • 01/27/2023 - Added descriptions to files that this installs

Linux Software Installer

27 Jan 19:41
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This program installs the following software (if it does not yet exist) on a debian-like OS like Ubuntu / Kali Linux / Linux Mint etc

>> chkservice
>> htop
>> nnn
>> ncdu
>> network-manager
>> ne
>> hping3
>> nmap
>> lynis
>> apt-show-versions
>> vim
>> fish
>> tig
>> bmon
>> dnsutils
>> most
>> eget (Github software installer)
>> lsd
>> sd
>> Lazygit


  • 01/27/2023 - Added descriptions to files that this installs

Linux Installer

27 Jan 19:20
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This program installs the following software (if it does not yet exist) on a debian-like OS like Ubuntu / Kali Linux / Linux Mint etc

>> chkservice
>> htop
>> nnn
>> ncdu
>> network-manager
>> ne
>> hping3
>> nmap
>> lynis
>> apt-show-versions
>> vim
>> fish
>> tig
>> bmon
>> dnsutils
>> most
>> eget (Github software installer)
>> lsd
>> sd
>> Lazygit


06 Oct 15:58
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Installs these files for an Ubuntu / Debian Linux desktop system:

  • chkservice -- TUI services manager
  • htop -- TUI top replacement
  • nnn - TUI file explorer (! drops you to the shell)
  • ncdu - TUI du / Finds disk space hogs
  • network-manager - installs nmtuito easily edit network interface settings
  • ne - Console file editor with familiar commands (^s to save, ^q to quit, esc to show menus)
  • hping3 - Network tool that can send crafted packets, way more powerful than ping
  • nmap - Network mapping tool (
  • apt-show-versions - shows package version info / $ apt-show-version -u shows files that can be updated
  • vim - Console file editor (uses its own command language: vim cheatsheet)
  • fish - F-riendly I-nteractive SH-ell - a bash shell replacement with tons of nice features (see here)
  • tig - TUI for git
  • bmon - TUI network bandwidth monitor
  • dnsutils - Installs dig network tool for looking up DNS info
  • most - Pager, more features than less / more
  • guake - Desktop terminal client with lots of features
  • jc - Turns command output into json syntax, $ jc --help for info
  • geany - Desktop editor / IDE with tons of plugins for extensibility
  • cdpr - Enables your linux system to listen for Cisco Discovery Protocol packets (you're welcome network engineers 😄 )
  • exa - ls replacement with 📁 icons (exa website)
  • lsd - ls replacement with 📁 icons ( vers. 0.23.1, Github /Peltoche/lsd) - ( Why both? They compliment each other imho 😄 )
  • python3 - Python development framework (also to allow many python created apps to work)
  • python3-pip - Python package installer
  • chromaterm - Colorizes ssh output, nice when ssh'ing into Cisco switches (Ex: $ct ssh john@, chromaterm website)
  • visidata - TUI for CSV (and other structured data) files (visidata website)
  • fd - Linux find clone with saner defualt options (PC, MAC, Linux, Debian, etc) (sharkdp/fd on Github)
  • croc- Seemlessly and securely send files between 2 systems (PC, MAC, Linux, Debian etc) (schollz/croc on Github)


09 Sep 16:06
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Installs these files for an Ubuntu / Debian Linux desktop system:

  • chkservice -- TUI services manager
  • htop -- TUI top replacement
  • nnn - TUI file explorer (! drops you to the shell)
  • ncdu - TUI du / Finds disk space hogs
  • network-manager - installs nmtuito easily edit network interface settings
  • ne - Console file editor with familiar commands (^s to save, ^q to quit, esc to show menus)
  • hping3 - Network tool that can send crafted packets, way more powerful than ping
  • nmap - Network mapping tool (
  • apt-show-versions - shows package version info / $ apt-show-version -u shows files that can be updated
  • vim - Console file editor (uses its own command language: vim cheatsheet)
  • fish - F-riendly I-nteractive SH-ell - a bash shell replacement with tons of nice features (see here)
  • tig - TUI for git
  • bmon - TUI network bandwidth monitor
  • dnsutils - Installs dig network tool for looking up DNS info
  • most - Pager, more features than less / more
  • guake - Desktop terminal client with lots of features
  • jc - Turns command output into json syntax, $ jc --help for info
  • geany - Desktop editor / IDE with tons of plugins for extensibility
  • cdpr - Enables your linux system to listen for Cisco Discovery Protocol packets (you're welcome network engineers 😄 )
  • exa - ls replacement with 📁 icons (exa website)
  • python3 - Python development framework (also to allow many python created apps to work)
  • python3-pip - Python package installer
  • chromaterm - Colorizes ssh output, nice when ssh'ing into Cisco switches (Ex: $ct ssh john@, chromaterm website)
  • visidata - TUI for CSV (and other structured data) files (visidata website)
  • fd - Linux find clone with saner defualt options (PC, MAC, Linux, Debian, etc) (sharkdp/fd on Github)
  • croc- Seemlessly and securely send files between 2 systems (PC, MAC, Linux, Debian etc) (schollz/croc on Github)

Desktop Linux Installer

12 Mar 17:24
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Installs these files for an Ubuntu / Debian Linux desktop system:

  • chkservice -- TUI services manager
  • htop -- TUI top replacement
  • nnn - TUI file explorer (! drops you to the shell)
  • ncdu - TUI du / Finds disk space hogs
  • network-manager - installs nmtuito easily edit network interface settings
  • ne - Console file editor with familiar commands (^s to save, ^q to quit, esc to show menus)
  • hping3 - Network tool that can send crafted packets, way more powerful than ping
  • nmap - Network mapping tool (
  • apt-show-versions - shows package version info / $ apt-show-version -u shows files that can be updated
  • vim - Console file editor (uses its own command language: vim cheatsheet)
  • fish - F-riendly I-nteractive SH-ell - a bash shell replacement with tons of nice features (see here)
  • tig - TUI for git
  • bmon - TUI network bandwidth monitor
  • dnsutils - Installs dig network tool for looking up DNS info
  • most - Pager, more features than less / more
  • guake - Desktop terminal client with lots of features
  • jc - Turns command output into json syntax, $ jc --help for info
  • geany - Desktop editor / IDE with tons of plugins for extensibility
  • cdpr - Enables your linux system to listen for Cisco Discovery Protocol packets (you're welcome network engineers 😄 )
  • exa - ls replacement with 📁 icons (exa website)
  • python3 - Python development framework (also to allow many python created apps to work)
  • python3-pip - Python package installer
  • chromaterm - Colorizes ssh output, nice when ssh'ing into Cisco switches (Ex: $ct ssh john@, chromaterm website)
  • visidata - TUI for CSV (and other structured data) files (visidata website)

Python app to install the software on Debian systems (Ubuntu etc)

13 Nov 17:11
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Python app that installs a list of my “go-to” Linux / Debian terminal software, uses python3 and "apt"