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About the plugin

Block Shuffle is a fun gamemode in which each player is given a block he has to stand on.

For technical reasons, when the game starts, each player without a team is assigned a new one with their name. Beware of that when trying to change teams after the first game ends.


  • Gamemode presets
  • Teams
    • Compass to easily find your teammates
  • Plenty of customizable options
    • Easy GUI
  • Sound effects
    • Sound cues improving gameplay experience


  1. Download the GSBlockShuffle.jar file.
  2. Place the .jar file in your server's plugins folder.
  3. Reload the plugins/Restart the server.


All commands start with: /blockshuffle or /bs (commands marked with * are OP-only by default)

  • /blockshuffle - Opens configuration GUI*
  • /blockshuffle start - Starts the game with current settings*
  • /blockshuffle end - Ends the game*
  • /blockshuffle team - Shows current team
    • /blockshuffle team create <teamName> - Creates a team with the specified name
    • /blockshuffle team remove - Removes your current team (You must be the team captain to do this)
    • /blockshuffle team remove <teamName> - Removes specified team*
    • /blockshuffle team leave - Leaves the current team
    • /blockshuffle team color <color> - Changes the color of the team and team members names
    • /blockshuffle team add <player> - Adds a player to your team without asking.*
    • /blockshuffle team invite <player> - Invites a player to your team
    • /blockshuffle team join <team> - Requests to join the team
    • /blockshuffle team accept - Accepts an invite/join request.
    • /blockshuffle team tp <player> - Sends a tp request
    • /blockshuffle team tpaccept - Accepts a tp request
  • /blockshuffle tp <player> - Same as team tp
  • /blockshuffle tpaccept - Same as team tpaccept
  • /blockshuffle settings - Shows the current options
    • /blockshuffle settings preset <preset> - loads a preset*
    • /blockshuffle settings load - Loads settings from settings.yml*
    • /blockshuffle settings save - Saves settings to settings.yml*
  • /blockshuffle debug <args> - Commands for debugging*


Configuration can be done through the GUI or by editing the settings.yml file: plugins/GSBlockShuffle/settings.yml.

Block settings

  • difficulty: <integer> - Current difficulty of the round
  • difficultyCap: <integer> - Maximum value of difficulty used for incrementation
  • increaseDifficulty <true | false> - Should difficulty be increased after each round
  • increaseEveryNRounds <integer> - Will increase difficulty every n-th round. Set to -1 if you want to increase the difficulty at specific rounds
  • customIncrease <list of integers> - Increment the difficulty at each round in the list
  • includeLowerDifficulties <true | false> - Should lower difficulties be included
  • includeVariants <true | false> - Should variants like colors and non-important derivatives (like stairs/slabs etc.) be included
  • treatAllAsIndividualBlocks <true | false> - If true, all blocks and their variants are treated as distinct blocks with an equal chance to be chosen. (i.e. different kinds of wool)

Round settings

  • totalRounds <integer> - How many rounds should each game have. Set to -1 for no limit
  • roundTimeSeconds <integer> - How long should a round last in seconds
  • roundBreakSeconds <integer> - How long should a break between rounds last in seconds
  • blockAssignmentMode <onePerPlayer | onePerTeam | onePerGame>
    • onePerPlayer - Each player gets a different block
    • onePerTeam - Everyone in the same team gets the same block
    • onePerGame - Everyone gets the same block

Win settings

  • allPlayersRequiredForTeamWin <true | false> - Should a team win only if every member found their block
  • teamScoreIncrementPerPlayer <true | false> - After first player in a team finds their block, should their score still be incremented for other players
  • eliminateAfterRound <true | false> - Should a player/team be eliminated from the game if they don't find their block
  • endGameIfOneTeamRemaining <true | false> - Should the game finish if there is only one team remaining
  • firstToWin <true | false> - Should a round end when first player finds their block

Teleport settings

  • teleportMode <disabled | amountPerPlayer | amountPerTeam | unlimited>
    • disabled - Don't allow teleporting between teams
    • amountPerPlayer - Should each player have a certain number of teleports to use
    • amountPerTeam - Should each team have a certain number of teleports to use
    • unlimited - Unlimited teleporting between team members
  • amountOfTeleportsPerRound <integer> - How many times can a player/team teleport in each round


  • displaySplashWinnerTitle <true | false> - Should the winner(s) get a splash title after the game ends
  • showTeamCompass <true | false> - Should the team compass be shown for everyone
  • muteSounds <true | false> - Should all sounds be muted
  • disablePvP <true | false> - Should PvP be disabled

Block list

Feel free to rearrange the block_list_categorized.yml file to your liking. Make sure to follow the files structure so everything works properly.

  • category
    • isIncluded - Should this category be included
    • difficulty - Difficulty of the category
    • elements - This will contain all the blocks in the category
    • base
      • isIncluded
      • difficulty
      • elements - If treatAllAsIndividualBlocks = false, all blocks from this category will be treated as a single block in the process of randomly getting a block. If this category is chosen a block from it will be randomly selected
    • variant
      • isIncluded
      • difficulty
      • elements - these elements will be joined with the base elements if includeVariants = true


Contribution Contributions to the development of GSBlockShuffle, including code contributions, bug reports, and questions, are welcomed. Feel free to reach out to me on Discord (kievitz) for any inquiries.

Developers: stahu, MRcoin

Testers: asiulk4, c4ssp3r, Cwany, kubman, maxeloo_