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This repo contains the source for the messaging service, part of Sidings Media's public API



This project is written in go so you will need this to be installed.

First download the project dependencies.

go mod download

And then you can compile the binary.

go build -a -o server


This will require docker to be installed. After you have installed docker, you need to run only one command to build the container.

docker build . -t messaging:latest

Note: -t messaging gives the container the name messaging and the tag latest.

Docker will now download all the dependencies and then build your container. This may take a while.


Environment variables

This service requires certain environment variables in order to function correctly. An example .env file can be found in the document root (.env.example). Below is a complete table of all environment variables.

Name Required Description Example
BIND_ADDR This is the address to bind the server to. Defaults to [::1]:3000. [::]:3000
TRUSTED_PROXIES Proxy servers to trust when reading client IP headers. Provide addresses in a comma separated list.Defaults to *.,,2001:db8::1,2001:db8::2
GIN_MODE Mode to run Gin in. Only set to debug for development. Defaults to release. release
TICKET_API_URL ✔️ URL of endpoint to call when submitting a ticket.
TICKET_HEALTH_URL ✔️ URL of endpoint to call for health checks on the ticketing system.
TICKET_API_KEY ✔️ API key to pass in X-API-Key header to server.
TICKET_SHOULD_ALERT Should an alert be sent by ticketing system to agents? Defaults to true.
TICKET_SHOULD_AUTORESPOND Should an autoresponse email be sent to the user? Defaults to true.
TICKET_SOURCE Source of message to show in ticketing system. Defaults to API. API


If you are using the binary to run the service, you have two options for setting the environment variables. One is to actually set them on the system, the other option is to store the settings in a .env file which will be automatically loaded on start.


docker run --publish 3000:3000 -d --name messaging

To add the environment variables, you can use multiple -e flags. For more information see the docker documentation.

Docker Compose

A docker compose file is also provided if you would like to use it.

docker compose up . -d

To pass the environment variables, just store them in a .env file.


This repo uses the REUSE standard in order to communicate the correct licence for the file. For those unfamiliar with the standard the licence for each file can be found in one of three places. The licence will either be in a comment block at the top of the file, in a .license file with the same name as the file, or in the dep5 file located in the .reuse directory. If you are unsure of the licencing terms please contact All files committed to this repo must contain valid licencing information or the pull request can not be accepted.