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Nxt Watch


Keywords: React,Front-end

  • Developed the frontend part of the NxtWatch an YouTube clone application.
  • This application allows users to log in, search, view sort videos by category , like,dislike, save video to save list.
  • Concepts such as authentication, state management, context, page navigation, media queries and flexbox concepts in the code by following the clean code guidelines.

Technical Aspects

Keywords: Authentication, Validation, Cookies

  • Implemented a basic authentication flow and handled common errors such as invalid username and invalid password.
  • Used cookies to persist user credentials across page reloads.
  • Cross browser compatibility (Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari).

State Management and Navigation:

Keywords: State management, Navigation, Protected Route Used

  • Context for state management for creating a global state to manage cart state across routes.Used React Router for navigation within the application.
  • Additionally, implemented protected routes to control access based on user roles.`

API Integration:

Keywords: API Integration

  • Integrated mock APIs for displaying data

Clean Code Guidelines:

Keywords: Clean code guidelines

  • Followed clean code guidelines by maintaining a consistent folder structure and used meaningful naming conventions, such as prefixing event handlers with on and creating reusable components throughout the application.


Keywords: Responsiveness,

  • Flexbox To ensure a responsive design, used media queries and flexbox for layouting.

Set Up Instructions

  • Download dependencies by running npm install
  • Start up the app using npm start

Design Files

Login Route

Refer to videos below:

Success View

Failure View

Home Route
Trending Route
Gaming Route
Video Item Details Route
SavedVideos Route
Popup Design Files
Not Found Route


  • Login Route

    • When a invalid username and password are provided and the Login button is clicked, then the respective error message received from the response is displayed
    • When a valid username and password are provided and the Login button is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Home route
    • When an unauthenticated user, tries to access the HomeRoute, TrendingRoute, GamingRoute, SavedVideosRoute, VideoDetailsRoute, then the page is navigated to Login route
    • When an authenticated user, tries to access the HomeRoute, TrendingRoute, GamingRoute, SavedVideosRoute, VideoDetailsRoute, then the page is navigated to the respective route
    • When an authenticated user tries to access the LoginRoute, then the page is navigated to the Home route
    • When show password checkbox is checked, then the password is shown
    • When show password checkbox is unchecked, then the password is masked
  • Home Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Home Route,
      • An HTTP GET request is made to homeVideosApiUrl with query parameter as search and its initial value as empty string
        • Loader is displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
        • After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view is displayed
          • When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request is made to homeVideosApiUrl
      • When a non-empty value is provided in the Search Input and button with search icon is clicked
        • Make an HTTP GET request to the homeVideosApiUrl with jwt_token in the Cookies and query parameter search with value as the text provided in the Search Input
        • Loader is displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
        • After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
      • When the HTTP GET request made to the homeVideosApiUrl returns an empty list for videos then No Videos View is displayed
    • When the website logo image is clicked, the page is navigated to the Home route
    • When a Video is clicked, the page is navigated to the Video Item Details route
    • Clicks on the Trending link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Trending route
    • Clicks on the Gaming link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Gaming route
    • Clicks on the Saved Videos link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the SavedVideos route
  • Trending Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Trending Route,
      • An HTTP GET request is made to trendingVideosApiUrl
        • Loader is displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
        • After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view is displayed
          • When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request is made to trendingVideosApiUrl
    • When the website logo image is clicked, the page is navigated to the Home route
    • When a Video is clicked, the page is navigated to the Video Item Details route
    • Clicks on the Home link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Home route
    • Clicks on the Gaming link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Gaming route
    • Clicks on the Saved Videos link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the SavedVideos route
  • Gaming Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Gaming Route,
      • An HTTP GET request is made to gamingVideosApiUrl
        • Loader is displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
        • After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view is displayed
          • When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request is made to gamingVideosApiUrl
    • When the website logo image is clicked, the page is navigated to the Home route
    • When a Video is clicked, the page is navigated to the Video Item Details route
    • Clicks on the Home link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Home route
    • Clicks on the Trending link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Trending route
    • Clicks on the Saved Videos link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the SavedVideos route
  • Video Item Details Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Video Item Details route

      • An HTTP GET request is made to videoItemDetailsApiUrl with jwt_token in the Cookies and video_id as path parameter
        • loader is displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
        • After the HTTP request is successful, the response received is displayed
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view is displayed
          • When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request is made to videoItemDetailsApiUrl
    • Corresponding video is displayed using react-player package

    • Initially, all the three buttons (Like, Dislike, Save) will be inactive

    • When the Like button is clicked,

      • It will change to an active state
      • If the Dislike button is already in the active state, then the Dislike button needs to be changed to the inactive state
    • When the Dislike button is clicked,

      • It will change to an active state
      • If the Like button is already in the active state, then the Like button needs to be changed to the inactive state
    • When the Save button is clicked

      • The button will change to an active state and the respective video details is added to the list of saved videos
      • Save button text will be changed to Saved
    • When the Saved button is clicked

      • The button will change to an inactive state and the respective video details will be removed from the list of saved videos
      • Saved button text will be changed to Save
  • SavedVideos Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the SavedVideos Route,
      • If the list of saved videos is empty, then No Saved Videos Found View is displayed
      • The Videos in the list of saved videos is displayed as a list of videos
    • When the website logo image is clicked, the page is navigated to the Home route
    • When a Video is clicked, the page is navigated to the Video Item Details route
    • Clicks on the Home link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Home route
    • Clicks on the Trending link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Trending route
    • Clicks on the Gaming link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Gaming route
  • Not Found Route

    • When a random path is provided in the URL then the page navigates to the Not Found route
  • When the theme button in the header is clicked, then the theme is changed accordingly

  • Logout

    • When the Logout button in the header is clicked, then the Logout Popup is displayed
      • When Cancel button is clicked, then the popup is closed and the page is not navigated
      • When Confirm button is clicked, then the page is navigated to the Login route
API Requests & Responses
  • User credentials

     username: rahul
     password: rahul@2021












Image URLs
