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Releases: ReinfyTeam/Zuri

Zuri Anticheat: v1.3.1

07 Sep 08:31
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In this update, this fixes multiple issues and bugs were encountered in the recent updates. We also added some new modules, and improved the codebase based in latest php code standards (prior in 8.x.x php compatibility).


  • Added Speed (B)
  • Fixes #52 - Problem when a player logs server in with EditionFaker.
  • Fixes #51 - Problematic in several modules. (some were fixed, but some are in todo.)
  • Improved codebase prior to php 8.x.x releases.
  • Added Glide (A)
  • Improved Speed (B): Check player is gliding legit in fly.
  • Fixed Fly (A, C) issue. Reproduced when player is in corner of the block and gets detected.
  • Potential fix for Custom Consumable Item, Only run in Foods.
  • Fix Spam (A, B) crash
  • Make default value if external data is not present in PlayerAPI->setExternalData()

Zuri Anticheat: v1.3.0

26 Jul 07:14
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Thank you for waiting and anticipating the Zuri Anticheat optimizations and improvements. This brings alot of changes from <1.2.x. This includes optimizations, module removal and some fixed bugs found in last version. This also fixes the following modules added prior from last changes.


  • Improved ProxyBot — use now Internet::getURL() instead from cURL method.
  • Added EditionFaker (B) — Check Device Title ID if it is valid.
  • Fixed #46 — Misdiagnosis: Shooting yourself with a bow may trigger KillAura (E)
  • Fixed #44 — Crasher (A): TypeError: "pocketmine\world\World::getChunk(): Argument #1 ($chunkX) must be of type int, float given.
  • Fixed #48 — A server where Xbox auth is turned off.
  • Fixed some false-positive on Speed (A) — You can adjust some constant variables on the configuration.
  • You can now edit constant values in configuration. Note: The Default Constant Values are tested and best setting for the checks, changing it may cause false-positive or false-kick, change only if you found the constant values are not effective or it has false-positive.
  • Fixed the PluginAPI code structure.
  • New Modern UI Structure: No more reflective colors. Just a normal ui without much often color codes.
  • Added Timer (C) — Check MovePlayerPacket is stable or has delay with PlayerAuthInputPacket

Zuri Anticheat: v1.3.0-BETA

25 May 06:23
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This pre-release will be tested out the following modules are added, and modified. The major release will be on May 30, 2024. Your feedback is highly needed in this release to ensure the quality and efficient of checks.


  • Fix false-positive: Speed (A)
  • Network IP Limit will now optional due to WaterDogPE issues.
  • Improved code-base.
  • Removed Velocity (A)
  • Removed Scaffold (E) due to false-positive.
  • Updated module constants.
  • Added new variable in the config.
  • Updated configuration to v0.2.0

Zuri Anticheat: v1.2.2

07 May 00:43
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This update will solve false-positive found in several modules. Including Speed (A, B). You can now fully customize the punishment actions to the player when checks are violated, you can now also modify constants in the check if you have problems with calculations.


  • Remove old Speed (B)
  • New check strategy of Speed (A)
  • You can now customize check constants.
  • You can now also customize punishment actions to the checks.
  • Fix false-positive in several modules.
  • Disable some modules produces false-positives, this includes Omnisprint, Jesus, and etc.. You can enable back them in configuration but it can cause false-positives towards to the player.
  • Fix codebase, and more little bugs.
  • Clean up the code.

Zuri Anticheat: v1.2.1

04 May 05:16
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This update will solve various problems that have shown in previous poggit versions, which are now out of date. This includes a hotfix for the following modules and issues/bugs. There were no modules added to this version. If you encounter any bugs or issues, please report them on our github. It is advised that you update Zuri to ensure the most recent patch fix.


  • Hack-Fix for #32
  • Fix array bug in Regen (B)
  • Remove some of duplicates in configuration.
  • Fix #26: Fastbow (A) array bug..
  • Fix fly module is not working...
  • Check chunk if it is loaded to prevent false-kick of the player..
  • Fix crash in Webhook (#32)

Zuri Anticheat: v1.2.0

08 Apr 13:48
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In this major release, this improves the codebase, modules, efficiency, and code standards. Several bugs and issues were fixed, new modules are added. Fixed all poggit rule violations for initial release.


  • Fixed crash: Scaffold (B)
  • Update configuration to 0.1.3
  • Added new module: FastBow (A)
  • Added new module: Regen (A, B)
  • Fixed message that is not behind, that is currently tps
  • Fixed in Scaffold (B) anti-false kick in long BE bridging..
  • Fixed ticks per second in configuration...
  • Change url for updater..
  • Fixed API.php
  • Use src-namespace-prefix for Poggit release requirements.
  • Fixed ConfigPaths for Kick Message are not working...
  • Code cleanup. It just improve only the base of code.
  • Update the percentage of efficiency (in my opinion): Update all currently count of checks...

V1.1.6: Discord Embeds Update

07 Apr 02:36
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This is the minor release for Discord Webhook Embed Support. They were fixed all bugs, and crashes, reported during runtime of Zuri. In this update, the Discord Webhook Embeds has come to support with Zuri. We apologize for the delay of the release of this hotfix, to ensure the next release will fix the following your issues and bugs.


  • Updated configuration to 0.1.2
  • Added Discord Webhook Embed Support
  • Throw an error if the field is missing required variables or inputs in webhook.yml
  • Fixed missing classes and imports crashes.
  • Fixed missing icon are not showing in discord embed.
  • Added new module: InvalidPackets (A)
  • Use player external data to prevent false-positive in InvalidPackets (A)
  • Fix ServerLagEvent and alert to console when server is lagging.
  • Fixed crashes in InvalidPackets (A)
  • Fixed missing modules..
  • Use config as toggles in all modules.
  • Fix not saving webhook.yml that could start crashing when first server setup.
  • Fixed kick embeds are not sending.
  • Fixed missing colors in embeds.
  • Fixed EditionFaker (A) crash when warning in the console.
  • Fixed crash in CustomPayload (A)
  • Fixed crash in ProxyBot (A)

V1.1.5: Discord Hotfix

04 Apr 03:55
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This version is following fixes for discord alerts crash occured when player is joined, kicked or banned. No internal checks changes in this release.


  • Fixed namespace
  • Rename classes and fixed imports.

Zuri Anticheat: v1.1.4

02 Apr 10:45
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This release includes the following changes to the API, and internal checks. This may change overtime because of bugs that are encountered in several versions. Your feedback is highly needed, and necessary. If you encountered any bugs or issues, please dont hesitate to contact us on discord or create an issue on github.


  • Added new icon for poggit release.
  • Fix miscalculation of thresholds.
  • Fixed Timer (A, B)
  • Lessen Speed (A, B) debug spam.
  • Added ClickTP (A) and Fixed Speed (A, B) not detecting.
  • Fix All Scaffold Modules
  • Fix issues on #19, #22
  • Fix crash in several modules.
  • Fix checks for $player->hasNoClientPredictions()
  • Added ImpossiblePitch (A)
  • Added MessageSpoof (A)
  • Add {error_code} variable in the messages.
  • Fix crash on listener.


  • Discord Webhook API Fix
  • Discord Embeds
  • Custom messages (configurable)

V1.1.3 Hotfix Update

24 Mar 12:49
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This update brings hot-fix for the following modules and issues for latest PocketMine-MP drop release support. This includes code-style updates, hotfix for modules and issues. Please update your Zuri for latest updates.


  • Fix issues player is returning null (especially for #22 and #19 in multiple modules)
  • Removed Speed (C) for false-checking. Will improve in the next versions.
  • Fix false kicking (Timer especially)
  • PlayerAPI->getPlayer() fix.
  • Configuration is updated to v0.0.7
  • Added world_bypass feature which allows player to blacklist or whitelist a world.
  • Custom permissions should work as normally usual.