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Quingo Runtime System

Along with quingo compilers, the Quingo runtime system which provides users the capability to program and simulate Quingo programs.


The Quingo installation comprises of two main steps:

Install the Runtime system and simulator

Install Quingo runtime system with required simulators using the following command:

pip install -e .
# for simulators used:
# The Tequila backend is not yet open source and needs to be installed separately.
git clone
pip install -e .

Upon success, it will automatically install the Quingo runtime system (this package), the SymQC simulator, the PyQCISim simulator and the QuaLeSim simulator.

Install the Quingo compiler

We can install mlir-based quingo compiler in two ways:

  • Install the mlir-based Quingo compiler using the following command:

    python -m quingo.install_quingoc
  • Download mlir-based Quingo compiler

    • Windows: unzip .zip file, add directory which contains the quingoc executable file to system environment PATH.
    • Linux: as the following sample usage, Quingoc will be installed to user defined directory, then add directory which contains the quingoc executable file to system environment PATH. -prefix=/home/user/.local
    • Macos: uncompress .dmg file, copy quingoc executable file to user defined directory, then add directory which contains the quingoc executable file to system environment PATH.


A simple example can be found in the directory src/examples. You can simply run the bell_state example by running:

cd src/examples/bell_state

If everything runs correctly, you should see the following output:

sim res:  (['Q1', 'Q2'], [[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 0], [1, 1]])

For different simulation backend, please refer to src/examples/sim_backend, which shows the use of SymQC, QuantumSim, and Tequila backend that are currently running stably.

For different simulation modes, please refer to src/examples/sim_exemode, which displays the output of two different simulation results currently available.

APIs of the Quingo runtime system

  1. class Quingo_task:
    • 输入:
      • called_qu_fn: Path,qu文件路径。
      • called_func: str,调用 quingo 函数名。
      • debug_mode(optional): True or False
      • qisa(optional): 前端指令集类型。
      • backend(optional): 后端模拟器类型。
  2. function compile():
    • 输入:
      • Quingo_task: 待编译 qu 任务
      • params: Quingo_task 中调用函数 called_func 所需参数
    • 输出:qasm_fn:输出对应指令集文件(.qcis / .qi)
  3. function execute():
    • 输入:
      • qasm_fn: Path,对应指令集文件(.qcis / .qi)
      • be_type: BackendType,模拟器后端类型
      • exe_config: 执行模式,ExeMode.SimShotsExeMode.SimFinalResultExeMode.SimStateVector
    • 输出:sim_result:具体输出格式详见src/quingo/backend/

Quingo programming tutorial

At present, Qingguo runtime system has included sample programs such as Bell_state, GHZ, VQE, etc. Details can be found here.