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Repository files navigation API Specification in OpenAPI 3.1 Format

What is it?

The specification is a YAML file in OpenAPI 3.1 format, based on the Etherscan APIs documentation.

What is it for?

There are a number of Etherscan API HTTP-clients available in different languages, each varying in completeness and update frequency. With the API specification, you can generate an API HTTP-client in a supported language using various generators. Here are a few examples of such generators:

Is the Etherscan API completely described in the specification?

Almost. All requests are fully described, including PRO endpoints. However, some responses are only partially described:


Module.Action Is response described?
account.balance +
account.balancemulti +
account.txlist partially
account.txlistinternal partially
account.tokentx partially
account.tokennfttx partially
account.token1155tx partially
account.getminedblocks partially
account.txsBeaconWithdrawal partially
account.balancehistory +


Module.Action Response described
contract.getabi +
contract.getsourcecode partially
contract.getcontractcreation +
contract.verifysourcecode +
contract.checkverifystatus +


Module.Action Response described
transaction.getstatus partially
transaction.gettxreceiptstatus partially


Module.Action Response described
block.getblockreward partially
block.getblockcountdown +
block.getblocknobytime +
stats.dailyavgblocksize +
stats.dailyblkcount +
stats.dailyblockrewards +
stats.dailyavgblocktime +
stats.dailyuncleblkcount +


Module.Action Response described
logs.getLogs partially

Geth/Parity Proxy

Module.Action Response described
proxy.eth_blockNumber +
proxy.eth_getBlockByNumber partially
proxy.eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex partially
proxy.eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber +
proxy.eth_getTransactionByHash partially
proxy.eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex partially
proxy.eth_getTransactionCount +
proxy.eth_sendRawTransaction +
proxy.eth_getTransactionReceipt +
proxy.eth_call +
proxy.eth_getCode +
proxy.eth_getStorageAt +
proxy.eth_estimateGas +


Module.Action Response described
stats.tokensupply +
account.tokenbalance +
stats.tokensupplyhistory +
account.tokenbalancehistory +
token.tokenholderlist +
token.tokeninfo +
account.addresstokenbalance +
account.addresstokennftbalance +
account.addresstokennftinventory +

Gas Tracker

Module.Action Response described
gastracker.gasestimate +
gastracker.gasoracle +
stats.dailyavggaslimit +
stats.dailygasused +
stats.dailyavggasprice +


Module.Action Response described
stats.ethsupply +
stats.ethsupply2 +
stats.ethprice +
stats.chainsize +
stats.nodecount +
stats.dailytxnfee +
stats.dailynewaddress +
stats.dailynetutilization +
stats.dailyavghashrate +
stats.dailytx +
stats.dailyavgnetdifficulty +
stats.ethdailymarketcap +
stats.ethdailyprice +


Paths contain query elements

All Etherscan API endpoint URLs follow the pattern

However, in terms of OpenAPI 3.1, endpoint paths must be unique. To meet this requirement while still distinguishing path items, I have described paths in the specification like this:


To make the linter ignore it, I have to disable path-not-include-query rule.

There are no 4xx responses described

This is because Etherscan API does not return such responses. All responses have a 200-OK code. To make the linter ignore this, I have to disable operation-4xx-response rule.

The tag-description linter rule is disabled.

According to the OA3.1 specification, tags are allowed to have no description. However, the Redoc linter activates this rule by default, so I need to disable it.

For developers

pnpm install
pnpm client
pnpm test

Issues and pull requests are welcome.

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