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Inverse model for speleothems that capture the atmospheric bomb pulse


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Inverse model for speleothems that capture the atmospheric bomb pulse

Matlab code is modified from:

Noronha, A.L., K.R. Johnson, J.R. Southon, C. Hu, J. Ruan, and S. McCabe-Glynn (2015), Radiocarbon Evidence for Decomposition of Aged Organic Matter in the Vadose Zone as the Main Source of Speleothem Carbon, Quaternary Science Reviews. (

Primary updates include: --Does not require pre-1955 a14C measurements --Calculates DCP using the entire record, including post-1955 measurements --Arbitrary number of carbon pools (User-defined) --Turnover age of carbon pools is fixed (User-defined) --Includes forward modeling code as well as inverse modeling --Calculates MRCA, RMSE for all successful models and for best-fit model. --Can model multiple speleothems in series

Main files are Bomber.m, BombHandler.m, or BombGenerator.m --All other functions are called by these three files.

Use Bomber.m to run a fast, single inverse model of a speleothem. --The default speleothem is WC-3 (See RECORDREFS.txt for a list of references for the stalagmite records included.)

Use BombHandler.m to run Bomber.m multiple times. --This allows you to: ----Model multiple speleothems in series ----Model the same speleothem from different intial conditions to get a range of possible answers

Use BombGenerator to create a forward model of a synthetic speleothem. --You can then test the performance of Bomber.m and BombHandler.m by attempting to reconstruct the known input to BombGenerator.m

When generating a new stalagmite file, use the following format: 3 columns, tab-delimited: Age(Years BP; youngest to oldest) a14C(FMC) a14Cerror(1sigma)

The code currently does not take a14Cerror into account.

Post-bomb a14C regional atmospheric records retrieved from: CALIBomb

and described in detail in:

Hua, Q., M. Barbetti, and A. Rakowski (2013), [Atmospheric Radiocarbon for the Period 1950–2010], Radiocarbon, 55(4), 2059–2072.

Pre-bomb atmospheric a14C records separated into a Nothern Hemisphere and a Southern Hemisphere record based on IntCal13:

Reimer, P.J., E. Bard, A. Bayliss, J.W. Beck, P. G. Blackwell, C. B. Ramsey, C. E. Buck, H. Cheng, R. L. Edwards, M. Friedrich, P. M. Grootes, T.P. Guilderson, H. Haflidason, I. Hajdas, C. Hatte, T.J. Heaton, D.L. Hoffmann, A.G. Hogg, K.A. Hughen, K.F. Kaiser, B. Kromer, S.W. Manning, M. Niu, R. W. Reimer, D.A. Richards, E.M. Scott, J. R. Southon, R. Staff, C.S.M. Turney, and J. van der Plicht (2013), [IntCal13 and Marine13 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves 0-50,000 Years Cal BP], Radiocarbon, 55(4), 1869–1887. (

Hogg, A.G., Q. Hua, P.G. Blackwell, M. Niu, C.E. Buck, T.P. Guilderson, T.J. Heaton, J.G. Palmer, P.J. Reimer, R.W. Reimer, C.S. M. Turney, and S.R.H. Zimmerman (2013), [SHCal13 Southern Hemisphere Calibration, 0–50,000 Years Cal BP], Radiocarbon, 55(4), 1889–1903. (


Inverse model for speleothems that capture the atmospheric bomb pulse








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