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Standard response DTOs and ExceptionHandler with custom exceptions


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Pandatech.ResponseCrafter is a comprehensive NuGet package for .NET 8+, specifically designed to enhance exception handling and logging in ASP.NET Core applications. This package simplifies managing standard and custom exceptions by crafting detailed error responses suitable for both development and production environments.


  • Custom Exception Handling: Streamlines the process of managing both standard HTTP exceptions and custom exceptions.
  • Detailed Error Responses: Generates verbose error messages, including stack traces for in-depth debugging in development environments.
  • Environment-Sensitive Logging: Provides flexible logging and response behavior based on visibility settings (Public or Private):
    • Private: All exceptions are sent to the client as defined, and 4xx errors are logged as warnings while 5xx errors are logged as errors.
    • Public: 4xx exceptions are sent to the client as defined, while 5xx errors are concealed with a generic message. Logging remains the same as in Private.
  • Frontend-Friendly Error Messages: Supports converting error messages to your desired case convention, facilitating easier integration with frontend localization systems.
  • Standardized Error Responses: Provides a standardized error response format, making it easier for frontend applications to parse and display error messages. The error response format is shown below:
  "TraceId": "0HMVFE0A284AM:00000001",
  "Instance": "POST -",
  "StatusCode": 400,
  "Type": "BadRequestException",
  "Errors": {
    "email": "email_address_is_not_in_a_valid_format",
    "password": "password_must_be_at_least_8_characters_long"
  "Message": "the_request_was_invalid_or_cannot_be_otherwise_served."


Install the package via NuGet Package Manager or use the following command:

Install-Package ResponseCrafter


1. Setup Exception Handlers:

Add AddResponseCrafter in program.cs bby providing an optional naming convention, and configure ResponseCrafterVisibility in your settings.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Basic setup

// Setup with a specific naming convention

var app = builder.Build();

Configure visibility in your appsettings.json:

  "ResponseCrafterVisibility": "Public"

Supported naming conventions:

public enum NamingConvention
    Default = 0,
    ToSnakeCase = 1,
    ToPascalCase = 2,
    ToCamelCase = 3,
    ToKebabCase = 4,
    ToTitleCase = 5,
    ToHumanCase = 6

2. Define Custom Exceptions:

Create custom exception classes that inherit from ApiException or use the predefined ones. Use ErrorDetails records for specific error messages related to API requests.

3. Configure Middleware:

  • Implement the exception handling middleware in your application's pipeline.

4. Logging and Error Responses:

The package automatically logs warnings or errors and provides crafted responses based on the exception type.

Custom HTTP Exception Already Created

  • BadRequestException
  • UnauthorizedException
  • PaymentRequiredException
  • ForbiddenException
  • NotFoundException
  • ConflictException
  • TooManyRequestsException
  • InternalServerErrorException
  • ServiceUnavailableException

Custom Exception Helper Methods

Using exception helpers:

decimal? price = -10.5m;
//For 400 Bad Request
BadRequestException.ThrowIfNullOrNegative(price, "Price is negative");
//For 500 Internal Server Error
InternalServerErrorException.ThrowIfNullOrNegative(price, "Price is negative");

string? username = "   ";
//For 400 Bad Request
BadRequestException.ThrowIfNullOrWhiteSpace(username, "Please provide username");
//For 404 Not Found
//For 500 Internal Server Error
InternalServerErrorException.ThrowIfNullOrWhiteSpace(username, "Price is negative");

List<int> tags = [];
//For 400 Bad Request
BadRequestException.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(tags, "Please provide tags");
//For 404 Not Found
//For 500 Internal Server Error
InternalServerErrorException.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(tags, "Please provide tags");

object? user = null;
//For 400 Bad Request
BadRequestException.ThrowIfNull(user, "Please provide user");
//For 404 Not Found
NotFoundException.ThrowIfNull(user, "Please provide user");
//For 500 Internal Server Error
InternalServerErrorException.ThrowIfNull(user, "Please provide user");

bool userUnauthorized = false;
//For 401 Unauthorized
UnauthorizedException.ThrowIf(userUnauthorized, "User is unauthorized");
//For 500 Internal Server Error
InternalServerErrorException.ThrowIf(userUnauthorized, "User is unauthorized");

These examples show how to use the ThrowIfNullOrNegative, ThrowIfNullOrWhiteSpace, ThrowIfNullOrEmpty and ThrowIfNull helper methods from BadRequestException, InternalServerErrorException and NotFoundException. Adjust the object names and values according to your specific application needs.


  • Error Message Formatting: It's recommended to use snake_case for error messages to aid frontend applications in implementing localization.


  • This package is specifically tailored for .NET 8 and above.


Pandatech.ResponseCrafter is licensed under the MIT License.


Standard response DTOs and ExceptionHandler with custom exceptions







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